Posts by dsayers

    Have a look at the attached document and ipk

    Also KiddaC has a nice tutorial that goes into more details within python but I can't find it in my pm's and I'm not on my laptop.

    Depending on what you want to do have a look at oe-alliance github where you can read python code of main plugins used within enigma2

    yeh tried looking at that ,its what i said before in first post, maybe it is because its not a ts file

    or it just cant be done

    Yea Ive just tried <stream url="http://192.168.xx.xx:8001/1:0:19:A2C:1A:F020:FFFF0000:0:0:0:.ts" target="106" />

    This shows the stream service type on 106 but doesnt play


    If I dont add .ts on the end it just shows as a standard sat channel. Thats why I was thinking of looking at the remote stream bouquets to see if they use a different format.

    Plugin updated on post 1.

    This now uses one plugin and you now have the options for either SNP or SRP within the same plugin and update wget is no longer needed.

    Users using old plugins can either uninstall old and install new or keep old versions as the scripts are still downloaded from the same source.

    Yh I know I asked before but I couldn’t get around it. It’s a different vpn it’s not any of them the ones you’ve mentioned. Shall I send you the details over so u can have a quick look ? M8

    You can if you want but it'll probably be easier to say what VPN you're using as I may not see the pm till later and others maybe able to help.

    I installed it from the ATV image feed I created the folder and named openvpn shall I put the ovpn file in openvpn folder ? And then run on the box ?

    You've asked about this before, you need to rename the .ovpn file to .conf and add auth.txt line to it and add an auth.txt file with your username and password. Some require key files too so what vpn are you using?

    Have a look here OpenVPN Setup guide for most VPN,s and Beta script another that post is a script for: Nord, digibit, pure vpn and ip vanish.

    If using another let me know and I'll have a look.

    well you didn't miss much.

    Very unexciting fight, Referee just got involved all the time and wouldn't let them box.

    Ref was a bag of shite maybe he had a sneaky bet for 12th round for AJ

    it was obvious AJ would win if lasted all rounds but that ref didn't let them try enything. I had 8th round for AJ to win and it might have happened if ref allowed them to fight.

    At least I have some more beers left to drink ;(;(

    IP checker can be used to check the external IP Adress of your box, this can be used to check if your VPN is working as the external IP Address should change when turning OpenVPN on and off.

    FTP the ipk to tmp

    to install it on box


    Menu... setup... software management... install local extension


    Press ok on the package

    press green to install.


    Menu > setup > VIX > Iplkg install or install loca extenrions


    Press ok on the package

    press green to install.

    Press Menu, plugins and you should see IP Checker press ok on the plugin and it should run a simple IP check script

    You should get something like this I have removed part of my IP address


    Plugin now in most image feeds

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to created my own plugin feed section, and was wondering if anyone could shed some light how the plugin feeds work on enigma2?

    The steps so far I've managed to do are...

    3. create a separate area in the download plugins section and put all the packages in there.

    Quck question how did you create a separate area in download plugins section?

    I just created the IPK with dsayers instead of extensions example: enigma2-plugin-dsayers-ipchecker_001_all.ipk

    Then added ipk and packages.gz to webserver and had the feed.conf file pointing to the web server with both files included.

    Ive noticed the same so I keep my IPK,s as extensions so they are in install plugins, extensions and when I install they dont show again in install plugins and can uninstall via remove plugins in extensions. But if I do the same as you have my own section they wont show in remove plugins.

    Hi ive been playing around with this some more and found/edited a few command that may help users setup the configs and should work with most VPN,s

    In the first part I will show you how to rename all .ovpn files to .conf and add auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.conf you can skip this part if you have already done this. The second step will show you how to copy all conf files into subfolders with one command and add password.conf to each sub folder.

    Feel free to edit password.conf to user,txt or whatever you prefer.

