Posts by spodge007

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the feedback much appreciated as always! :smile:

    I am not actually using my DM800 as a server, running a HP PC with Ubuntu Server distro installed. I'm guessing that should be almost as easy to upgrade, but I think I will take a backup of the server first using CloneZilla just as a bit of arse cover! lol

    I will let you all know how I get on so watch this space....



    Well I'm stumped then guys....

    Don't really want to upgrade my oscam install, as you say it's just one bloody channel. That old famous saying of 'if it ain't broke to fix it!' rings loud and clear, don't really want to risk screwing my server if I get it wrong! lol

    Thanks for the useful comments.


    Hi Skunk, thank you for the reply.

    Is there a guide to updating oscam that you followed, sorry but it's been well over a year since I had to touch my server configuration so very rusty! lol

    What do you mean if I've been paired...? Do you mean if I left the card in the original sly box too long and it's updated and re-paired with it, as mentioned by Steve...? What do you mean by 'Thompson' box...?

    Sorry for all the questions!! :waaaht:


    I don't think I'm using a whitelist, BoxNation used to work fine with my current setup.

    I have not watch that channel for a good while now, so can't say for sure when it stopped working!

    Thanks for the advice about the original box, out of interest what is the risk in doing this...?

    Hello everyone!! :smile:

    I'm having trouble getting the BoxNation channel working on my DM800 through my oscam server. I have a BoxNation subscription and the channel works fine through my sly hd box.

    I have checked that I have the latest channel listings on my DM800 and do not get a tune failure. All I get is a black screen which suggests to me that the channel is not being decrypted for some reason!

    I was wondering if I might need to upgrade the version of oscam I'm using...?

    Anyone know if there is a problem at the moment with BoxNation or have any suggestions...?

    Many thanks,


    Hi All,

    I am trying to recommend a Set-top box for my friend and would appreciate some advice. His requirements as as follows...

    - Dual HD tuner (i.e. two in feeds).
    - The ability to record programs.
    - HDMI input capable of carrying 5.1 DSS.
    - Cross EPG (that auto updates).
    - Preferrably an Enigma2 compatible model, so I can provide support.

    I am looking for the cheapest possible option without sacrificing too much on quality. So far I have been looking at the below mention models, but not 100% sure if they tick all the boxes...

    DM800 se
    Vue Duo+
    Vue Solo2

    Any advice would be much appreciated.



    Basically after speaking to a few colleagues at work and doing some research online it would appear that DVI does not carry the 5.1 Dolby signal, it is only capable of carrying two channel stereo.

    The only option is to use the optical input and set AC3 downmix to 'no'. This forces the sound through the TOS connection into the amp/home cinema system, the HD video is still carried over the DVI/HDMI cable.


    My friend does not have a separate amp, he uses a Blu-ray player with a built-in amp and HDMI connections going to his Panasonic TV. There is no optical port! :-(

    I am not sure is this produces true Dolby surround sound...?

    Anyway the long and short is that he will need to buy a different set-top box (with HDMI input that support 5.1) and not a DM800!!!

    Any recommendations....?


    The surround sound is connected via the built in home cinema on the Panasonic TV. Works fine with the DVD player, Camera etc. when I plug in other devices to the HDMI ports on the TV.

    I'm guessing DVI doesn't carry the 5.1 signal and did actually fear what you have mentioned above, which is that I will need to push the audio via the optical output!:confuse:

    Have you ever tried this yourself and if so does it work ok...?



    Hi all!

    Ok here is the exam question for all you A/V geeks out there...! :59:

    I have a DM800 clone running a Dreambox UK image. It is connected to my Panasonic TV via the DVI/HDMI cable that came with the box.

    For some reason I do not get any sound through my surround sound speakers. I only get sound through the built-in speakers on the TV. Is this because I need a different type of DVI/HDMI cable...?

    What do I need to do to get my surround sound working...?




    Thank you for the reply Rossi

    Yes once I had the remote I was of course able to enable dhcp, or even set static address settings if I so desired.

    As mentioned in my previous post, I did suspect that the image I was using was a modified version of the official DreamboxUK image, so thanks for clearing that up.

