Posts by gutosie

    I will try to help

    only have hdd in stb

    is to be in ext4 format

    install new image recommended openpli in flash

    give the label a command through the console in putty or other:

    tune2fs -L hdd /dev/sda1

    reboot completely stb

    reboot -d -f 

    if you still have a USB flash drive, plug it in and usb the formatting option in neoboot Device Manager to ext3 - recommended

    exit from neoboot and comend:

      reboot -f

    after reboot give the label a command through the console in putty or other:

    tune2fs -L usb /dev/sdb1

    restart stb completely:

    reboot -f

    check if you have a label issued with the command:


    now install NeoBoot has hdd or usb

    install in turn, on the remote control (OK) Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes ...

    You can skip UUID - not required

    Good luck

    you must have a neobot in your stb box before update

    upgrade from remote control to version 9.01 available or

    if you can't use the remote control then you can with the command below

    - for openpli and other:

    - vti, blackhole end derivatives :

    if you are installing a new image, try for zegmmeaH7 copying kernel - NO
    I note that NEOBOOT is being tested vuplus STB :)

    as you learn to use neoboto this is a very nice multiboot

    Google translator

    Forgive me but I don't have all tuners

    Tests only on vuultimo4k arm processor

    If it works on other equipment, it is only good to enjoy it

    In my free time I will try to improve the operation and for other models

    you have the old version of the plugin with an error,
    download again from the link, the password is different, see
    NeoBoot Enigma2 Plugin by gutosi

    to return to the flash image give the command or unplug the flash drive usb

    ln -sf "init.sysvinit" "/sbin/init"
    echo "Flash "  > /media/usb/ImageBoot/.neonextboot
    echo "Flash "  > /media/hdd/ImageBoot/.neonextboot
    reboot -f

    unzip file

    and do it like a photo

    /bin/tar -xzvf /tmp/*.tar.gz -C /

    I don't know how to help you, read the description carefully and do the installation process slowly,

    start with openpli,

    do not change anything in the installation options


    you make a mistake while installing

    Google translator:

    NeoBoot installation description

    I decided to describe the correct process of installing neoboot on STB tuners

    ATTENTION!!! This description applies to neo installations in OpenPli image, because this image works best with the NeoBoot project (a)

    Location link and description of how to install

    1. We install the openpli system in our tuner

    2. We update the packages with the command:


    opkg update

    3. We install the curl package with the command:


    opkg install curl

    4.paste the NEO_VIP.tar.gz file to /tmp
    make sure you only have one such file w / tmp
    and install the neoboot project in the system with the command:

    /bin/tar -xzvf /tmp/*.tar.gz -C /

    The above command will automatically install NeoBoot (a), after you need to restart the E2 system.

    5. Plug the USB stick into the USB port

    6. We do a complete restart of the tuner

    7. If we have another disk, we plug it in only now and repeat from point no. 5

    8. We are now checking how our disks are mounted with the command:


    click Enter on the keyboard and check

    under which sd * 1 we have our disks, example:

    / dev / sda1 on / media / hdd type ext4 or fat

    / dev / sdb1 on / media / usb type ext4 or fat

    the mount command returns us what sd * 1 we have our disks under and this is just an example, it can be different for everyone!

    For example, if

    sda1 is mounted to / media / hdd so this is our HDD

    while if

    sdb1 is mounted to / media / usb so this is our PENDRIVE disk

    Sometimes it can be the opposite, i.e. sda1 is usb and sdb1 is hdd. Linux recognizes disks as sd, so if you get to us in / media, e.g. directory called sda1 or sdb1, sdc1 etc. then we will not delete it because they are our disks !!!

    9. Menu> NeoBoot.

    We go to the NeoBoot installation and follow the further description points.

    10. If our USB stick is not suitable for linux system, please format it to ext3 (recommended). We go from under the blue remote control button to Device Manager. and Press the red button on the remote control, "Initialize ext3" or format the disk. We mark our disk and move on according to the initiation instructions. The file system type in ext3 is recommended for pendriva, while for hdd or ssd choose "Initialize ext4".

    11. After finishing the disk initialization process to ext3, we return to the neoboot installer. The software will show the disk in ext4, please do not suggest that we did something wrong !. The reason for this is that Pli does not recognize ext3, so although the pendrive will be ext3, the manager will show ext4, correctly in what format our drives are shown shows the command



    12. An additional option for mounting our disks is UUID and LABEL, which is a unique universal disk identifier, which means that our recording device has a string of numbers and letters and after this name the software will mount our disk, where it is indicated in the "Mount settings" option We can ignore this option if we install neoboot on vuplus tuners but it doesn't bother us if we assign uuid disks. Appropriate disk writing will be created in the fstab file, it is in the / etc location of our software.

    A further required process is labeling the disks. Labe is the label (name) of the disk and after it the software will mount the w / media disk after a complete restart, e.g. as usb or hdd. If you have not given a label before, you can do it from the "SetDiskLabel" option under the yellow button on the remote control. The labeling from the console window will be described below.

    13. We return (from the remote control exit) to the neoboot installation on a usb or hdd disk

    14. Choose on which media you want to have the neoboot software installed.

    Having everything prepared from the above description points, we go to the last installation step. We confirm OK on the remote control several times to install.

    The installation process will take a few seconds, a spinner will appear on the TV screen, this will indicate that the process has started and the plugin downloads the necessary packages from the network.

    15. After successful installation on the horseshoe, a console window will appear with information about the completion of the installation process. It is now necessary to restart our STB or Set-top box completely to get rid of unnecessary "garbage" and reinstall the disks correctly.

    16. After starting Neoboot, we enter the Menu and from the "Delete languages" option, delete unneeded locals so that the translation does not "scream"

    WARNING! If we had previously prepared drives for the linux enigma2 system in the ext format, there is no need to repeat the formatting process, we can install the neoboot plugin without unnecessary steps.

    neoboot has been tested on tuners vuplus arm

    ___ END _q (-_-) p_ __

    an example below:…in-neoboot-en-imagen-vti/