i want to use oscam on its own

There are 19 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,085 times. The last Post () by musogeek.

  • can some1 tell me how to do it im useing oscam

    Unix starttime: 1322164008
    Starttime: 24.11.11 19:46:48
    Version: 1.00-unstable_svn Rev. 5350
    Max PID: unlimited

    with cccam 213 but i want to keep my cccam peers im useing db500hd with nemisis

    these are miy files

    logfile = oscam
    clienttimeout = 3750
    fallbacktimeout = 1500
    cachedelay = 120
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 20
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1

    port = 12000
    version = 2.2.1

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    boxtype = dreambox
    user =
    request_mode = 0

    httpport = 16002
    #httpuser =
    #httppwd =
    httprefresh = 10
    httpallowed =,192.168..-

    label = freesat
    enable = 1
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    detect = cd
    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    ecmcache = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    ccckeepalive = 1

    user =
    pwd =
    group = 1
    au = freesat
    cccmaxhops = 1
    cccreshare = 1
    numusers = 1
    penalty = 1

    i want to use oscam and get rid of cccam as i said my files are ere what am i doing wrong thanks

    • Official Post

    Dvapi needs a user = then match the same details in oscam.user account.

    Create F lines in oscam.user as a new account and C lines in oscam.server as a new reader.

    You can install the ipk or FTP the files from the attached config.

    How to : Oscam Server or Cardreader with CCcam2.1.3 S*Y UK IPK

  • thanks for your help but i seem to have it working but im getting alot of frezzing plus i have to restart oscam6020 im useing a white sly card these are my configs with help from a friend can it be inproved i cannot access the web page and is there a plugin for db500hd image nemsis 2.4

    usrfile = /media/usb/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
    logfile = /media/usb/log/oscam/oscam.log
    cwlogdir = /media/usb/log/oscam/cw
    emmlogdir = /media/usb/log/oscam/emm.log
    clientmaxidle = 300
    nice = -1
    maxlogsize = 1000
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1

    port = 988
    nocrypt =,192.168.x.x-
    aulow = 60
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 4
    appendchaninfo = 1

    port = 12000

    port = 12000
    reshare = 1
    ignorereshare = 1
    forward_origin_card = 1
    version = 2.2.1
    stealth = 1
    nodeid =
    reshare_mode = 1

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    boxtype = dreambox
    user = admin

    httpport = 16001
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httprefresh = 15
    httpallowed =,192.168.x.x-

    # dvbapi configuration
    # format:
    # priority:
    # P: CAID[:][provider ID][:][service ID][:][ECM PID] [continue]
    # ignore:
    # I: CAID[:][provider ID][:][service ID][:][ECM PID]
    # wait:
    # D: CAID[:][provider ID][:][service ID][:][ECM PID] delay
    # map:
    # M: CAID[:][provider ID][:][service ID][:][ECM PID] target CAID[:][target provider ID]
    # lenght:
    # L: CAID[:][provider ID][:][service ID][:][ECM PID] length

    P: 0963:000000 1 # prioritise CAID 0100 with provider 123456

    #P: :000000 # prioritise ECM with provider ID 1234 on
    # on any CAID and service

    #P: 0100 # prioritise CAID 0200

    #P: 0300::9ABC # prioritise CAID 0300 on service 9ABC only

    #M: 0400 0500:123456 # map CAID 0400 to provider ID 123456 with
    # CAID 0500

    #D: 0600 200 # wait 200 ms before writing CW for CAID 0600

    #I: :654321 # ignore provider ID 654321 for every CAID and
    # service

    #I: 0 # ignore every CAID that was not handled before

    #L: 0700 8e # ECM length for CAID 0700 to 8e (hexadecimal)

    label = slot0
    description = Freesat
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    services = ***_uk
    showcls = 0
    caid = 0963
    detect = cd
    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,15
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    lb_weight = 101

    user = admin
    pwd = admin
    group = 1
    hostname =
    au = slot0

    im not sure what is wrong do i need the provider file the tiers and services the srv i thought all i needed was oscam config/server/user or is there a more stable oscam ie a later 1 thanks. also i forgot this monitor]
    port = 988
    nocrypt =,192.168.x.x- should this port be 16001 and is that ip addy

    • Official Post

    There are a few problems with your configs, lets start in oscam.conf.

