Posts by acco

    Hi, has anyone any experience of using meoboot & had problems with their stored sat positions in meoboot?

    My experiences so far is good but for the life of me I cannot put my finger on why most meoboot installed images loose the use of the numbers on remote control, only when setting up the sat positions.
    I can edit the sat positions no problem if I use the Open Webif remote, which has confused me a little.

    Flash image BH 2.0.3
    images in meoboot that seem to work fine with the remote VTI
    images with the remote problems, Pbnigma, openpli, openvix, openaaf, openspa, satdreamgr.

    Ultimo Positioner setup: 36v VboxII

    Anyhelp or pointer please, btw I had the same problem with BH 2.0.2 installed in flash.

    port = 36000@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314


    allowed =,

    keepalive = 1

    Try hashing out/removing the higlighted line above, your only allowing local addresses with above.

    Their was a problem with the lattest BH image for the Ultmo and the fix was to replace the timezone.xml

    I've also had problems in other images with the timezone being +2 hours ahead of GMT and to fix that I had to put a file called Dublin into the root of a folder called zoneinfo

    If you have a mobile with a camera on point the remote at it press the keys, you should see the flicks of light coming from your remote on your mobile.
    All that proves is the remote is working.

    Quote from limerick

    I have a 1.2 dish which I have motorised off my spiderbox 9000hd working perfectly

    If your spiderbox drives to all the sats required, have a look at the numbered sat positions in that box and right them down, then its just a matter of doing as above post in the solo, change the satellite in the menu and add the stored position number that corresponds to the spiderbox.

    If your using a Vbox you'll store your positions, turn usual off and underneath that you should now see stored position: give it a number that corresponds with the position on the vbox. EG: 28 if thats where you stored 28e position bla bla and do the same for each Satellite

    My setting for VU+ in dreamboxedit are below if that helps.

    HTTP port: 80
    FTP Port: 21
    FTP Type: Passive (default)
    Services and Bouquets: /etc/enigma2/
    User bouquet files: /etc/enigma2/
    Satellite xml file: /etc/tuxbox/

    Noticed I was getting a few more thanks the last week on the above file & wondered why, so off I went & turned my dish to 10e and to my surprise I wasn't getting a signal on pltv. Turns out the Inverto Ultra dual lnb I got about 18 months ago is starting to fail on certain frequency's :(
    The good thing is I now know the reason why the thanks, so a new LNB is on order and while I was at that I updated the file above, so things become a lot clearer.


    So did u remove that line completely?



    Why would that line be doing in there in the first place surely it hinders a lot of

    Not sure tbh, I'd been reading & playing around with configs being my first attempt at oscam on a PC server, as for hinders I'd have never noticed until the mother inlaw shoved £50 in my hand & asked me to get a cheap reciver.


    Btw how do u figure out that was ur prob?

    mother inlaw STB was working fine at mine & it was only after setting it at hers did I notice something was a miss :waaaht:

    I would think just like a phone you may have to edit the setting to suit your provider.
    I'd be interested to see how you get along with this stb.

    I've just done a quick search to see what the gifgaf setting maybe.

    I take it you get an option to enter such detail on stb?