    On the box create a folder called vpn in hdd

    Now FTP your config files to hdd/vpn

    Now using Talnet/putty type

    cd /hdd/vpn

    This will put putty in hdd/vpn

    Now to rename all .ovpn files to .conf

    Type in talnet/putty

    # rename .ovpn to .conf
    for x in *.ovpn; do mv "$x" "${x%.ovpn}.conf"; done

    To add auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.conf to each conf file in talnet/putty paste

    # Edit all conf files to have auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.conf
    find . -name "*.conf" -exec sed -i "s/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.conf/g" '{}' \;

    Now that is done we can move all configs into subfolders with the same name

    Ensure Talnet is still in hdd/vpn before running this command

    Copy and paste in talnet/putty

    # Move all files into sub folders
    for file in *; do  if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then    mkdir "${file%.*}"    mv "$file" "${file%.*}"  fidone

    Now to add password.conf to each sub folder we need to add password.conf to tmp with your username and password added.

    Now use the following command to copy password.conf to each sub folder with this command

    # copy password.conf to each sub folder 
    find /hdd/vpn -type d -exec cp /tmp/password.conf {} \;

    Some VPN,s need cert files and other files simply edit the last command to suit

    What’s best about private network and digibit ?

    I haven't fully tested them just used for EPL blocks and both work fine im not a VPN expert so maybe others can advise about best VPN,s, Just to add though VPN,s can reduce speeds I get around 100 mb download without and about 30 with but you also need to try different countries.

    Ok will do so the downloading which one do you recommend I should buy I haven’t bought one yet.

    I have done this before but I have totally forgotten it and now it looks hard to follow this guide. I will try and let you know.

    Thanks dsayers

    I have only used My Private Network and digibit, both work fine I prefer My Private Network as they only need one conf file so I just run the script every time I want to change server but they cost more than digibit. Im not sure if digibit do trials if they do try both and go from there.

    You will need to download the configs from the provider.

    Then for each conf file you need to FTP hdd/vpn create a folder and name it to the country ie Barcelona, you will also need a password.txt or user.txt file with your username and password in it. So hdd\vpn\Barcelona.

    Before trying the VPN changer plugin you need to know how to edit the conf file but this varies on providers.

    Most provide .ovpn files you need to rename them to ,conf

    Now you need to edit the .conf files again this may depend on provider so maybe google will be best but most have a line auth-user-pass

    You need to edit that line so it says auth-user-pass password.txt, Use a compatible text editor ie notepad++ not standard notepad.

    Try setting one conf file first so you know how it works.

    Once you have edited one of the conf file FTP etc and create an openvpn folder and put the conf file in that folder now create another file called password.txt and add your username and passwprd to it save and add the password.txt to etc/openvpn.

    So now in etc/openvpn we should have the .conf file and password.txt plus you will need to add the .cert file if its with the configs that have been downloaded.

    You will be best finding out what VPN they are using then google name OpenVPN enigma2 and you should be able to find a guide.

    Hi morning guys. Is there a vpn plugin available for enigma2 ?

    You should be able to access OpenVPN via network menu you just need the correct configs from your VPN in etc/openvpn this varies on provider so what VPN are you using or wanting to use?

    There is also a VPN config changer here OpenVPN - VPN Chance Plugin you can have all your different countries in hdd/VPN

    I have a simple script for My Private Network that should work on most images providing its upto date


    The above script is only for My Private Network as they only need one conf file and you can change countries within one conf, for most others you need the configs for each country and some need cert files.

    An example of how I previously did Digibit:

    On box I created a folder called digibit and dragged all the configs to that folder.

    Now I used putty in typed

    cd /digibit

    this will put putty in the digibit folder

    Now I used a simple command to rename all the .ovpn files to .conf

    for x in *.ovpn; do mv "$x" "${x%.ovpn}.conf"; done

    Now to add password.txt to each conf file with one command I used

    sed -i -e "s/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.txt/g" /digibit    /*.conf

    Then created a password.txt in etc/openvpn and added my username and password

    So now I have all the configs in /digibit I can just drag the server I want to etc/openvpn and start openvpn.

    Unfortunately I,m not sure how to get the script to move one selected conf to etc/openvpn with using country at the top, but this works quite well.