Posts by kari

    I think Ziko is not maintaining this plugin anymore as is been long time since he has updated it

    :rolling on the floor laughing:you have not been visited by other thoughts, for example, a person is working and he does not have time, or he is resting on vacation, or just sick ... it has already happened that he has not appeared in the theme of his plugin for a long time... it is not necessary to turn the topic into an oriental bazaar :winking face:

    mate I have been visited by many thoughts :-) but I mean to have followed with the main multi stalker thread and this is why my thoughts

    no need to attack me for my thoughts, I did not write that im sure of it , so chill :-)

    if you have more information about the plugin then enlighten us , or if you know that the developer is maintaining the plugin then tell us and not attack

    have a good day

    I got to this thread late, but it is nice to see there are people willing to help

    and at same time it is really good that you got the Dino fixed :-)

    anyway, I will like to offer one box, I believe I have couple of them :-)

    im sure I have DM920 or AX 61 UHD , and sure some old Furmiler , Sezam , ?

    just if you need one please let me know :-) in PM I will even pay the post to you as im sure we leave far apart :-)

    im one of the users that enjoy your plugins and have made live easy for me and my kinds :-)

    thank you

    there is almost nothing new receivers in Enigma2 front

    you have got a decent receiver and it should do pretty much all things you need to do

    have you try satdreamgr ? or openpli have images as late as 2-3 days ago so they are uptown date :-)

    Guys keep calm, we are here to help and get helped :-) no need to take it to a personal level :-)

    As for what Biko says, if you use a Plugin that another developer has made, then it is right to give the credits to the developer :-)

    the dreams panel made things easy for most off us, but is not the end of the world, and there is always a way to do thinks manualy


    Hi guys

    im trying to install this plugin into my Formuer F1 receiver, as I would like to test few things

    image on the receiver is Openpli 8.3

    when I try via command line I get

    [ Your device is MIPS ]

    wget: bad address ''

    tar: can't open '/tmp/dreamsat1.3-py2-mipsel.tar.gz': No such file or directory

    chmod: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamSat/ui/*.so: No such file or directory

    chmod: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamSat/core/*.so: No such file or directory

    I try manually via ipk and telnet command and still the same error

    is it possible to run this plugin on Formuler F1


    Hei :-) jeg trenger Openpli imaget som er i førte innlegg om det er mulig :-)

    Ja jeg trenger en backup for Formuler F1 mottaker

    I would like to have the image that is posted here if that is possible

    i have an Formuler F1 box that I use as an test box, not as primary box, so not to spend much time I thought that using a backup will be good naff for my use

    I know there is also a OpenATV image as backup for Formuler but im not finding it, OpenATV 7.2

    Offcourse I can use OpenATV or OpenPLI from there respective forums / homes and is no problem for me :-)

    was just to test and see if backups can do the job or not for me

    anyway thank you :-)

    takk for hjelpen :-)

    KiddaC I would like to ask you if there is a problem with this kind of links


    all this kind of links do crash the plugin, they worked fine on older version JMX

    the plugin crashes even with m3u8 files.

    runding openatv 7.2 here, so maybe it is a image problem ? using JMX 6.22.25

    I think before I updated image I was ruining openatv 7.1 with JMX 6.20 if im not wrong

    see error log

    Yes Urie, im using the version you mention enigma2-plugin-extensions-purevpn_1.1.0-py3_all.ipk
    stange thing is that I now try OpenVPN Manager and this work well , with the same username and password

    I cannot figure our why purevpn plugin / anon is not working

    anyway I will dig a bitt depper and see what is going on, it makes me mad when things do not work and even I louse my sleep :-)

    thank you very much for your replay mate :-)

    hi again guys

    is there a problem again with this plugin ?

    I get AUTHENTICATION FAILD with purevpn , and this time im sure it is not the username or password

    sunndely tonight I just lost connection without doing anything

    i evnen try OpenVPN Manager, and still get the same problem there

    when I connect from my pc with PureVPN application everything works just fine

    Was using OpenATV 7.1

    fresh installed Open ATV 7.2, even install the PureVPN from the add-on manger via menu

    OpenATV had version 1.0.6,, then I installed ipk from here but still same problem

    is it only me or is a general problem for all users

    thanks for any input

    I use both the Jedi and the xtreamity

    for some odd reason I like Jedi better,

    I love the Vid option on both the plugins.

    whatever you decide to do with the Jedi it will be useful.

    i for one im very thankful to your work.

    one small request I would have asked for is a section for STB ID / MAC login to use one in all plugin nd make it easier

    Halla Seagen , godt å se deg her :-) Greetings from an old friend :-)

    some one goes to ashes , then another company arrises

    you remember Xtrend :-) they vanished.

    we all now this companies will return back with some new name and some new boxes

    anyway it is time to move on and lett VU+ rest in peace

    for my self I hope they do something and still go on as I was one of the first to support them , but I will not cry if they dessapear :-)

    Give KiddaC time and im sure he will bring a very nice and fresh update

    in the end he does this on a hobby basic and we cannot demand anything

    im very great full for this plugin and use it on a daily basic :-)

    the best about this plugin is that has also support from the author him self, not like some other plugin that there is not information to find and the author just disappears under another user mane or he asks for payment after 2 months use

    Jedi plugin is one of the best and here I rest my case