Posts by rikjaard-real

    these are my configs ! is this ok for entitlement update ? i am using oscam alone in eagle with a local share to debian pc server

    # oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #4862
    # Read more: oscam.server.txt in trunk/Distribution/doc/txt


    label = eagle_cardreader
    enable = 1
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    showcls = 0
    caid = 0963
    boxid = **********
    fix9993 = 0
    detect = cd
    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    lb_weight = 101
    ecmwhitelist = 0963@000000:3E,42,44,45,47,4E,53,54,61,62,68,69,6A ,6B,6D,6F,71,72,73,77,78,79,7A,7C,7D,7E,80$


    user = example
    pwd = example2
    hostname =
    group = 1
    uniq = 1
    au = ***_uk
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000


    user = example
    pwd = example
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    cccmaxhops = 0
    cccreshare = 3
    cccignorereshare = 0
    keepalive = 0


    logfile = stdout
    clienttimeout = 30000
    cachedelay = 10
    nice = -1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1


    port = 0
    nocrypt =
    aulow = 30
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 2
    appendchaninfo = 0


    port = 12000@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    allowed =
    keepalive = 1
    mgclient = 0


    port = 1
    reshare = 1
    ignorereshare = 1
    forward_origin_card = 0
    version = 2.1.1
    updateinterval = 240
    minimizecards = 0
    keepconnected = 1
    stealth = 0
    reshare_mode = 1


    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    boxtype = dreambox
    user = dvbapi
    pmt_mode = 0
    request_mode = 0


    httpport = 9999
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httprefresh = 7
    httpallowed =,
    httphideidleclients = 0
    httpreadonly = 0
    httpsavefullcfg = 0

    Sorry if this is a stupid question i'm just not sure ! i checked many posts here on this subject but i'm still not sure :baffle:


    If your recieving from crystal palace then you will pay LONDON prices ! which i think is more than rest of the country :bad_smelly: !
    So here on the south coast an Aerial installed on a pole on the chimney starts @ £130 through to £180 if outdoor mast head amps are required !
    Then add between £40-£60 per additonal point !
    So i guestimate @ worst = New aerial with amp/filter = £180 to main tv + 3 additional points @£60 could be as much as a total of £360 !
    i would get a couple of estimates and see what you can bargain them down too !
    Remeber that if your new stuff lasts 40 years then that estimate i gave you would work out at £9 per year of service ! which is less than 25pence a week !
    They should install your stuff safely too ! remeber Rod Hull ?

    Good luck mate ! let us know what happens wont you !



    Hi All complete newb here so I'll get straight to the point. Currently I have vm but thinking of getting rid and getting a sat set-up my main concern is channels I'll be able to receive i only really watch
    BBC,ITV,4,E4,Comedy Central,E,Various kids and the Discovery and Nat Geo channels all HD i want to be able to watch these plus the footie and the f1.
    I've been looking at the TM 6902 hd t-2 spiderbox9900hd or a clone dreamboxHD plus what would be better a motorized dish or a static one with multiple lnb's i live just outside Oxford it that helps
    thanks in advance for any help

    jump in the deep end mate and get a motorised system !
    whatever your budget allows you to spend ! SPEND !
    if your completely new to all this then there is gonna be alot of learning ! nothing comes for free but if you put the time in you wil be delighted with the results !
    technomate stuff is pretty user friendly straight out of the box and there a uk based firm !
    Vu stuff is pretty much top quality but requuires some user input to get going upon arrival as is all the linux open sourced hardware !
    But dont be put off ! what ever your choice is your gonna find support here !
    If you get really stuck you can become a vip and receive 1to 1 support !
    So make the plunge and dont look back just have to do some reading !
    If your not confident to install buy the gear and get some one local to price up an installation of the dish and motor !
    Your still gonna have to do some homework to get the most out of it though !

    Nice post


    There is so many reasons why that could be hapening mate !
    i agree what MaryQ says to some extent however i think it could be poor quality coaxial or a dodgy amp ?
    it is very easy to work out what happening with the aid of a tv and good digi box you can use the inbuilt signal meter to determine the signal in different locations !

    So start is make a note of the signal the digi box is recieving say in the bedroom ?
    2and is take a tv and digi box to the loft and check the signal page in the digi box there when plugged directly to the Aerial !
    by process of elimination you can find the answer but it means lugging about ya Digi tv and or digi box to different rooms ect to work ot where the problem lies !

