Posts by Chris230291

    I have never heard of journalsat and I dont use enigma2.

    For anyone interested in this IPTV..

    - go here:

    - click the buttons until you see host, username and password

    - go to this url, replacing the host, user and pass: <HOST>/get.php?username=<USER>&password=<PASS>&type=m3u_plus&output=ts

    - load the downloaded m3u in any m3u player

    Here is what I found.

    Given up with Windows. It doesnt work at all.

    In Linux I am having a little success though...

    I think this is early/original firmware (1.1).

    From what I read only 1.3+ supports Windows updating, so I must use Linux.

    Any Idea why I cant flash it?

    NCam filled in those values for me from the automatic setting.

    I bought the smargo used off ebay.

    So I guess I need to chnage the firmware on the smargo?

    Are these the files I need?


    I didnt read what you said properly.

    I'll try with auto disabled and the other values at the default 357

    I have the options all set to ncams defaults.


    Any idea what the values should be?

    If you know I can look into how to change them on the smargo.

    Perhaps this is why my ecm times are higher than I expected?

    2023/10/04 17:44:15 26371627 c      (ecm) dvbapi (0963@000000/FFFF/17CB/B5:19D89806B8F955DEED46E7FF17975CE5:0F06000000000000:): found (235 ms) by sky_uk (L/1/16/16) - SkySp Mix (lg)
    2023/10/04 17:44:17 26371627 c      (ecm) dvbapi (0963@000000/FFFF/17CB/B5:09DC27F5963F1B2D26933D1A6C972CD0:0F06000000000000:): found (235 ms) by sky_uk (L/1/16/16) - SkySp Mix (lg)
    2023/10/04 17:44:25 26371627 c      (ecm) dvbapi (0963@000000/FFFF/17CB/B5:E14AF65E9ED5C58CEC8A0D0C5AC18DB2:0F06000000000000:): found (234 ms) by sky_uk (L/1/16/16) - SkySp Mix (lg)

    Occasionally I get the following error in my Ncam logs

    2023/10/04 00:50:01 689CFE8F r (reader) sky_uk [videoguard2] Warning: needed try nr 2, next ECM has some delay
    2023/10/04 00:50:01 689CFE8F r (reader) sky_uk [videoguard2] classD3 ins54: (-1) status not ok 6d 90
    2023/10/04 00:50:01 689CFE8F r (reader) sky_uk [videoguard2] The card is not answering correctly! Restarting reader for safety

    Any idea what might cause this?

    I don't use enigma2.

    I am assuming the bouquets use "localhost"?

    Edit: Yes they seem to use which is the same as localhost

    Ciefp settings:

    #SERVICE 1:0:19:81:6:85:21:0:0:0:http%3a// Sport Top Event HD

    So its pointing to itself instead of the primary box.

    That's assuming this "client mode" isn't some special mode that handles all that.