j-tag dm500s connection ok but not flashing

  • hi guys any body know, I did the j-tag to dm500s, connections are ok, tuner shows ALPs, so when I click on 2alps then this screen shows & there is no progress starting like from 1%.........100%, just shows FLASH ERASE DONE at last.

    so is there any body know, what I am missing in this j-tag process.

    hopefully waiting for your reply


    UPDATE : the below shows in CMD

    C:\Documents and Settings\Themist8\Desktop\Jtagdm500AIO>jtagdm500 -m dm500 -e 00
    Dreambox Dm500 board initialize
    Flash info. : INTEL Unknown
    [dm500] reading CA:ca 00 01 06 20 21 46 00 09 34 20 21 78 06 04 ff
    [CA] 6th mac addr byte is not redunderant, fixing it
    Readed Config Area
    Configuration Area
    Mac Address: 00:09:34:20:21:46
    Redunderant Mac Address: 20:21:46
    Tuner Type alps
    Mac Address Change Requested

    Commit Config Area
    Configuration Area
    Mac Address: 00:09:34:01:a4:3f
    Redunderant Mac Address: 01:a4:3f
    Tuner Type alps
    Erase Flash done

    - - - Updated - - -

    any body help me , what I have to do to flash boot loader in this dm500s


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