    If the signal directly from the aerial is still rubbish then wait until after digital switch over cos where i am before digi switch over signal was 25000watts
    Post DSO they increased it by x10 so its now 250000 watts which means alot of places with weak signals before can receive better now

    When your really stuck and dont like climbing on the roof its best to get a pro in ! usual cost for digi aerial connected to 4 existing points can be expensive but have a ring around and see what you can get !

    Stay cool


    You only use N line for yourself in your own CCCam.cfg then You can connect to your friend with C line through cccam !
    N Line will transfer card details from Oscam to CCcam in your box only !
    From CCcam you can use c-line to connect to your Friends CCcam emu ! he will have F line waiting for you And
    From friends CCcam he will use c-line to connect to your CCcam emu and you will have F: line waiting for him !

    You can use N line in friends CCcam emu but he will have the ability to share your card as his own i believe ?:ops:


    I cant answer exactly your question wizzy but i know the only safe way to share is only share with those you personally know !
    i believe that you should only share with cccam if you dont know the person ! i'm sure that way you can keep an eye on the ecm count though

    i'm sure you realiaze but i say wot i think anyway ! but an N line can be re-shared in CCcam as an original card using 256 at the end of the N line :39_002: !

    if i were you i would insist on a cccam share ! really a hop 2 will work fine i believe :confident: But other more knowledgable people will confirm i hope :64:

    Hope this can help you dude !
    stay cool man and take time to fly joint10beer10 my other hobby is getting wasted :40_002:

    Does anybody know about this package ? is it standalone or part of the digi turk package ?

    i would like the access to the music channells ! does anyone remember Music choice ! i quiet enjoyed back to back music with no DJ speak/adverts ! :music:

    the only other place i know of such channells is astra 23e i think the dutch package there does it but its footprint is too tight for me :45:

    so im asking where can i subscribe if at all ? :music:


    i have eagle running with oscam and 0963 card !
    i want to update entitlements on card !
    i understand i have to use and configure mgcamd as MasterG tutorial outlines
    my question .....
    can i configure mg camd 135a in tm800 to send entitilement update to oscam in eagle !

    i've been at it all day just not got it exactly !
    Not sure if i'm getting/grasping the concept right ?



    Thanks for your reply glenviewjf !

    I will give it a go ! I'm not sure if it can take them files or not ? i will go eat some dinner ! then do some more research and give it a try ! wouldn't suprise me if they dont work cos technomate is only a cheap knock off dreambox really ! An Epg would be nice though ! Provided i aint gonna permently damage the box i dont mind trying it out to get an answer !

    Thanks for your help


    how do i do a manual install ? jeez im sorry to be such a burden ...... !:dribble:

    [quote='master G','']Use the attached file and follow this guide, How To Setup CrossEpg[/QUOTE

    Where do i put the Files i Downloaded ? i'm not sure i'm getting the tutorial correctly ? i think thats for when its already installed ?


    The same applies to a Flatscreen ! you plug the coax wire from the technomate directly into the new consrvatory set ! Remeber you'll need to tune both analogue and digital frequencies to pick up both technomate and Freeview !

    Nice job carmine your mother in law will be happy ! beer10

    Stay cool


    Ps Remember to switch the technomate on during the tuneing process or the new tv wont be able to find the signal ? lol :dribble:

    Yes it should be ok ! you need to make sure its set up in this kind of fashion

    TV aerial socket in front room goes direct to HD box Aerial in socket THEN
    Out of HD box to Technomate aerial IN !
    Technomate (RF)OUT socket is where you connect lead to conservatory (you might need a barrel type convertor if the end is male or you can use a Y splitter ! that will pass the roof aerial signal onto the conservatory !

    Now make sure HD box is connected with a scart lead to main tv OR Hdmi if its a flatscreen HD ready set
    Technomate is connected via scart to main tv !

    The reason i say scart is cos i believe/Assume your using Analogue CRT type tv's if my understanding of what you said earlier in the post is correct !

    Let us know how you get on mate or you need to know anything else i will try my best !


    Consider that nothing is guareteed when it comes to CS ! so if you chip in for a card and the whole CS game has the plugg pulled you could find yourself with some explaining to do to those who have chipped in !
    Your options are quuiet limited really ........... Sly germany
    Nova Greece
    Viasat Norway (needs a huge dish in west of the uk)
    Sly italia
    canal + nordic
    Tring Albania
    and i'm sure there are more that i havent listed ! your gonna have to pay the entire subscription upfront i believe too if you go for any of the above ! or take out a subs with our local provide in the uk although they will initially tie you in for 12 months !
    Its a hard choice and i suppose budget is what really matters ?
    I'm sure some other members will point you in the right directionm when web know what your budget is ?
