Tring have stopped broadcasting 3pm games

There are 41 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 5,494 times. The last Post () by ppdon.

  • Tring cleared for me today for sport 1,2,3 & 4.Made a point of checking it after last week,i must be one of the lucky one's!!!

    Wish I could say the same for me m8 I was gutted when the screen went black.
    McKee could you pm me the name of your supplier I,m cling on to the fact he told me at 4:50 after eventually getting through to him on the phone that he would request the tring plus update be sent again to my card.




    Currently using VU+ Duo, VU+ Uno & DM800 all original don't do clones!

  • I've just gone back to my supplier to ask what's going on.

    I did see this though in a listing:

    "NEWS Re-Scan The Transponder Tring sports 2,3 and 4 are here now.

    Same Transponder, Same Frequency 11283 V 27500"

    Obviously a bit late for yesterday's games, but would a channel scan help?

  • Tring Sport 2,3 and 4 have been around for a bit now mate...

    Available in all good bouquets..

    Wouldnt have anything to do with it...

  • Posted on another forum,

    First of all you all need to know what's going on here and understand who’s behind your loss of Tring viewing. However in Vandrlei’s case after constant moaning you say we returned your money anyway. So stop your moaning now and stop giving crap advice. In future buy from all the rogues out there selling 3 and 6 month Tring cards as 12 month Tring cards.

    Tring and the EPL are stopping cards from opening 3pm Saturday and 4pm Sunday games, not Marconi. Tring have had all our money that we Marconi Digital have paid in full and we intend to have all of them in Court to answer for all the trouble they have caused, by way of serving writs.

    We seem to be the only ones with the guts and money to take on the likes of the EPL and we do not hide behind fake names either like this Vanderlei, who by the way is a complete liar and never threatened me in Gibraltar or anywhere for that matter. The last one who tried to, received what they deserved. So this Vanderlei who is so scarred of losing a couple of channels for a couple of weeks, instead of waiting to see what happens with the Tring broadcasts, is a liar and coward. Send me your name and address if you would like me to follow up slanderous and defamatory remarks. If not, keep quite and shut up. It wouldn’t surprise me if you turned out to be a pub, which by showing Tring have caused all these problems for domestic clients.

    Be sure we have sold these cards for years with very few problems. Raids by the EPL and MPS have all been designed to prevent you all watching this broadcaster. We fight for all of you and the thanks we get is to have our good name abused and rubbished by individuals who have paid a few hundred pounds for a cheap card in order to receive EPL football on the cheap.

    The fact is we sell to thousands and thousands of happy clients around the world and many have been with us for years and years. We do not intend having Tring, The EPL or MPS prevent us from selling these cards or any other cards now or in the future. We do not intend having the City of London police prevent us selling them either, and because we took this stance for our own and your benefit, all these so called authorities have done all they can to interrupt your viewing.

    You may also wish to consider we are the largest independent seller of cards in Europe and its little wonder it turns out many of these Tring cards were bought from Marconi.

    We have paid all the money to Tring, we have made little profit on the sale of these cards but the way individuals on this forum are talking, you would think we had tried to take all your money from you on some sort of scam. Even “Darkman” told you all it’s not our fault, but yet a few wish to continue to slander our name.

    Do you not see by bickering and arguing about what is right and wrong blaming us (who have no control over the broadcaster), you are playing right into the hands of the people who have done this to you all along with us and at a time when it would receive maximum effect. We fully intend to help clients who have not received their full subscription purchased. That means we will offer help and probably a mass litigation. This does not mean we are going to wave a magic wand and have 3pm Saturdays and 4pm Sunday’s back, it does not mean we are going to return money that we clearly have paid to the broadcasters in full and in good faith. It means we all need to stick together and quantify the damage done to us all.

    If you truly want the EPL and broadcasters to stop doing this to you now and in the future, you may all like to take note, that this is not a new tactic, its been done year after year to both commercial and domestic clients alike. If the EPL put pressure on the broadcasters like Tring and in past years broadcasters like ART, Showtime, Greek Nova, Digitalb and now Tring, the more experienced members will know what I’m talking about.

    Because of past interference of your consumer rights and because of past interference of our commercial rights, we always put on the bottom of all our ads:
    All programmes broadcast are subject to the broadcasters own terms and conditions available on their own websites. Marconidigital or Sharplcd45 shall not be held responsible for any broadcast changes. We are committed to giving 100% customer satisfaction second to none.
    In other words apart from pretending to know what is being shown when and where, we only state what the broadcaster states and shows. If you all look on the EPL website it clearly states that Tring are their international partner for Albania here: Link censored, click here to view our rules

    We gave clients advice last week, saying if there were no Tring 3pm Saturday games and 4pm Sunday games this weekend, then our advice and (direct from the legal teams that we paid another £10,000 last week), is to wait until after the Strasbourg verdict next Tuesday. Regardless of what some might believe and regardless of Tring Albania being not part of Europe, it will be very, very relevant to what we all do next.

    Albanian signed a free trade agreement with Europe in November 2010 and is all ready operating as a free trade E.U member state after signing this EFTA agreement. English law is complicated and the Strasbourg verdict will be the deciding factor on what advice we give and what we the Company decide to do, by way of legal action. Even The City of London Police has told us this over Tring cards.

