Posts by spodge007

    Sorry for the late reply I have been away on hols!

    Thanks for the update mrgmx I will take the advice on board and worst case say goodbye to the person in question!

    Unless anyone has anything more to add or ask here then I think this thread can be closed...?


    Hi guys,

    Quick update:-

    I have now (thanks to the helpful posts and my own research!) managed to convert my Oscam/CCcam setup to just an Oscam setup.

    Not completely what I was after but at least I have a much better understanding of Oscam now! :-)

    I am now certain that one of my so called TRUSTED clients has re-shared his cline without even bothering to ask me, which has really p**sed me off! :ah:

    Ok few more questions for the experts....

    Qestion 1 - I was hoping to continue allowing some of my clients to connect using CCcam (and use Oscam to restrict the so called smart arses!). Is it possible to use Oscam to read the card whilst having multiple clients connecting via CCcam and some clients connecting via Oscam? The reason I am asking this is because I lost all clients from CCcam as soon as I changed my Oscam config!

    Question 2 - When monitoring CCcam info although I didn't see the troublesome client connected, I did see two/three remote client connections. Does this mean the client is proxying the supplied cline so I can't see him, and then sharing it on?

    Question 3 - Now I have my Oscam setup and all clients running on it I can see the troublesome client connected under the 'Users' tab of the Oscam web gui. All my other clients are showing their own public IP addresses however, the troublesome client is showing MY public IP address listed and not his own! I am guessing that this is another clear indication that he is perhaps proxying/re-sharing the supplied cline!?

    Ok rant over and any thoughts would be much appreciated!.....?

    P.S. I realise the obvious solution is to cut him off! :-)



    How would I set my clients up in oscam?

    I currently use an N line to connect oscam to cccam, would I need to generate additional N lines to allow clients to connect directly to oscam?

    All my clients use various versions of cccam, I have done some research but still a little unlear on how to do this directly from oscam!

    Thanks for the advice so far.


    Thank you both for the prompt replies! beer10

    I do trust the people that I'm sharing with, however it would be nice to be 100% sure that I don't have any free loaders spoiling the service for everyone else! To be fair if people do start abusing my trust they are only really spoiling it for themselves in my view!

    Anyway just to be clear on my setup:-

    I use oscam to read my card which is then linked to cccam, which my clients connect to.

    I have only ever used very basic C/F lines as never had the need to look into greater detail. An example of my current cccam config would be:-

    F: user password 0 0 0 {0:0:1}
    C: dyndns 12000 username password

    My understanding of the above is that the client only has rights to my local card and cannot re-share. However from what you guys have mentioned above it would seem that I am being some what naive! Lol

    One point worth mentioning is that I currently use CS Studio to monitor my client connections. As mentioned above I noticed that one of my clients had not been connected for some time, so I hashed out their F line and they instantly contacted me to see if there was a problem. My question I guess is can a client connect to my server without showing as connected in CCcam?

    Thanks again for the advice so far. I will have a good read through the above, try some things out and post any findings here.


    Hi guys,

    I'm running a cs server with around 10 clients connected.

    Was just wondering if there is a simple way to see if a cline is being re-shared, and what measures I can take to prevent this?

    Basically I can see all my clients connected with the exception of one which has not been showing for a long time. I thought this was a bit odd, so I decided to # out the cline and see what response I got. Sure enough the guy started shouting the very same day!

    All seems a bit fishy to me... so thought I would ask the experts for some advice! :-)

    Any thoughts...?

    Thanks in advance.


    Ok forget my last post! lol

    Just checked oscam and the card entitlements have updated wooohoo!!! :-)

    New expirey date of 11/06/12

    Many thanks to all the people who posted and offered their advice.


    I left my dm800 box on today on Sly News and when I looked at my cccam config page I had received 1 emm

    Checked my entitlements and they are still set to expire 22/05/12.

    Do I need to change any of my config files to ensure that the emm is passed through to oscam and will update my card?

    Ok I may have answered my own question here!

    I have now changed the F line for my dm800 from:

    F: user_1 Password1 0 0 0 {0:0:1}


    F: user_1 Password1 0 0 1 {0:0:1}

    This should allow emms to be sent from my dm800 to my ubuntu server and should hopefully in turn update the card entitlements.

    Fingers crossed! :-)


    Ok I have been keeping an eye on my entitlements over the past few weeks and they have not updated.

    I am not sure if this is the norm, but having done some extra reading up feel I am missing the bigger picture here!

    Just to re-cap:-

    I am running a Ubuntu server with a USB smargo smartreader+, using oscam to share my sly white card linked to cccam which my clients then connect to.

    I am not sure on the process of how the entitlements should update, am I correct in thinking they update through emm's being sent from one of my connected clients? If this is the case then I am also guessing that I need to allow emm's from at least one of my clients in order for my card to update?

    All of my F lines in cccam are like this:-

    F: user_1 Password1 0 0 0 {0:0:1}

    I have a line in cccam for my dm800 box, should I modify this from the above example?

    I have also read a lot of posts mentioning [dvbapi] settings that can be configured in oscam, do I need to set this up?

    Apologies if I am stating the obvious, I am still very new to all this and appreciate any advice that is offered.

    Many thanks,



    Thank you for the advice, I have checked and modified my oscam config files as recommended (both here and in the other thread).