    You have 2 protocols active using the same port, use one or the other or give them differant ports.

    port = 12000
    port = 12000

    You were saying you cannot access the web page, try adding below to [webif] instead of what you have.

    httpallowed = -

    In oscam.server you have the smartcard clock frequency set twice, remove this as oscam will set the best frequency for the card by itself.

    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357

    When you can get access to webinfo look out for any errors that may help us eliminate any other problems.

  • so can i do away with this [cccam]
    port = 12000 and just use the cs line would that be better i can now ascces the web page there is afaw faults
    also are you saying delete this mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357 or just put #at the beging to stop it reading. allso is there a plugin foe db500hd i will post log later when i change things thanks.

    • Official Post

    so can i do away with this [cccam]

    You can remove [cccam] if you are happy using [cs357x] protocol.


    also are you saying delete this mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357 or just put #at the beging to stop it reading

    You can delete both or # infront, both are not needed as oscam sets the best frequency for the card.

    Glass System Utility plugin has an oscam monitor.

  • well i dont know what im doing wrong but i dont seem to be able to put then in. im puy then in my tmp folder then uesing blue button to install is there a command. thay are nemsis downloads but thay dont install thanks'

    ps oscam seems better now bout i cannot get log file it says none there.

  • well im still haveing problems installing gsu when i telnet that command it says cannot unable to down grade because 1.18 installed ive been all thry the files i use flashfxp which ive always use so can you pint me where to look ivbeen in my plugins nothing there but could it be a lib file. oscam webinfo ive seen the log at the bottom but can you clear something up for me when i look st status main page my shaerers looking at it that
    type i suppose me r and the rest have P then there line (label) au me active and the Ps on.in the CAID:SRVID thay all have 0 then it as LB Value/ Reader that says no data and in the status bit whos connected and how many cards thay have. but when i look in users all my shaerers it says offline but im connected. and in the readers it shows me that thay are useing cccam and what vrns number it then shows ECMs OK thay have what im getting i think put me right please then theres ECMs NOK that give me numbers aswell ive tryed to explain it best i can all my channels clear and tells me who im connected to if i go to a sly channel it shows me blue crd so i think its ok like i said explained it best i can its just this gsu ive tryed downloading oscam info then a box comes up but i can only make out it wants oscam config or cannot find it im english but the message is not but cannot read it thanks.

  • I have OSCam running purely as a server/client CCCam protocol. When I get a bit more time I will run through some stuff on how it is set up and post some of my configs. I have spent a long time with it and have it set up running fine as can be. As Ten Below pointed out, you really need to take care with OSCam. It is a powerful tool but I am not sure if the sharing concept is there with the developers as things are with CCCam users. There is too much power to the server which makes it hard for others to trust you. You can fake cards, reshare cards that you shouldn't be resharing, and you also need to be aware that even though it has a CCCam protocol, it doesn't work as expected. There are quirks that shouldn't be hard to address, but are! It requires trust between peers, and in using OSCam you need to be prepared to address issues. I think OSCam is very good but there are fundamental flaws that need sorting out!

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • ive been playing with oscam these settings i have no frezzing

    and the web info shows users offline but if i use this

    but if i use this in webinfo users are connected but alot off frezzing how can i inprove it thanks.

  • try using the second settings with CCCam protocol but use this in oscam.conf instead for cccam entry


    port = 12000
    reshare = 1
    version = 2.2.1
    stealth = 1

    I think the forward_origin_card = 1 is the bit that is causing the freezing, as it did in my experience.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • master G

    Set the Label from UK OSCam to Videoguard2 Cards OSCam

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