CCcam entitlements show no CA

There are 12 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,322 times. The last Post () by nano.

  • Am using CCcam 2.3.0 on DM800se v2 clone with a Conax card but when I visit webif on entitlements page am told No ca or ca is unknown

    SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci1 3400000

    am using upper Ca slot

    Could it be that CA slot for my DM not working?

    The box has history of "No CA found" on LCD display but as I flashed of another image the error disappeared,Could it be that this error destroys my ca slot?

    Your help guys will be appreciated

  • You have CCcam configured for the lower card reader, change to this (0 is upper slot, 1 is lower slot):

    SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci[COLOR='#FF0000']0[/COLOR] 3400000

    Dreambox NO CA FOUND Repair Tool

    Thanks m8 on the issue of upper slot and lower slot

    Further clarification are needed here
    I have DM800se v2 sim2.2 ssl88a so the tool above may not help
    I read in other forum the latest release is v3 with DM800SE SSL#84d repair support and not sim2.2

    Note: The error is no more there after I flashed a new image, could the effect still be there? making a box not to detect ca

    How about the smart card frequency for Conax cards is 3.4Mhz ok?

    Edited once, last by njunwa1 ().

  • It depends on what card it is. Generally you can run a Conax card at a faster speed than what you have set.

  • It depends on what card it is. Generally you can run a Conax card at a faster speed than what you have set.

    Even after changing card slot DM cannot detect my card

  • What card is it ?????

    How can you expect to get help if you cannot state what provider it is. Certain Conax cards don't work with CCCam. Certain Conax cards are paired meaning you need the RSAKey and Boxkey to get the card to clear.

    If you cant provide the information how are we supposed to help you???? I might aswell just close the thread as without that info its pointless continuing it.

  • What card is it ?????

    How can you expect to get help if you cannot state what provider it is. Certain Conax cards don't work with CCCam. Certain Conax cards are paired meaning you need the RSAKey and Boxkey to get the card to clear.

    If you cant provide the information how are we supposed to help you???? I might aswell just close the thread as without that info its pointless continuing it.

    Its "StarSat" provider and the card(CAID 0B00) is paired to receiver, probably may need RSA and BK
    But I thought on the entitlements page I could get some helpful info to get me started

    - - - Updated - - -

    does no ca found on screen

    relate to cam reader

    thought it was flash

    Problem of no ca found is arleady solved sir
    But was thinking its can be the cause thats why I asked

    Edited once, last by njunwa1 ().

  • Sounds familiar to another post.

    I think its CAS7 encoded requiring Boxkey and RSAKey. You could try PMing Spora to see if he figured it out. As i have said before many times this is mostly a European forum. When we get asked questions regarding providers outside our viewing area its mostly guesswork as not many people here will have any experience with your card.


  • I was able to get it read with Oscam atleast Am now confident that the DM ca slot is fulll functional ever since Oscam say card is detected

    2014/11/28 19:54:12 5F6A30 r *SAT [internal] ATR: 3B 34 94 00 30 42 30 30
    2014/11/28 19:54:12 5F6A30 r *SAT [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=9, F=512, D=8, N=0
    2014/11/28 19:54:12 5F6A30 r *SAT [internal] Calculated work ETU is 12.80 us reader mhz = 500
    2014/11/28 19:54:12 5F6A30 r *SAT [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
    2014/11/28 19:54:15 5F6A30 r *SAT [internal] found card system emu
    2014/11/28 19:54:15 5F6A30 r *SAT [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
    2014/11/28 19:54:16 0 s init for all local cards done

    This Card may not need RSA and BK just looking at the Configuration files of other conax providers like TNT,Wilhelm.Tel and Imagin all these are CAID 0B00
    I was able to contact the guy who has same card posted in the above link but he is not ready to help neither does he respond

    But one think shocks me why Card system detected is emu

    *SAT [internal] found card system emu
  • Just because its a 0B00 based card doesn't mean it doesn't have CAS7 pairing.

    Digitalb is Conax CAS7 hardware paired, NC+ is Conax Cas7 paired. Both use 0B00 Caids. If OSCam doesn't require the RSAKey or Boxkey then you should see a picture. If you don't you know why.


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