    Yes you all have consumer rights, but let me also assure you all that after a recent Court case we attended in the UK, the UK Courts decided a discontented *** Italy client had no argument with Marconi after their Italy cards were switched off, after *** Italy were flashing up card serial numbers on the TV screen. G4 Securities were collecting these numbers and passing them back for Italy to switch off ay source. We helped with many clients on these cards but so abusive was this client, it ended up in Court. The Judge said the argument was with the broadcaster and we had nothing to answer for.
    So all of you please just wait until after this coming weeks result in Strasbourg and then we can help over Tring cards. We do not intend giving advice now, when clearly that advice may turn out to be wrong and you all end up incriminating yourselves after the verdict next week. We want to sell cards to you all of you now, and long into the future. We want all our clients to be happy and we want all of you to be able to have freedom of choice.

    We most have thousands and thousands of clients who have been using us for years and years on this forum alone, and so if any of you see this, then please let the mindless few trying to blame us on this site know the truth on how you have been watching sport via Marconi for years, without problems.

    Let me assure you all, our card numbers are not on any hard drives as the City of London police know along with MPS and the EPL. So the interference of your viewing is not originating from us. This only leaves the broadcaster and the EPL, working together trying to stop you watching, what you and Marconi has paid for in full.

    The few clients that have been watching 3pm games today and the last few weeks without interruptions (including many of our clients) have obviously slipped through the net they are using, in order to find UK clients.

    When we have news, we will let all our clients know, and will no doubt be answering the thousands of emails direct on what to do next. Finally we are not about to have all our Tring clients left without football. Unfortunately you all have to wait until next week. In our case we have been biting the bullet and paying out thousands and thousands in legal fees for close to five years, to have this EPL fantasy law clarified.

    Let’s all just stick together on this subject please and when we can finally tell the above Companies what their doing is illegally, with the European Courts behind us this time; we will do so. Damages can be sought up to six years after the event, and believe me, we have many points and episodes along with this latest Tring episode to have the Courts consider.

    Kind Regards
    Marconi Digital

  • Email from marconi,

    Dear valued client
    This is a standard email going out to all our Tring card holders. Please note; last weekend was just the latest episode where 3pm Saturday games and 4pm Sunday live EPL games were not available from Tring.
    We send our sincere apologies on behalf of Marconi, but yet again we believe your viewing was interrupted by third party interference. Let me assure you all, that every single Tring card was the same from whoever it was purchased and Tring TV were unable to receive the broadcast from the EPL.
    We would like to believe the broadcaster who says this was a technical fault, however we have serious doubts this was the case. Having said this, you can all see from the forums, it was in fact every single card from Tring that did not show the above games, and nothing to do with your individual cards.
    Having called the legal teams today, they suggest we all wait and see what happens this coming weekend, giving Tring the chance to put things back to normal, if there really was a tech issue. If after next weekend there are still key games missing, we shall all be in a much better situation to see what can be done legally.
    We say this; because before the third weekend of missed viewing comes around, the long awaited verdict will be in from Strasbourg. The date of this verdict is due the 4th October 2011 and we still fully expect the verdict to go in our favour.
    The lawyers say it is now so close in arriving, it would be silly to attempt anything against the broadcaster or the EPL until that verdict is in and clear to all. At this point we will know exactly what to say and to whom, and our clients without fear of incriminating themselfs. We may also be able to help with mass litigation on behalf of all of you, should you request it.
    Having recently been through a UK County Court case very similar to this latest Tring problem with *** Italy switch offs last year, we were told (meaning Marconi and our client by the UK Courts), that the route to take by our client is directly with the broadcaster or the EPL. The client lost the case against us, because we proved for the avoidance of doubt, that in this case *** Italy received all the money up front and for the full 12 months, just like Tring have done.
    Some are saying this is a trading standards issue, however it would be wise to wait and see who is a fault first. Trading standards are working very closely with MPS in some cases and until there is specific case law to show them our view is to wait the 8 days before a decision is made.
    The simple fact is. at the moment, most of you are very unlikely to want to attempt a private prosecution against the broadcaster or the EPL (depending on who has interfered with your viewing). As above; we believe this will be a lot clearer and easier to find out, after the verdict is given. Also as above trading standards will only look at case law, and the UK Courts say the end user, must go direct to the broadcaster.
    In the mean time, please remember we are all on the same side here and no one from Marconi or our clients wants or needs lost viewing. We have all paid for this service and we fully intend to receive it now and in the future. The only way to achieve this is to work closely with each other and collect information for writs we intend to serve.
    If any of you have letters or information from the following: MPS, G4S Securities, Greek Nova, Tring, *** Italy claiming to be broadcasting authorities demanding you take out equipment, or even demanding you let them see equipment, then let us know ASAP.

  • According to another football forum they had tranmission problems on the sports channels, so the brodcasted the matched on other channels such as vh1 did anyone notice this.




    Currently using VU+ Duo, VU+ Uno & DM800 all original don't do clones!

  • According to another football forum they had tranmission problems on the sports channels, so the brodcasted the matched on other channels such as vh1 did anyone notice this.


    Seen this reported at 3:05 on the saturday..

    Checked at 4:10 and all the channels were blank, epg data was available, signal was down but not one Tring channel cleared...

  • Seen this reported at 3:05 on the saturday..

    Checked at 4:10 and all the channels were blank, epg data was available, signal was down but not one Tring channel cleared...

    Did not attemp to view tring myself but i think if the signal was down the chances are it was a transmission problem epecially with the reports of it appearing on vh1 ect.

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