Posts by Ureyesonly

    Step 1 CLI Absinthe Download from here .
    Step 2

    Copy the archive in the folder C: of your computer.
    Step 3

    Unzip the archive and check how many folders you have to go up to get the files in the picture below.

    Step 4
    After you have found in many folders are "hidden" files need to press either button those Windows Start (bottom right taskbar) and then look for Command Prompt program and open it with privileges adminsitrator (you can search the word cmd in the Start window Windows and the program will be displayed). To do this right click on Command Prompt icon and select Run as Admin.
    Step 5

    After you open CMD must navigate to the folder where you have to jailbreak files. To do this enter the command cd .. and press Enter and then enter the command cd .. and should arrive in the C:. Now assuming that you have unzipped the archive downloaded in Step 1 and have included files in 2 folders you must cd cinject_0.4.3 to press Enter, and type cd to cinject_0.4.3 and press Enter again to get to the folder where you cinject .
    exe. If the files are in only one folder then type cd cinject_0.4.3 only once.

    Step 6

    Now that you have reached the folder to be entering commands in the command prompt below. Enter each command, press Enter, wait Absinthe do their job and then enter the second command, press Enter again, etc.. I cinject.exe Payloads / jailbreak.mobileconfig
    cinject.exe-j Payloads

    Step 7

    After entering the last command wait a bit then go to Settings> General> Network and independent enable VPN will reset your terminal and will implement the jailbreak. After rebooting you should have a terminal ready jailbroken.

    How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 4S and Ipad 2 Using CLI WINDOWS

    Unzip and copy the folder cinject_0.4.3 on desktop and then

    1. open CMD.exe
    2. cd to the cinject.exe (e.g : cd C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Desktop\cinject_0.4.3 )
    3. execute the command:
    cinject.exe -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
    4. execute the command:
    cinject.exe -j payloads
    5. execute the command:
    cinject.exe -w
    toggle the VPN switch in settings


    It’s here! The iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 was just released after months of anticipation, and months of hard work by pod2g and the rest of the leaders in the jailbreak community.A huge thanks is owed to the dream team of hackers including pod2g, p0sixninja, MuscleNerd, planetbeing, Saurik, and no-doubt countless others.Take a look inside for more details surrounding this groundbreaking moment…Facts: This is the first jailbreak, untethered or otherwise for the iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4S was released last October, so it took about 3 months for a jailbreak to come to fruition.This is the second jailbreak for the iPad 2. The first was Comex’s Jailbreakme for iOS 4.3.3. It took a bit over 4 months for the first iPad jailbreak to be released, so the iPhone 4S jailbreak was actually released fairly quick.The iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak is compatible with the following:iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0 or 5.0.1As previously noted, there will be three jailbreak tools released that are all capable of jailbreaking the iPhone 4S and iPad 2. They are as follows:Absinthe – A traditional graphical user interface jailbreak tool. Read More.Dev Team CLI – A command line inteface that’s great for troubleshooting. Read More.RedSn0w – The Dev Team’s traditional graphical user inteferface used for jailbreaking. This will be released sometime later after the CLI. Read More.Simply unzip the file, then install on your iOS A5 mobile device with one click of a button! As always MacOSX version is being released first, and Windows and Linux versions will be released shortly after.Download for Mac [Windows and Linux Soon!!]: If you haven’t yet heeded the advice I gave weeks ago – before you take one step further, upgrade your firmware to iOS 5.0.1 NOW! (Unless you need an iPhone4s Unlock) Also, we don’t mean to beat you over the head with this warning, but please remember: you should not update to iOS 5.0.2 when it’s released, or you will lose your jailbreak! Bookmark our GreenPois0n blog now, and be the first to know the next time we advise our jailbreak users to safely update their iOS firmware.As with all our previous GreenPois0n releases, should you run into any bugs in the A5 jailbreak, leave us a comment below or contact us on Twitter (via Chronic Dev Team, GreenPois0n, or directly to “Dream Team” hackers posixninja, pod2g or nikias). Even if we aren’t able to respond to your messages individually, we depend on all users to let us know about any issues you run into so that we can address them & fix the most-reported problems as quickly as possible.

    Dead link removed

    Well can't say I didn't see this coming but yes it's been confirmed that iOS 5.1 beta 3 closes the exploit for the Corona untethered jailbreak. iOS 5.1 is currently in beta, but will be released to the public very soon.If you want an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5, then we recommend that you stay on iOS 5.0.1, or you update to iOS 5.0.1 if you have not already done so. Since iOS 5.1 closes the exploits used in iOS 5.0.1 with the Corona untether, more exploits will need to be found to jailbreak iOS 5.1 untethered. A4 devices will likely have a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1 at least because of the fact that A4 devices have a bootrom exploit. A5 devices on the other hand won't be so lucky. A5 devices also currently have no way to downgrade firmware, so again I emphasize, if you want an untethered jailbreak then get on iOS 5.0.1 while you have the chance!As always make sure that you BACKUP your APticket and SHSH blobs. Even though A5 device users cannot downgrade at this time you should still save them anyways that way when/if a solution to downgrading is found you will be able to downgrade. I would suggest backing them up to YOUR COMPUTER and NOT relying on Cydia to save them for you because you never know what might happen or if Cydia is having server issues and you need to restore your device you won't be able to. So it's best to back them up yourself and use TinyUmbrella or iFaith for restoring.

    I installed a 500gb hard disk and this gave me a problem. It didn't show up in the devices list and so I couldn't mount it.

    I typed :-

    fdisk -l

    This listed the hard disk and reported it had no partition table. Hence the reason the VU+ doesn't see the drive.

    Next I made a partition and formatted it.

    I typed :-

    fdisk /dev/sda

    then I typed :-


    (write new partition table and exit)

    Lastly I typed :-

    mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda

    Once this was completed I restarted the box and now it showed in the devices list. I selected /media/hdd as it's mount point.

    Plus it requires an iPhone 4S authentication keys and you need the iPhone 4S EVERYDAY to create new custom token keys since they expire after 24 hrs.So its not like you can borrow an iPhone 4S create the proxy and forget about it, you would need the device for keys everyday and its useless.

    You would need a top-end server to handle all the requests. Besides, unless it's apples server, it's not really Siri, it'll just be one of the many voice recognition apps.

    @pod2g is now looking for a way to extend this to A5 devices.

    Much as it pains me, after 5 iPhones I might have to call it a day next doesn't look like they'll be JBing A5 devices any time soon :beated:

    Chill out mate, these chaps is working hard & do have life outside jailbreaking, A5 JB will come