Posts by momi133

    I tried in Vu zero plus 4K but its not Working please solve my problem

    1- Please install ipk file!

    2- Please use following config: thanks levi45oscam.conf

    3-Please read first post

    Doing all above steps still not Working

    I sent you a massage in pv of sat-uni and you didn't answer me! please answer each question exactly and on-time!

    what does mean this sentence: "Doing all above steps still not Working"

    1- which freq did you test?

    2- what did you see in CW box in plugin? No cw found or not?

    Please explain your problem in details!

    you are first user that report this error!

    plugin insert key in softcam.key file in special format like this:

    F FA66A6DC 00000000 491952B482696550 ; Arqiva HD4 @ 10.0E 11540-H-7120 By FeedKeys @ 04-06-2019 00:41:46

    when you press ok, plugin deletes old keys that inserted by this plugin!

    this error shows that 'POWERVU_KEY_UPDATER #################' is placed after a key in a line of softcam.key file like this:

    F FA66A6DC 00000000 491952B482696550 ; Arqiva HD4 @ 10.0E 11540-H-7120 By FeedKeys @ 04-06-2019 00:41:46 POWERVU_KEY_UPDATER #################

    it's impossible unless this line of softcam.key file is edited manually because plugin insert each key in the last line of softcam.key file !

    For solving this error, you should delete ' POWERVU_KEY_UPDATER #################' in end of lines that inserted by plugin.

    Good luck

    New update 1.5

    --Plugin search Softcam.key directory and it's added to setting directories!

    --If No softcam.key in STB, Plugin will show a massage in setting!

    --Fix picon of satellite

    --if user and pass are defined in webif setting, a warning massage will be appeared.

    --Animated Channel name, sat and freq

    --Fix some bugs

    Next update:

    In next version, we will try to improve search in database by plugin!

    Also we will try to add keyboard to plugin for Manual mode


    New update 1.5

    --Plugin search Softcam.key directory and it's added to setting directories!

    --If No softcam.key in STB, Plugin will show a massage in setting!

    --Fix picon of satellite

    --if user and pass are defined in webif setting, a warning massage will be appeared.

    --Animated Channel name, sat and freq

    --Fix some bugs

    Next update:

    In next version, we will try to improve search in database by plugin!

    Also we will try to add keyboard to plugin for Manual mode


    If anyone is finding that the keys aren't being deleted from the SoftCamKey file after 6 hrs, change the time setting on your stb from "transponder time" to "ntp".

    Both freqs( 11128 V 9749 & 11140 V 7200) have a same #CW But when you press ok, two different keys are inserted in Softcam.key because Namespace hash of two freqs are different!

    for example OSCAM searchs key in Softcam.key for each freq on base of Namespace hash like this: F+' '+ Namespace hash+00+CW

    Please check Softcam.key if two different key are inserted ? Both of them must be existed in Softcam.key!

    today also same tp and same satellite and plugin not work no information and cw not found message

    ok! you are right! we have a problem in a few hours of today!

    It's only two weeks since the plugin release. we are in the beginning of a long way and We will try to improve plugin and support server of #cw.


    Can the code input panel change?

    like this


    Maybe it's done in next versions! this is my design( depends on your skin also)


    This plugin is wrote for Biss Feeds Not Biss channels But some channels are supported! Please report some channels or feeds (position & freq and name) that it's CW was not found.

    also in some countries, VPN must be used!

    Works great on OPENVIX 5.2 040 EDISION OS MEGA

    hopefully powervu channels soon

    are AFN ready yet or next release?

    thanks momi 133 much appreciated

    audi06_19 said that: Powervu; There will be unnecessary support. Keys works as auto. 10 seconds on the channel

    Also users test powervu autoroll for AFN and Astra 4.8E channels and sent oscam-emu logs. logs show that channels are discrypted under 15 secs for AFN and mote time for Astra 4.8E channels! So, it seems that adding powervu keys to server is not necessary Now! it Maybe added to plugin in future!

    Tip: 1- install latest version of oscam-emu or oscam or others

    2- Please read following page for powervu channels!…tched/wiki/PowerVU-config

    B. Edit the global OSCam configuration with one of these ways:

    1. Add the 0E00:000000 string in the Skip CWs checksum test only for option under the global config settings.
    2. Add the disablecrccws_only_for = 0E00:000000 directive in the oscam.conf file under the global section.

    Hi using satdreamgr6 with oscam-emu and the softcamkey is in etc/ tuxbox/ config/ oscam-emu /softcamkey.

