Posts by hoolman

    I just installed the new mips version and it is working very well, I noticed that the yellow button is now assigned to search, but unfortunately this button (yellow) on my remote control is no longer working, can i change it to the blue button ? thanks Ziko

    On OpenPLI 8.3, you have to press and hold pressing Up/Down button to switch on the list and choose another channel, can you fix it, please ?

    When you press Exit, you return to the main menu, its better to return to the current list :smiling face:

    Is it possible to color the working portals in green and non working in red ? :face with rolling eyes:

    Thanks again, we truly appreciate this good work

    Sorry try with chmod 755 in my previous message 775 was wrong

    *** On OpenPLI mips ***

    Go to


    Creat : softcam.SURPRISE (chmod 755) with the content below



    case "$1" in


    ulimit -s 1024

    /usr/bin/oscam-surprise --config-dir /etc/tuxbox/config/Surprise--daemon --pidfile /tmp/ --restart 2 --utf8

    /usr/bin/oscam --config-dir /etc/tuxbox/config/Oscam --daemon --pidfile /tmp/ --restart 2 --utf8



    kill `cat /tmp/` 2> /dev/null

    kill `cat /tmp/` 2> /dev/null



    $0 stop

    sleep 1

    $0 start



    echo "SURPRISE"



    echo "SURPRISE"



    echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart"

    exit 1



    exit 0


    Yellow : the direction of your bin files (chmod 755)

    Red : the direction of your config files

    I Run Oscam-TNT & Ncam & Supcam at the same time

    And everything works, thanks to the owners of the latest version of Oscam

    So you have a configuration problem, but you are able to run supcam, ncam, tnt, revcam..and evey softacm you want together!! just have a correct configuration for every softcam

    i don't have any problem Bro everything works and the configuration is OK