Posts by ian1095

    ok normally im a firm believer in that people should learn and do things for themselves and if they do wish to learn im always more than willing to try to teach,rather than being the "its broke fix it" brigade,but on this occasion to save all the inevitable questions and because the author decompiled my stand alone fix and stole my private proxy,ive decided to do it for you all.

    ive decompiled the main tsmedia plugin pyo and disabled it from reading the 1channel url (my old private one !) that he has on his server.

    so now it no longer places that old now useless proxy from his server into /ect/TSmedia/channel1_source for 1channel to read the url from.

    instead if you go to this file and add your own private proxy there replacing the now useless mr dude one 1channel will now read and use yours instead.

    send the attached file to


    then navigate to /etc/TSmedia/channel_source and open that file in notepad++
    replace the mrdude proxy with your new one and restart enigma2

    tsmedia 1channel will now use your proxy instead of my old one on his server.




    a few of you have asked how to get this to work in tsmedia so ive decompiled the 1channel py file from this plugin for you all.

    once youve done this you can then move onto movie4k,but this is slightly harder as the movie4k website needs certain url's to remain intact and you have to know which they are.

    then finally if you wish you can fix simply movies too,although this is even harder than movie4k,because with this all simply movies links remain intact and you only edit the links pertaining to

    to be honest though if the author gave a dam he would simply add a new def containing about 6 lines of code telling the plugin to redirect to a file contained in perhaps the /etc folder on an individuals box.then each user could just add their own private proxies to this file,and the plugin would read this file before trying the url's contained within it.but hey thats between you guys and the author of this plugin.


    edit this py with your private proxies and then send to


    then restart enigma2.

    ive not tested this because i dont use this plugin either (we have our own private ones lol ) but trust me,it will work !


    ps personally i woulnt upload a list of these hosting sites here,because you have to remember,what you are doing is against their terms and conditions and they dont want you to do this,because it uses too much cpu and bandwidth,also its possibly illegal too.but if you google top 10 free hosting site you will get yourselves a list,then just use the ones that allow PHP dont need them to allow FTP,because you can always use your own FTP programs that you use everyday to access your boxes.

    the above location is taken from the latest betas hes getting you all to test for him ( quite cleaver that lol )
    the location of the 1channel py file is different in the normal tsmedia versions.


    thats vix for you lol

    your image is not closing the connection from previous connection attempts and your httplib file is raising the BadStatusLine error,so when you try to connect again using your urllib2 file the connection is still open and this is causing the crash.

    the 1channel plugin really needs an exception adding to its code here to prevent these crashes when the connection is still open.

    none the less,even if an exception was added you still wouldnt be able to connect,all adding this exception would do,would be to prevent your crash.

    because your image isnt closing the last connection,all you can do is to reboot the box to force it to close,then upon restart it should connect for you without issue.


    ps be careful when posting crashlogs as they may now contain your private proxy details,if i were you i would edit your crashlog and then re post it again.

    i take it nicola is your girlfriend you soppy sod lol

    this is why i advised users to use another hosting site,simply because xbmc use mx10.this problem only exists because it looks to the site like a ddos attack,ive explained this many times,and its because of all the xbmc users connecting as well as yourselves.

    if you use another hosting site this problem is gone.

    the guide i wrote is for mx10 but it can easily be adapted to be used on other hosting sites,using your own FTP program such as flashFXP,it just a matter of using your common sense really like afrostar has done.


    its unlikely

    but no one can predict if the primewire site will change their source code or if new headers maybe required.if this happens then the python code has to be changed too(a very simple task using firebug to obtain the info from the sites new source code)but as no one is maintaining this plugin now,if they do ever do this,then the plugin is dead for good.

    as long as they dont do this though,your plugin running your private proxy should remain working for a long time to come.


    ps remember to login to 000 at least once a month,otherwise they will kill your proxy,and yes 000 is a good site,i have several private proxies from there was a wise move to change your proxy from mx10 simply because with xbmc using that host site,it gets battered with redirects to and i feel that soon they will smell a rat and put a stop to this sort of thing for good,as it does break the terms and conditions,that no one ever bothers to read lol.

    and lastly

    well done !

    there should be 44 i think,its ages since ive done it.

    although i think the files that have been publicly decompiled dont have the search ?

    go through them all one by one because some start http://www. and others http://
    without the www. depending on what the link does and what its calling upon on the site.

    you have probably missed the 3 www links and they are still

    i would suggest doing a search using notepad++ for without the prefix to ensure none are found.if any are then you need to edit those too.


    yes Gerry you have to create your own proxy using a php file containing the address you wish to be redirected to,in this case primewires addy and also a .htaccess file too,both of which need uploading onto a hosting site.

    how else will it be private if you do not do this ?


    from memory there are 44 to change i think

    open the in notepad++ select search from the tab at the top,then select find and type into the box


    then hit enter

    that text will be highlighted.