    There is no this directory on program what can i do?

    Next update:

    ****>Some users report directorys that are different from those in setting !
    In next version, plugin search Softcam directory and it's added to setting!

    powervu off

    Now, powervu isn't supported by plugin! but maybe in near future!

    Now, I check the powervu topic in sat-universe, it seems that powervu keys are reported regular. So I can add this option to plugin for powervu encrypted channels. in first stage we add AFN channels! it's very simple and I do that.

    thanks for your tip!

    :announcement:For DreamOS, a new topic created! Please send your crash log and talk about DreamOS plugin in related topic.

    BissFeed AutoKey Plugin DreamOS

    Sat-Universe Feeds Plugin

    BissFeedAutoKey Plugin By momi133

    A Plugin For Feed-Lovers


    I've written this plugin based on feeds that are reported in sat-universe. After the feed freq is scanned and searched, user can use this plugin. when plugin is up, it shows all feed info that is reported in sat-universe like transponder,id,CW, 4:2:2 or 4:2:0, sport category ,game and somethings else and if you press OK button, The #CW key is inserted in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically if your plugin setting is ok, otherwise user should restart your softcam manually.

    Remote Control Button Help:

    OK & Green : #CW key is inserted in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically

    BLUE & Yellow: Show Setting Screen


    Option and Tips:

    First of all, check plugin setting. Press Blue button and following screen will be displayed:


    1. Config folder -> oscam.conf file -> [webif] section -> httpport = 8888

    2. Config folder -> oscam.conf file -> [webif] section ->
    "" must be in httpallowed section like(httpallowed =,192,168.0.0-

    3- Please disable username and password in webif setting

    4- After config file setting was changed, softcam must be restarted manually to applying changes.


    4.In setting screen, you should select folder of Softcam.key file(Default Folder: etc/tuxbox/config) and press ok button to save changes!

    >>>Plugin delete keys that inserted by this plugin every 6 hours!

    >>>If when plugin is up and your enigma2 is crashed, please send error log.

    >>> If #CW not found by plugin, a screen will be displayed that request the CW code of feed or any Biss Encrypted channel!

    After pressing ok button, key will be inserted in Softcam.key file and softcam(like oscam,gcam,cccam,ncam or others) is restarted automatically.

    >>>when you type CW in box, lowercase or uppercase letters is not important.

    >>>Some #CW keys of tv channels are existed, if you want to add your favorite Biss channels, please post full info of it in this thread.(minimum info: Full transponder and #CW)

    :announcement1::announcement:Important Tip: In some Countries, user must use VPN to see #CW :announcement::announcement1:

    Special Thanks To: Ali & masterG for testing and sending crash files!


    i try this but always message is

    cw not found please enter biss key

    so please give detail how can i get biss keys for feed channels

    you are right if you use DreamOS file! it,s fixed and released soon!

    Hi Dear,

    Please add "var/tuxbox/config" Softcam Directory.

    Thank you...

    ok! some users like you report directorys that are different from those in setting !

    in next version, plugin search Softcam directory and it is added to setting!

    thank for tips!

    -I have edit latest version 2.1 to DreamOS

    -Add converter + render files what plugin need it

    def oscamMsg(self):

           self.ckey = '' ## Add by RAED Fix crash on DreamOS


    when plugin is up, #cw is assigned to self.ckey! oscamMsg function insert self.ckey in softcam.key and reset the softcam(like oscam)

    Above red lines cause to delete #cw key and input box will be appeared to insert key manually!

    I will fix this!

    thanks bro


    I'm (READ, fairbird, fairman)

    I'm trying to fix plugin for DreamOS and I like to release DreamOS of my own plugin by myself! Anyway I appreciate you specially for this work!

    When a key is add to softcam.key, image is crashed. a variable isn't defined correct!

    I will fix it and create new topic in DreamOS plugins thread!

    I request you for help and support me in this plugin and Please help me to fix bugs that I can't fix them But please allow me to release all new versions and I have some ideas to improve plugin

    thanks a lot!

    Thank you bro for this usually plugin ..

    But I think batter to add Converter + render files to ipk file .

    Because a lot of user got crash and the reason is missing those files

    I don't get what you mean of " usually plugin"! is there any unusual plugin? OF course "usual plugin" is correct Not " usually plugin".

    Ok! In Sat-universea sent me a crash log because of lack of also they told me ,feeds info are invisible in some images like openpli! For this reasons, I decide to attach Converter + render files to ipk file in next version!

    Are you RAED?