Posts by blacksx

    still not working. server listen port on cccam is 16000 and is open in router

    in oscam.conf:

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    port = 10000@0963:000000

    for oscam above port 10000 is open in router?

    i have oscam and cccam running on my server but it has never been able to update entitlements and i believe its down to using cccam? i need to create a separate n:line for my vu duo? in oscam.user i have first user which is to connect oscam to ccam and the last one is what i have made up to use on my duo but i doesnt work?

    user = ****
    pwd = ****
    group = 1
    monlevel = 0
    au = 1
    caid = 0963

    user = ****
    pwd = ****
    group = 1
    monlevel = 0
    au = 1
    caid = 0963

    i insert this 2nd line as N: 10000 user password on my duos cccam.cfg file but it doesnt work? do i need to run a different cam on my duo?

    i hav my server running well using oscam to read the card and sharing it via cccam. id like to create an nline for my reciever as i currently have a cccam line. where on my debian server do i put my nline or does it need an f line, i know i put my nline in var/etc/cccam.cfg on my stb?

    I forgot to update my card until the day before it expired duh! I had to call sly and get them to pair the card with a diff box saying the original had broken. There's only so many times I'll get away with that!!!

    I'm thinking of purchasing a vu solo for cheap from china. Having looked through the image support I can't find any clone support, has this section been removed?

    i got a vu uno today and about to install vix 3.0 but is it possible to use my vix 3.0 backup image from my vu duo. will this install my channel lists and picons etc?

    Just lOoking at my servers Oscam and instead of saying found a channel in 100ms it said cache1 in 120ms? What does this mean, I installed csp partially but stop a quarter of the way I as I hadn't a clue. Anybody know?