    However even if I had used the official image I would still be in the same position (without a remote control), as I would have had no way of stepping through the wizard (unless I am missing something?).

    Can you step through the setup wizard without a remote control...? I'm guessing not as the network adapter would not be configured at this point.

    Unless the official image has a default management address and you can connect a computer directly to the box, and access a web interface that way....?

    Or even use a null modem cable to connect to the box directly and perform some basic configuration tasks...?

    Anyway thank you all for the comments. If anybody can add to this thread by adding a method of configuring the box without using a physical remote control please feel free! :-)



    I have got a remote now! But just to make it clear for you guys in case I haven't explained myself properly.....

    My steps were as follows:-

    - Power up DM800 whilst holding power button to get a DHCP address. This allows me to access the boot/image loader page.
    - Use the boot/image loader page to load this image 'dmuk-v212sim201robi62.nfi' (perhaps not taken from this site but still the latest DreamboxUK image I have found to date!).
    - Now once the image has been successfully loaded I lose communication (via the network) to my DM800.
    - I now have a problem because the network adapter is disabled on the above mentioned image but default and the only way (I know of) to activate it is using the remote control and enabling the network interface under the settings menu.

    I have just confirmed that the network interface is disabled by default on the above mentioned image, as I have just changed this setting using the remote control.

    I guess it may be that this version of the DreamboxUK image for some bizarre reason does not have the network adapter enabled by default...?

    I thought that there may be some default management address configured but could not find it...?

    Anyway I hope this clears up any confusion over the issues I was having and if anyone has any suggestions that might help other please feel free to post.



    Haha yeah I thought as much!

    I'm actually configuring it for a friend and forgot to take the remote with me doh!

    Was just looking for a quick way round it, but I guess the quickest solution is to go and get the remote! :-)

    Ok I have a slight problem that I am hoping someone can help me with...

    I have flashed my DM800 with the latest DreamBoxUK image (taken from this site)

    The probem is that I do not have a remote control for the dm800 and by default the network settings are turned off on that image.


    Basically I have no way of communicating with the dm800. I was planning on using my android phone and downloading the dreambox remote app, but obviously this uses my lan to communicate with the dreambox.

    Is there any way to set a static IP address (using a null modem cable perhaps?) or enable dhcp on the image I am using?

    Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance for any suggestions offered.


    Hi Ten,

    Thanks for the info, I realise CCcam if not so widely used now and Oscam appears to be the way to go. I'm guessing there is no better version of CCcamInfoPHP around to use than 'CCcamInfoPHP v1.02 by TOOGOODY'...?

    Anyway I have copied the files to /var/www/ on my server, edited the config.php file and also changed file permissions (chmod 755 may or may not be necessary but thought can't do any harm!).

    I have checked my CCcam.cfg file and webinfo is configured correctly and still responds on <Server_IP>:<Port> (default web interface).

    However still not getting the index.php page when simply browsing to <Server_IP> so not sure what's going on...?

    I can browse to the index.php page by manually entering the URL in my browser e.g. <Server_IP>/index.php and then login via the PHP login but the index page shows errors:-

    The file 192.168.x.x/download/ is not writable

    Update failed : Unable to connect to 192.168.x.x:16001

    Sorry to be awkward, tried a good few things and I'm now completely stuck!

    Any ideas....?



    Thanks for the prompt replies guys!

    Hi Ten,

    I posted in this thread the other day but had no response as yet.

    I do use CS Studio and find it very useful, just wanted to install CCcamInfo as well for the sheer hell of it tbf! :-)

    Not sure if the version you posted will work with my Ubuntu server, I must be doing something wrong!



    Hi Ten,

    I know this is an old post but I seem to be having the same issue as GeorgeXL!

    I have downloaded a version of CCcamInfo that you posted extracted the files so that they are in the root of /var/www and modified the config_userspecific.tmpl fie then re-saved it as config_userspecific.php

    When I try to access via a web browser http://<Server_IP>:<Port> all I get is the standard CCcam web interface and not the php one.

    I know Apache is running, as when I go to http://<Server_IP> I get the standard 'It Works!' page.

    I have rebooted the server for good measure and still no joy, any ideas....?

    Thanks in advance sure I'm missing something stupid and simple no doubt! :-)
