Help. Help, Help! Debian server with Oscam and CCcam

There are 34 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 6,721 times. The last Post () by master G.

  • Hello, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am needing some help in getting a server runnning,

    I currently have Debian 6 installed on a dedicated machine, and have used the auto-install script(Automated Oscam/CCcam 2.1.3 Install Package For Debian 6) to install the required files etc

    I have installed an old card reader that I used to use in the cable scene a few years back, its a USB infinity, This has installed ok and is now in phoenix mode (3.68)

    My problem is no matter how many times i have tried I can not get my card reader to share the card from Oscam, its a white uk card. I have now re-installed the system back to default settings and then ran the auto script again, so everything is at square one, I have already installed the usb infinity card reader.

    I should point out that the card reader does see the card, but currently Oscam is saying status : NEED INIT (no entitlements)

    I have included the config files below, they have not been touched other than adding my reader to oscam.server


    # oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #6059
    # Read more:…/doc/txt/oscam.server.txt

    label = ***UK
    protocol = mouse
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    group = 1
    caid = 0963


    nice =
    WaitForCards =
    preferlocalcards =
    ClientTimeout =
    CacheDelay =
    saveinithistory =
    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httpallowed =,
    # protocols
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10002@1234:5


    user = test1
    pwd = test2
    group = 1

    I currently have CCCam.Cfg in /Emu/CCcam/

    WEBINFO PASSWORD :dreambox
    OSD USERNAME :root
    OSD PASSWORD :dreambox
    OSD PORT :80
    SHOW TIMING : yes
    DEBUG : no
    NEWCAMD CONF : yes
    #DISABLE EMM : yes
    #EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes
    MINI OSD : no
    CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
    PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
    CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
    LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
    SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
    AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
    #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/
    #BOXKEY: /dev/sci0
    #SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 6800000

    N: 10000 test1 test2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

    I really hope someone can help me get started, i feel so close, yet so far lol

    • Official Post

    The port you have set for the nline does not match what you have in your CCcam.cfg

    I presume port = 10002@1234:5 is actually 10002@0963:000000
    If not you need to change this too.

  • Ok changed the port although if i goto my server and look at the web config for Oscam it still reads needs Init (no entitlements)

    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc/oscam.srvid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no service-id's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s 37 tier-id's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s 1000 provid's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) i***** guessing not loaded
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s monitor: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s camd35: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s cs378x: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=10000, ip=, crypted)
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s -> CAID: 1234 PROVID: 000005
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s pandora: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s radegast: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s http thread started
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s reader check thread started
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s check thread started
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 0 s waiting for local card init
    2011/12/17 21:05:56 A0640B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
    2011/12/17 21:05:59 A0628B8 r reader ***uk initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2011/12/17 21:05:59 0 ***uk card detected
    2011/12/17 21:06:04 A0628B8 r ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0F 33 B0 0F 68 (left some of ATR off)

  • New log from Oscam
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s max. logsize=10 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc/oscam.srvid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no service-id's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s 37 tier-id's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s 1000 provid's loaded
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) i***** guessing not loaded
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s monitor: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s camd35: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s cs378x: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=10000, ip=, crypted)
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s -> CAID: 0693 PROVID: 000000
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s pandora: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s radegast: disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s http thread started
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s reader check thread started
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s check thread started
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 0 s waiting for local card init
    2011/12/17 21:33:07 9FF60B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
    2011/12/17 21:33:09 9FF48B8 r reader ***uk initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2011/12/17 21:33:10 0 ***uk card detected
    2011/12/17 21:33:14 9FF48B8 r ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0E 33 B0 0F 69 FE 4A 50 D0 00 00 53 58 02
    2011/12/17 21:33:16 9FF48B8 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
    2011/12/17 21:33:17 9FF48B8 r card system not supported
    2011/12/17 21:33:17 9FF48B8 r Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
    2011/12/17 21:33:20 9FF48B8 r ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0E 33 B0 0E 69 FE 4A 50 D0 00 00 53 58 02
    2011/12/17 21:33:21 9FF48B8 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
    2011/12/17 21:33:22 9FF48B8 r card system not supported
    2011/12/17 21:33:22 9FF48B8 r card initializing error
    2011/12/17 21:33:23 0 s init for all local cards done
    2011/12/17 21:33:23 0 s anti cascading disabled
    2011/12/17 21:33:23 9FF8588 c client connected to 10000 port
    2011/12/17 21:33:23 9FF8588 c anonymous disconnected from
    2011/12/17 21:33:23 9FF8588 c thread B73ABB70 ended!
    2011/12/17 21:33:26 9FF9D20 c client connected to 10000 port
    2011/12/17 21:33:26 9FF9D20 c encrypted newcamd:10000-client granted (test1, au=off)
    2011/12/17 21:33:26 9FF9D20 c user test1 authenticated successfully (CCcam)
    2011/12/17 21:33:26 9FF9D20 c AU disabled for user test1

