New Guy needs help

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 209 times. The last Post () by cazuela.

  • Hi
    I have Amiko Alien 2 and Enigma 2.
    I am totally new to cardsharing and I have learned a wee bit.

    I got a 24 test line with CCcam.cfg and placed it in var/keys folder and no joy.
    I have since downloaded DCC and have tried to use the n: line also provided and there is so many versions on how to add this oscam.server.
    I am at a total lose any help would be great.

    I am in and out of my computer so I am not be able to reply to any questions straight away.


  • .I think that it´s time you read and respect the site rules buddy..
    After that you will realise why you won´t get any support with "testlines" so
    Go and get yourself a subscription card that is shareable if that´s what your main aim is...
    as you say you have an e2 box you can then use that as a server to serve to the amiko client only box.
    You haven´t mentioned which e2 box nor image, version you are using...
    Lines go into CCcam.cfig as you state,but this goes into /etc folder not usr/keys
    You will then get all the support/help/guidance you need, which incidentally is already on the site..

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