    select replace and in the second box type


    (this is of course your proxy and not those words lol )

    then select replace all and hit enter

    select save and the job is done,notepad should report that 44 occurrences have been replaced.

    send the file back to your box and restart enigma2

    and enjoy 1channel once more.


    if i were going to take over the maintaining of this plugin,which im not because im friendly with subix,and i dont have his permission,i would add about 6 lines of code to it to make the plugin redirect to the etc folder on your box,and read the private proxy from a file contained in that folder,before it read the original url
    so each person would then have their own private proxy in their etc folder and no other could ever see or use it.

    just a small tip if someone wants to fix this issue for everyone concerned.


    you cannot edit pyo files they are machine code.

    you need to find the decompiled files that are in py format which is human readable code that someone posted on this site and edit those,or decompile the pyo files yourself first.


    if it was my guide which i have posted then your proxy site will be 10mx ?

    personally i would choose another hosting site (there are hundreds) because xbmc use 10mx,anyway if it is that hosting site as i suspect it is,then the links dont show in a browser,but when the proxy is added to the plugin python code,they will work perfectly.

    i use gedit for my python files but i use the notepadd++ plugin to compare.


    its to be expected since the stand alone 1channel plugin was decompiled and the private proxy i added became public.i did warn you all of this.
    not only that but the author of tsmedia decompiled the fix i posted on here then added the proxy inside it to his server for that plugin to use as well.

    such is life,but because of these two things happening the private proxy i added now being public is no longer any good,and i wont be adding another,because the same thing will just happen again.

    time to add your own private proxies guys,or say goodbye to the plugin for good im afraid.


    to be honest you are probably correct and once upon a time many years ago the card may have been inserted into the box,like you say for activation.

    but i repeat this is probably a counter measure to prevent repairing and its possible that what worked for me may not work for others,if this 2nd pairing is not with the same box as they have on record for your account details.

    im guessing here and this is pure speculation,but mine may have been turned on again because i supplied them with the same details that they have on record for my account.


    but one off the members was using an old sly+ sd box


    they wish to have a record of who is using exactly what,so people can be targeted for upgrades.
    its also possible that they are preventing repairing,ie people who once paired with a more modern box,pairing again now with a Thompson.

    my card was never paired with any box so i didnt have this issue.
    and like i said,all is well again now after doing what i said above.the card has still never seen a *** box,however it is now probably paired to the Thompson for the first time even though its never been inserted.


    ok lets try to clear this up.

    this happened to me last wednesday evening,i lost all HD and movies and sports,yet my entilements were till 8th march 2014.

    the reason for this is simple.

    My card has never even seen a *** box and *** wish to know who is still using a Thompson box ! and when the card is in the said box,under general usage you will get a constant nag onscreen to contact them and give them your details,the nag is so bad,that if you are indeed using the *** box,you cannot put up with it,and so you do exactly what they wish and contact them.of course when the card is in a linux box you get no such nag onscreen,so you dont.
    so in a final effort to get the people who have not contacted them,to get in touch,they have turned off the HD and movies and sports.

    the cure (for now)

    go to the *** website and enter your Thompson box number,your card number and your postcode.

    after doing this you will instantly get a message onscreen that you need to change your box,you just ignore this of course.
    then within 30mins you will receive several unique emm's in oscam,one of which will switch your HD movies and sports back on.
    but of course *** now know you at your postcode are still using the Thompson box and so you will be targeted to upgrade,this will probably be in the form of letters,emails or even phone calls.

    just ignore them until they finally kill emm's to all Thompson boxes,then its game over.


    the keymap.xml is located in /usr/share/enigma2

    make sure the channel up and down buttons are mapped as so

    <key id="KEY_CHANNELUP" mapto="pageUp" flags="mr" />
    <key id="KEY_CHANNELDOWN" mapto="pageDown" flags="mr" />

    if this still doesn't sort the issues out on the gen 2 boxes then you could try adding the multiquickbutton plugin and mapping with be honest that plugin is a must anyway in my opinion,so nothing lost by trying it.

    it might also be worth checking your input devices to make sure its set to

    dreambox remote control (native)


    rather than bin it why not try to fix it for yourself and others who use the solo2,instead of expecting others who do not own this box to do it for you?
    its only a keymap problem and a slight edit of the keymap.xml should sort this for yourself and other solo2 users.

    after all its working for nearly everyone else on all other boxes,so its really up to you to sort this out if its not working for you on just one certain box types.


    this is the problem

    i added that PRIVATE proxy to the stand alone 1channel for all to use and because it was private it was unlikely to go down.
    but now the files have been decompiled and its been made public,hence the above post publicly talking about it,and with people even adding it to the tsmedia plugin,it wont last for too long.

    trust me,when it goes down,and it will now its public,i wont be adding another for that to be made public as well.