    I did this over the weekend (so a few days ago now) and my entitlements are still showing:-

    expiry date: 2012/05/22-00:00:00

    Is this normal, when should they update and is there a way to force an update to confirm it all works ok?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi thank you for the prompt reply

    My original files for Oscam came from this thread, however I did modify them after running the script, so I have posted my config files just pulled off my live server below:-


    nice = -1
    WaitForCards = 1
    logfile = stdout
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    #disablelog = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httpallowed =
    #httprefresh = 3

    # protocols
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000


    label = slyuk - Note: this is the actual name I have not modified for the purposes of this post
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 008:002
    #if you use smartreader and device with a bus id, hash out detect as its not needed.
    #detect = cd
    cardmhz = 600
    mhz = 600
    boxid = xxxxxxxx
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    caid = 0963


    user = cccam
    pwd = cccam
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1,2
    au = slyuk - Note: Again this is the actual name not changed for the purposes of this post!
    caid = 0963

    I will check these files against the ones you have mentioned to see if I am missing anything, but if you do spot any errors please let me know.

    As mentioned above I am not having any problems with Oscam at present, just trying to pre-empt any issues with my card not updating! :-)




    I was wondering if someone may be able to answer a query I have regarding Oscam entitlements.

    I am currently using Oscam to read my white sly card and CCcam to share, this setup is working fine at present, however when looking on the Oscam web interface under readers - entitlements it shows me a list of entitlements with expiry dates.

    My question is will Oscam update the card entitlements before they expire, or do I need to set something up so that I do not experience loss of service?

    Thanks in advance.


    Ok as GeorgeXL (AKA Darth Maul! lol) pointed out in his post, this indeed was my next step!

    After running a sudo -i apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386 command the files successfully downloaded and installed.

    I then used various tutorials/threads from this site (some already mentioned many times in this thread) to set my config files for CCcam and Oscam and HEY PRESTO!!!.....

    My server is now up and running and sharing my white sly card via my USB smargo smartreader + with my dm800, mission accomplished!!! :-)

    I would like to thank everyone who posted comments on this thread, I could not have done this without your patience and help!

    I hope this thread helps others out that may have struggled like me! :-)


    Evening all,

    Another update on my extremely slow progress! Lol

    I decided to cut my losses and start from scratch again... sigh

    - Installed Ubuntu Server 11.10 (for the second time now!) with a complete default installation, nothing special so as to keep it straight forward and simple!

    - Copied the files from this tutorial to a USB stick and then copied them to the /tmp directory on my new Ubuntu server installation (after researching on the internet how to mount usb devices from the command line etc!).

    - Followed the HOW TO - CCcam+Oscam Automated Installation for Ubuntu tutorial.

    Note: At this point all seemed to have gone smoothly and as expected!

    I am not getting the 'Segmentation fault' I did previously when running Oscam, instead I am getting the same error reported by mrgmx in his original thread:-

    oscam: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Next step - I am going to work back through mrgmx's thread to see if I can resolve the issue, if I get no joy with that I will try a manual install of oscam and failing that I will finally give up on server and try installing Ubuntu desktop instead!!!

    As always comments/input will be gladly received! :-)


    Hi All,

    Just thought I would give an update on my progress to those who are interested:-

    - Successfully installed Ubuntu 11.10 server and installed the OpenSSH module, so that I could putty onto the box from my Windows laptop.

    - The next step was to follow HOW TO - CCcam+Oscam Automated Installation for Ubuntu where I ran into my first do I get the files onto my new server??? Ok not a problem installed Proftpd using the command - apt-get install proftpd (not forgetting to put 'sudo' in front of the command if not logged on as root user!).

    - Next step before I could use proftpd to ftp the required files to my new server was to install an ftp client on my laptop (I used Filezilla) and also read up on google how to customise the proftpd config file using the nano text editor to allow ftp connections from my laptop. After much messing around (mainly because I am pretty useless with Linux at present but slowly getting there!) I managed to get the files mentioned in the tutorial onto the home/user directory of my ubuntu user account.

    - Ok now we are getting somewhere right...? Lol

    - So finally I was able to follow the tutorial linked above, but this again was no easy feat! After plenty of reading up on Linux commands, making mistakes and sheer brute force and ignorance, I managed to finally copy all the files I needed to the /tmp directory and run the script successfully! woohoo!

    - Next I updated my CCcam.cfg file with all the correct info (hopefully!) and looked at Problem setting up/following Ubuntu CCcam + Oscam Install Script - Please HELP!!! which was kindly post/suggested by mrgmx.

    - Ok I am now pretty much in the same situation as mrgmx was when he posted the above thread! I can load the CCcam page by going to SERVER_IP:16001 but when I try to access the Oscam page by going to SERVER_IP:8888 I just get 'page cannot be displayed' in the browser! Any ideas?

    I have configured the oscam.config, oscam.server and oscam.user files using a variety of tutorials including the ones mentioned in this thread and am at a loss as to what I am doing wrong!?

    here are my configs:-


    nice = -1
    logfile = /dev/null
    clienttimeout = 5000
    fallbacktimeout = 2500
    clientmaxidle = 120
    cachedelay = 120
    bindwait = 120
    resolvedelay = 30
    serialreadertimeout = 1500
    maxlogsize = 10
    waitforcards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    keepalive = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser =
    httppwd =
    httprefresh = 5
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpallowed = -
    debug = 255

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000


    label = ***uk
    protocol = smartreader
    detect = cd
    device = 008:003 ---> I got this by plugging my smargo usb smartcard + reader in and running the command lsusb to get the bus/dev ids
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    caid = 0963
    boxid = xxxxxxxx ---> same boxkey I used in my old CCcam.cfg file last time I had a go at doing this!
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 600
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1


    user = cccam
    pwd = cccam
    monlevel = 0
    uniq = 0
    group = 1
    au = ***UK
    caid = 0963

    Apologies for the information overflow here, maybe I should of taken mrgmx's advice and just installed Ubuntu desktop!!! :)

    Anyway thank you to all for the help so far, I will continue to work on this and see if I can get things working on my own, but please feel for to offer some advice! Lol

    Great forum, very friendly and lots of information.
