Card Sharing

There are 21 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,475 times. The last Post () by mckee25.

  • Hi guys
    It's just me again lol. I've got my card working can share it with other boxes in the house. But now I'm looking to share it with my daughter who is in university. I've got the F lines and C lines all sorted. Just stuck on the port forwarding I have set it to Secure Shell Server (SSH) i have put the device as tmnano the c line works alright in my house but when I give the daughter it it is saying offline. There are no restrictions placed on the c line. Is there settings that I have to change in the box as well as the router or is it just an issue with BT home hub 5 crapy router lol.

  • The c line that you have sent your daughter..... it has your dns addy in it instead of the ip address of your server??? also is the port that you are using to share open in the router ok?? you can check this here:

    BT homehub 5 is fine for sharing bud, one of the easiest I have ever setup tbh...

    I have attached a guide for you on how to configure it for sharing...

  • You'll have to open up your port that you use for cccam connections
    ie: c: 12000 user pass
    This port will have to be opened in your router to receive connections outside your network.
    The protocol i use within the router is "both" ( i have an option to use udp or tcp or both)
    You then can check if your port is opened by looking at


    and enter your opened port.
    Some routers will need to be rebooted before the ports open.

  • Protocol = any

    Port range = 12000-12000

    Translate to = 12000-12000

    Please don't use 12000, every hacker knows this one.... I have only used it as an example.


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  • Yeah I have tried 12000 and checked it with this it wasn't able to see the port. I have even got the firewall switched off on the router hackers will love me lol. Still not finding it. The dynamic dns is connected successfully is there anything that needs to be changed on the box or in the cccam.cfg.Whenever the server is set-up through the router I can find it on port 22 the box was only set-up for watching tv and not for sharing and i'm wondering is that the issue.

  • In the port forwarding settings in the BT hub, the port you open has to be assigned to the device where your server is running....

    The box only being setup as a client (just for watching tv) is not the problem bud.... if the port is not open in your router and not assigned to the device where the server is running nothing will be able to connect to it...

    The c line in the client box if being used out side of your home net work should look something like this...

    C: yourdnsaddy 12345 username password


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  • If you can wait until i get home from work i'll go through it with you with pictures. Mine is only the HH4 but the setup should be the same. I will also show you how to assign a different listening port to cccam.


  • Yeah I have tried 12000 and checked it with this it wasn't able to see the port. I have even got the firewall switched off on the router hackers will love me lol. Still not finding it. The dynamic dns is connected successfully is there anything that needs to be changed on the box or in the cccam.cfg.Whenever the server is set-up through the router I can find it on port 22 the box was only set-up for watching tv and not for sharing and i'm wondering is that the issue.

    I cant see any ports open on mine same hub as you so dont worry about that just make sure you forward to the correct device ip or mac address , in home network devices if you see the device clic on it and make the hub always use that ip address for the device although the hubs tend to do that anyway

  • hi guys
    everything’s working except the c line on the box i can see the clients in the server but there is no active clients this is the way i configured the f and c lines
    C: host 12000 bigdes bigdes1234
    C: host 12000 medcc medcc1234
    F: bigdes bigdes1234 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 } { } { }
    F: medcc medcc1234 2 1 0 { 0:0:2 }

    I can connect in my own network using the ip address but can't connect outside my network. When i type in displaymyhostname it is coming up as my host name as This is not any of my registered hostnames . (Note : the f lines , c lines and the hostname on this post are for illustrations purposes only) :77:

  • Thats not so wise giving out your bt internet details and ip address this is not your host if you dont have a dns set up test with just your ip address outside your network and loop back to you the cline will be C: ipaddress port user pass

  • hi guys
    everything’s working except the c line on the box i can see the clients in the server but there is no active clients

    If you can see the clients in the server then this means they are connected...... they will only show as active if they are clearing a share from you....

    I take it in your cccam cfg file on the box running the server you only have the F lines in it? and the c lines are in the boxes you want to connect to your server with??


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  • Have you assigned a different port in CCCam

    To do this add this line to your cccam.cfg


    The numbers in red are to be set to what ever port you use. What ever port you use then needs to be open on your router.

    The following is for a HH4 although the HH5 should be the same or very similar

    in the router you need to go in to "advanced", then "firewall"

    Click on "manage games and applications"

    Click on "add new game or application"

    Click "No" on Copy an existing game/application

    Give the defined port a name in "Game/application name:" Something like ccc or what ever takes your fancy.

    Protocol to be set as TCP

    Enter your port number in all four boxes for port range and Translate to.

    Click on "Add "the click on "apply" after the screen refreshes.

    You then need to go back to "Port Forwarding" in the main menu

    In "Game or Application " scroll down until you see the name you gave the defined port.

    On "device" scroll down until you see "User Defined IP address"

    The screen will refresh and you will then see "Device IP Address:"

    Enter the network IP address of the box which is acting as the server.

    This will then show in port forwarding and the port should be open.

    Make sure the box working as the server is set to a static IP address in the boxes network setting.

    Hope this helps.


  • Server is now showing clients in it but no active clients when I put the c line in a box up stairs it's saying the c line is online but there are no active channels. I don't understand why it is saying on the server there are no active clients and the box is saying online. :06:

  • Went into the box/ Oscam inof it is shows error forbidden and doesn't show any logs I have changed the Oscam server to add this ' protocol = pcsc device = 0' but i'm just wondering is it meant to be added like protocol = pcsc
    device = 0

  • It might have helped if you had actually stated you were using OSCam. I was assuming that when you were talking about C & F lines that you were using CCCam.

    I would suggest you put your oscam configs on here with the things like port numbers and dns/ip addresses changed.

    If we can see your config files you might find the issue is sorted out quite quickly.

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