Clients disconnected in oscam after 6 seconds

There are 8 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 6,624 times. The last Post () by alinatas.

  • Hello to all

    I have a very strange problem. I have oscam stable 1.10 in an ubuntu machine 10.04 with a local card in a smargo usb reader

    I have about 20 peers but i have problem with 2 of them. For more than a month oscam work fine without freezes.

    All my clients run cccam and i give them nlines or clines

    In the two clients that i have the problem i gave them n lines and the problem is the following

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client x.x.x.x granted (myclient, au=on (1 reader))

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c user myclient authenticated successfully (CCcam)

    2011/12/20 10:10:35 A4B6BB70 c AU enabled for user myclient on reader n***

    2011/12/20 10:10:41 A4B6BB70 c myclient disconnected from x.x.x.x

    These 2 clients have greek ip. Their global networks have no problems .

    The strange is that when i give them clines they work fine

    Please help


  • Post here your oscam.conf and the user account entries in oscam.user - blanking out the sensitive bits of course - without this we couldn't get much idea what might be going on.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • [global]
    serverip = local ip
    logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
    cwlogdir = /tmp/oscam/cw
    clienttimeout = 3000
    fallbacktimeout = 2000
    clientmaxidle = 1200
    cachedelay = 5
    nice = 0
    maxlogsize = 3000
    waitforcards = 0
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    dropdups = 1
    lb_savepath =

    port = 34002
    serverip = local ip
    nocrypt = x.x.x.x
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 4
    appendchaninfo = 1

    port = 34000@0604:000000
    serverip = local ip
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    port = 15000
    reshare = 2
    version = 2.1.4
    nodeid = 6F930C7E10341404
    reshare_mode = 1

    httpport = port
    httpuser = user
    httppwd = pass
    httpallowed =

    enabled = 1
    penalty = 1
    aclogfile = ./oscam_ac.log

    And the oscam.user ( the user that updates my card)

    user = user
    pwd = pass
    group = 1
    uniq = 1
    au = n***
    services = n***cinema_1,n***cinema_2,mega
    caid = 0604
    ident = 0604:000000
    cccmaxhops = 0
    cccreshare = 3
    numusers = 3

    The above user is the only one that i give au option. the other users haven't this option

    For lot of days there was no problem . But in the last 2 months it's the third time that i have this problem

  • first thing I notice is you have


    dropdups =1

    in your oscam.conf, which is good, and you also said that your peer logged on ok with cline. Are these peers logged on to your server already with cline? If they are, then the connection wll drop because of the above flag.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • Hello

    The drop duplicate users option was disabled before 1 hour. I enabled it to see if this was the problem. But no success

    I am giving n lines to my peers and i have 1-2 users that i gave clines

    When i change the n line to c line the client works fine. But it doesn't send updates to my card on ubuntu

    I do not use cccam , i only enabled the cccam option to my oscam.conf but the client does not send updates to the card

    If i can enable someway this option , i will leave the cline to the client.

  • Is there any way to run both oscam and cccam to ubuntu and to have the following options?

    Reader in oscam
    All users without au option in oscam.user
    One user with update option in cccam.cfg

  • So , what is the problem? Do you have any usefull info for me? I heard that n**va blocked some emm updates and maybe the cards do not update correctly.

    I will give a try to a compiled version of oscam that i've found in another forum about this problem and i will inform you

    The strange is that all my peers work fine but only my home client disconnect and reconnect every 6 seconds...

  • So , what is the problem? Do you have any usefull info for me? I heard that n**va blocked some emm updates and maybe the cards do not update correctly.

    I will give a try to a compiled version of oscam that i've found in another forum about this problem and i will inform you

    The strange is that all my peers work fine but only my home client disconnect and reconnect every 6 seconds...

    did you find the solution on this problem.. i got the same strange problem.. after 5pm is starting the disconect game till 11pm. every 5 sec i got conect and next 5 disconect. i assume is becouse the dns servers have much lag, and they delay the ecm.
    but i can not confirm it. i have change dns server and i notice that no channel open during that time.
    possible couse is the isps have a lot of trafic. becouse all the day is working fine.

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