Quick & Easy - CCcam.info php up & running in 5 minutes on linux

There are 18 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 13,129 times. The last Post () by tekkken1979.

  • Step by step easy guide for cccam.info on your linux installation.

    Guide based on debian installation as root user from command line

    1. apt-get install apache2 php5
    2. download a version of cccaminfo.php from the net ( there are many variants )
    3. log into server with ftp and transfer over the newly dowloaded files to var/www

    Easy bit done !!

    Now take note from your cccam.cfg the webinfo listen port ( usually by default 16001 )

    Time to edit the config.php file found in var/www . Yours may look different to this one depending on which version of cccaminfo.php you choose to download. But the same fields are edited on all versions pretty much to work correctly. I have highlighted in red the fields you need to edit.

    // CONFIG

    //examples of server definitions
    $CCCamWebInfo[] = array("server ip adress","16001","username","password");
    $work_path = "/tmp/"; // set this if you want working folder separate $update_from_button = true;
    $fullReshare = true;
    $country_whois = true; // use whois for country detection

    $programversion = "CCcamInfoPHP v0.8.6 (DT2)";
    $server_username = "";

    $clientmessageport[] = array("","","","");

    $language = "EN";
    if (file_exists("language/".$language.".php"))
    include "language/".$language.".php";
    echo "Upssss!!! Language file ".$language.".php not found, check language directory.";

    server ip adress: is the ip address of the server
    username and password: is the pasword that you have chosen in CCcam.cfg ( webinfo username & webinfo password )
    port is default 16001

    Now to access your new webinfo screen just go to your local ip address for your linux server and voila.

    It is worth pointing out that if you want to access this remotely you would need to forward port 80 on your router to your linux server. This is not recommended as the login here is not that watertight. If remote access is a neccessity you are better changing your apache port from the default port and forwarding the router accordingly. Also i would recommend using an extra login screen by creating hta access files from within apache just for added security should you need remote access. Or of course you could just setup a vpn into your home network .

    enjoy !

    Dont forget to hit the thanks button!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • I am having problems transferring the files to the var/www folder.
    I logged in to root using sudo -i in the terminal window then installed apt-get install apache2 php5.
    i then downlowded ccaminfophp v1 for linux.
    i then opened tunnilier and tried to ftp to var/www. the message says failed. (i can transfer to other folders ok)
    if i try using winscp to transfer the message is no permission.
    obviously i am doing something wrong here, so any advice welcome.

  • hi, back again asking for help, no such thing as a five minute install for me.
    when i try to edit the config.php folder /var/www/cccam, i am not allowed (read only)
    i tried to alter the permission from the terminal chmod 755 /var/www/cccam. does not come up with error so i assume it has altered ok.
    however when i go back to config.php its still read only.

  • server ip adress: is the ip address of the server

    What ip adress is it ? ? I have cccam on ubuntu.

    Now to access your new webinfo screen just go to your local ip address for your linux server and voila.

    How do i do this exactly ? I type in the adress bar of the browser ? Because when i do this i get the message : IT WORKS ! and nothing else.
    If i type i see the info from cccam so this is working, but not with infophp.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  • Yes from a local machine. I tryed butt i get this error on the screen :


    Not Found

    The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.

    Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

    Where am i doing wrong ?

    • Official Post

    Try using this version, i just tested and included the edited config file for local machine.
    Transfer the files then make the folder named writable, it should be good to go then.

  • Hi Ten,

    I know this is an old post but I seem to be having the same issue as GeorgeXL!

    I have downloaded a version of CCcamInfo that you posted extracted the files so that they are in the root of /var/www and modified the config_userspecific.tmpl fie then re-saved it as config_userspecific.php

    When I try to access via a web browser http://<Server_IP>:<Port> all I get is the standard CCcam web interface and not the php one.

    I know Apache is running, as when I go to http://<Server_IP> I get the standard 'It Works!' page.

    I have rebooted the server for good measure and still no joy, any ideas....?

    Thanks in advance sure I'm missing something stupid and simple no doubt! :-)


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