Posts by TH3-J0K3R

    Cables remain the same, you can keep a second stb but only if they fit a legacy lnb when doing the sky q install otherwise it's a sky q setup only...

    Sent from my Samsung S7 using Tapatalk.

    so if i was to upgrade to q i would not be able to use my wetek ect unless i have legacey lnb ?
    also would card work in normal way as per redcard tutorials ,ie boxkey gotten ect ect ? clear HD / SD sports / movies ect ect ?


    right so i found firmware placed into lib/firmware but alas no joy


    any idea ?
    running kodibuntu 16.04 ubuntu base with kodi 16.1
    think it to do with teh FW auto starting as its defo there just wont playball
    so when i go scan anything via TVH it locks up system ,

    on a side note how can one install TVH without auto starting untill i get this fixed ?
    as when TVH auto starts device die n even ssh wont let yah in lol so had to reformat a few tiimes and redo updates o/s blah blah ken but if not TVH auto start a reboot would bring system back alive withoiyut reinstall

    any other commands /thoughts to get it working ?

    ahhhhh dude its a PAY SERVER and sorry but ALAS we WONT SUPPORT THERE !
    own sub thi is yer hub
    pay sever oota here fella ;)

    but what i state above still stands and yer PAYSEVER a fud who knows fcuk all in robbing you :)
    just sayin m8ty :)

    and he would have got away with it if it wasnt for those peski bankcards lolz

    although not good at all for any member of anhom as if they got him in 04they got anymembers acciated to hm to you can easily asume to,
    i do wonder what he refused to do for FSB for em to serve him up as he worked for em , so mussta refused to comply on soming ew eh ;)
    intresting indeed

    use oscam as cam instead of cccam there has been issues noted in last while with cccam in uk
    aloensure your ports are forwarded in router to what you are using
    cccam to oscam convertor is poted on forum and will help you convert to oscam your cccam line

    on my duo i pref use openATV but VIX jut a good :)

    you can use teh HDD easily enough use a program like easues partition manager and make 2 partuitions on teh HDD
    if you have a 4 gig usb stick then say 4igig partition as partition1 n what eva left as partion 2 name 1 as USB n 2 AS HDD

    then you will see em both via the stb via same processs as before , off course you can dump what on the USB TICK to partion1 USB on the usb HDD with 2 partions program also been posted by myself on here partion prog i gave above:)

    you ashould be able to convert a E2 vermin list , you could make this list via any E2 availible for play2
    and then installing auto bouket maker plugin to your e2 microSD use dreambox edit to pull the E2 list from your wetekplay and then convert that via DROID on play2 :)

    hope thi helps in your endeviours in getting a vermin list :)

    this ok mate

    yeah dude i was able to edit via PAINT been blck bkground539de.jpg

    what i came up with , had to zoom right in to get away with teh spratpaint red bits but think it turned out ok ,

    thoughts ? and wgat i ment by over spray [painter :)

    think be better with the org joker via transpartent bkgrpound to achieve better scxales

    Anyone giot a backup of this fw/driver for tevii 464 dvb-s low profile card for linux

    this is what im told to do via many=tutorials

    but get a error and also cant exsstract via win archiver
    anyone help me get the file and new copmands to install and where to place on KODIBUNTU 16.4
    as untill i get thos done TVH just crashe system as no FW to scan on setup lol :)

    many Thanx in Advance ..

    as alway JK

    look into PS3 asit has already gave how to bypass this via the old hack
    if you google there i a guide i know posted via ps3hax n also warzeuwant (later in google cache)
    that shpws how to bypass this via a cpl oh prgrams ,

    on a side not there is a few O/S platform media sserver called UNVIVERSAL MEDIA CENTER this has on the FLY remux
    and if i mind right 1 of the option when u have al set up right DIVERTS the CHIAVIA geez that hingyah asked about


    great for transcodingto via varu=ious othetr devices long as source hub has it play anythuing in any device regardless of tere players ability u find a trab=nscode varablethat works