Posts by 007.4

    Someone, somewhere, made a typo in one of the original versions of this line.

    disablecrccws_only_for = 0500: 030B00; 0500: 50F000; 09C4: 000000; 098C: 000000; 098D: 000000

    The provider ID 50F000 is wrong! It should be 050F00.

    Use this in the [global] section of oscam.conf instead

    disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000;0500:050F00,030B00;09C4:000000;098C:000000;098D:000000

    and get everyone else to do the same!

    I think different cameras require different syntax.

    This is the format I have for my camera. It is working well.

    #SERVICE 4097:0:1:FFFF:0:0:0:0:0:0:rtsp%3a//admin%3apassword@ Cam
    #DESCRIPTION Security Cam

    If you are using ServiceApp you need to set it to "original" or "exteplayer3"

    It will not work with GstPlayer.

    I set my ServiceID to FFFF so I could link it to this picon.f0a63c4f69.png

    The oscam restart problem is caused by having two instances of the "emulator" reader in oscam.server file. eg "Emulator" and "AFN Emulator"

    Disable one of them from the webif before attempting to restart oscam. After it is up and running again you can then re-enable this second instance.

    This is just a work around until a proper fix by the developers is done. However, this has been known about for sometime and nothing has been forthcoming yet.

    BISS keys DO NOT auto-update and never had done.

    The so called auto-roll you see on some boxes is them simply downloading the latest key from some server. You would have to have access to this server is get oscam to connect to it. This is extremely unlikely as it will be using some propriety encryption or handshake.

    The restart problem is caused by having two "emulator " readers in Oscam.server. Disable one of them in the web if before restarting and then enable it again. This is only a work around whilst we are waiting for a proper fix.

    The Octagon SF4000 is not in stock anywhere. They have been promised for months but the delivery date keeps getting put off.

    I had a DM7000, DM7025 and a DM600pvr in the early days but I more lately considered them over-priced.

    However, I'll check the specs of the 900 UHD.

    I've got a version of OpenPli 2.1 on my old AzBox HD.

    It works as well as can be expected.

    I loaded it using Morly's Admin Tool.

    I changed the partition sizes too to make the main one bigger. I also use flash expander with a USB stick. Then there is plenty of space for any extensions.

    I'm looking to purchase a new 4K STB. My budget is up to £350.
    I have three static dishes and one motorised dish at present, using one diseqc switch on my VU-DUO2 with three S2 tuners.

    Ideally I want 3x DVB-S2 tuners (S2x not important ATM but may be future-proofing?) and facility to use my existing 3.5" 1.5TB HDD (most likely this will have to be external).

    I've short listed Mutant HD51, Octagon sf4008 and GigaBlue quad 4K. They all have advantages and disadvantages.


    Mutant - cheapest, good image support but only 2 tuners, alleged poor remote and no eSATA.

    Octagon - mid priced and good in most departments but no OpenPli support, no stream-relay support (still?) and no eSATA.

    GigaBlue - a lot more expensive and most features. However, no OpenPli or ViX images (yet) and no DVB-S2x.

    What are other important characteristics I should be considering? eg which has Blindscan etc?

    What is the general consensus here which will be the best buy to suit my needs now (and perhaps in the future)?

    Is your tuner configuration set-up correctly?
    Is your LNB configuration set-up correctly? LOF etc
    Is the LNB polarity correct ie not 90° out of position?
    Have you tried a manual scan on one specific satellite?
    If your motor and dish are set-up correctly you should not need to use sat-finder. The dish should automatically drive exactly to the correct position.
    Are your Lat and Long co-ordinates correct for your location?

    Also check your cabling connections. Inspect and or redo all the coax F-connectors.
    I had issues with a "dead" Dark Motor but it turned out to be the cabling connections had been damaged in a storm