Help Net tv card

There are 13 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 430 times. The last Post () by gatuno.

  • Good afternoon friends really need help

    I want to share my card for the tv net with a ubuntu server but I am not quite understand the configurations I saw a server from a friend of mine and he even has a screen registering his loved ones as I do please help me

  • Friend the card reader I use the card Omilkay and orange net carrier gets my family with a unit from the carrier that will own a small plaque that connects the cable data network, the display tool is where I determine access it menbro each of my family.

  • Friend master G operator which provides for min tv here in Brazil is the Net Virtua

    - - - Updated - - -

    Amigo mestre G se eu te passar um server para vc se conectar via winscp o senhor consegue me ajudar a montar o meu ? este server e da forma que tem que ser mas como estou sem informaçoes deste tipo de servidor nao consigo fazer

  • good afternoon friend master g let her think I do not know where this file but if u show me the folders it is located I can access the server from my friend, this server my friend he paid for an analyst to do it so he does not know what it is but we have the root password for it if you'd pass you access podesse message in the dyn dns root password and can not access but if I understand you.

  • #
    # main configuration

    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1

    # logging

    logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
    usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
    cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

    # monitor

    port = 988
    aulow = 120
    monlevel = 1

    # web interface

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = myusername
    httppwd = mypassword
    httpallowed =,,::1

    # anti-cascading

    enabled = 1
    numusers = 1
    sampletime = 2
    samples = 5
    penalty = 1
    aclogfile = /var/log/oscam/aclog.log
    denysamples = 9

    # protocols

    key = 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D
    port = 10000@0100:FFFFFF;10001@0200:FFF000,FFFF00;10002@0300:FFFFFF

    port = 20000
    user = user1
    allowed =

    port = 30000@0100:FFFFFF;30001@0200:FFF000,FFFF00;30002@0300:FFFFFF

    port = 40000
    version = 1.2.3
    build = 1234
    reshare = 2

    hostname =
    port = 50000
    password = password1

    device = user2@/dev/ttyS0?delay=1&timeout=300;user3@,2006?delay=1&timeout=5000

    enabled = 1
    user = user1

    • Official Post

    Backup the oscam.conf, oscam.server and oscam.user files.

    Follow this guide => Tutorial - Ubuntu Server 11.10, 12.xx, 13.04 x32/x64 - Auto Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install

    Everything you need to control the server is here => Usefull Ubuntu OScam CCcam Commands

    If you have any questions just ask,, Let us know how you get on.

  • Good evening Master let her I had already done this step by step so I registered here in the forum, I managed to install and access oscam / cccam web page, but I think I need a txt file binary code of the card and that I not have any idea how to get there is also another doubt if this script works correctly on Ubuntu Server 14.04.1 LTS version is also another doubt dyndns or no-ip no more use to fill the bag you much as I can do and panel

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    Ha I almost forgot I place a copy of the file in pasrta which I informed you that right and then I copy it and where do I copy before or after running the script I'm testing on a Dell notebook that I do not have a problem with this type of machine

    - - - Updated - - -

    Good afternoon I've done the above walkthrough now like to know how do I do to add a card on my new server.

  • Good afternoon I'm lost already did this step by step todinho but not yet entered my head as I add a card I just connect it in the bed that will work?

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