  • This is from CCCam

    Server connections: 1
    | Host | Connected | Type | Version| NodeID | Cards | CAID/Idents |
    | |00d 00:02:06|newcamd| | | 1 | |

  • This would happen if your frequency is wrong, or there is an issue with the card or reader. I would think the issue is physical, because it should work at the frequency it is initialising on. If your card is ok in the original box then there might be a problem with the reader. You didn't set a frequency in your reader entry in oscam.server. In mine i add;


    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357

    but I am not sure if this would make a difference because I think it should still work how it is if there wasn't any other issues.

    I had a similar issue with the same resulting log, and it turned out to be a bad card.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Thanks, i have tried that, does it make a difference if the protocol is changed from mouse to newcamd ?

  • Quote

    Thanks, i have tried that, does it make a difference if the protocol is changed from mouse to newcamd ?

    no because you need to use a protocol related to your card reader in oscam and newcamd isn't related to a local reader

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Your card was working today in the original receiver and you are getting a card initializing error, so I don't think you have an entitlement issue. Your card is not being read properly. Can't see anything in your configs and you have tried what we suggested. You said yourself your reader was years old, maybe it is time to get another one:feel_good:

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Thanks for all your help. still not working though,

    lastest oscam log is

    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s 37 tier-id's loaded
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s 1000 provid's loaded
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s can't open file "/usr/local/etc/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) i***** guessing not loaded
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s monitor: disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s camd35: disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s cs378x: disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=4, port=10000, crypted)
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s -> CAID: 0963 PROVID: 000000
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s pandora: disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s Starting listener 0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s radegast: disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s http thread started
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s reader check thread started
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s check thread started
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 0 s waiting for local card init
    2011/12/17 22:38:19 8970FD0 h HTTP Server listening on port 8888
    2011/12/17 22:38:21 896F7D8 r reader ***uk initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
    2011/12/17 22:38:22 0 ***uk card detected
    2011/12/17 22:38:26 896F7D8 r ATR: 83 40 37
    2011/12/17 22:38:26 896F7D8 r ERROR: Could not read reader->convention
    2011/12/17 22:38:26 896F7D8 r Error activating card.
    2011/12/17 22:38:31 896F7D8 r ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0F 32 B0 0E 69 FF 4A 50 D1 00 00 53 59 02
    2011/12/17 22:38:33 896F7D8 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
    2011/12/17 22:38:36 896F7D8 r card system not supported
    2011/12/17 22:38:36 896F7D8 r Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
    2011/12/17 22:38:40 896F7D8 r ATR: 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0E 33 B1 0F 69 FE 4A 50 D0 00 00 53 59 03
    2011/12/17 22:38:41 896F7D8 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 896F7D8 r card system not supported
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 896F7D8 r card initializing error
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 0 s init for all local cards done
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 0 s anti cascading disabled
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 8975848 c client connected to 10000 port
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 8975848 c anonymous disconnected from
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 8975848 c thread B6C9FB70 ended!
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 89740E0 c client connected to 10000 port
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 89740E0 c anonymous disconnected from
    2011/12/17 22:38:42 89740E0 c thread B74E8B70 ended!

    I have not added the boxkey from original box, as I am under the impression that Oscam can read it from the ccard?

  • Entitlements for slyuk

    Cardsystem Valid To IRD ID (nagra) Provider
    unknown n/a FF FF FF FF
    Serial Rom ATR
    0000000000000000 3F FD 13 25 02 50 00 0E 33 B1 0F 69 FE 4A 50 D0 00 00 53 59 03
    Type Caid Provid ID Class Start Date Expire Date Name

  • Your card was working today in the original receiver and you are getting a card initializing error, so I don't think you have an entitlement issue. Your card is not being read properly. Can't see anything in your configs and you have tried what we suggested. You said yourself your reader was years old, maybe it is time to get another one:feel_good:

    Well its funny you say that, i do have a Gem plus twin device, any idea on getting that put to use?

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