ABM: Excel file to help make customised bouquets

    • Official Post

    I am attaching an axcel file to help those who want to make favourites.xml and maybe other files too. (You'd need to be using the ABM from Hades 012 or newer)

    There are three columns to edit.
    Column A = The channel number you want to modify/add/use to in your list. (Target)
    Column B = The offical channel number you want to use. (Source)
    Column C= The provider from which you want to import from.

    One column to USE:
    You can then copy column E into a linux compatible editor to make your file. I have used a favourites.xml layout, amend for your sections and anything else you may want. You will need to edit for custom mix.

    Column D: This is for information only. It describes the channel name based on the current numbers. The numbers and chanenls to which they correspond will need to be edited as and when changes occur.

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