Posts by oottppxx

    Drivers seem fine - in W10 no go.

    They are recognising the HW, Prolific drivers, COM6 opened, it seems fine, as there is communication with HiTool...

    But... It seems bricked, so no worries... ;)

    Seems obvious, but make sure you're not swapping rx/tx on serial port... and there was something about only connecting tx/rx/gnd, not the power.

    Before getting into many details, connect the serial port and use a terminal program (not HiTool, see here for some alternatives:…ows-7-8-10-hyperterminal/); settings for the port, try 115200, 8N1, if this doesn't work try the more conservative/traditional 9600 8N1. Then from within the terminal program, with the serial port attached/cable connected, power-on the box, note if you see any output, and try pressing enter a couple of times. Assuming you add output, please capture it and paste here.

    On a tangent, do you have an example xml file for partitioning, that you say you need, even if it's for a different box/flash model?

    Ermmm, no: H9S can't boot, can't be flashed...

    It shouldn't be stuck like this, since it flashes such bits from USB stick but... allegedly.... Alas.... Hence the frustration...

    Ok, so basically you already knew everything I mentioned, from those posts, and there's even a nice HiTool interface. I see from one of the posts that you even got the serial/TTL cable, but had issues with the serial connection? Without that working, I think JTAG would be the only way (and even then, there might be something else really broken on the box, although it's unlikely if you only messed it up via software).

    What's the XML partition file that you're missing? Can you show a partition file for other models, so I can take a look? Again, might not do much good without serial communications working and you don't want to go the JTAG/physical chip removal way.

    Note: I wouldn't even go the HiTool way to start with, as if the bootloader (Das U-Boot) is still alive and kicking there are much better ways to recover the box. Just plug in the serial cable and try to get a prompt on a terminal program running on your desktop/lapop.

    Just in case:

    If you succeed I am sending you my H9S... ;) stuck... no way to flash it...

    Good luck...

    If I succeed doing what? I can already drop into the bootloader console via telnet, so there's not much more to do with the H7, unless I misunderstood you. Of course I had to start with a working one - if the bootloader was toast, one would need to reprogram the internal 8Mb flash via JTAG or physically remove the chip and use an external programmer - I backed mine up for such a rainy day, hopefully that won't be needed ever.

    The H9S uses a completely different chipset, and, as far as I understand, it doesn't support native multiboot anyway - and even if it did, as it's already stuck, you need to a) look into getting a physical console attached; OR, b) if the bootloader is corrupted and the console is of no help, you need to go and check how to reflash using JTAG/physically extract the flash chip and reprogram it. Start with a), of course, because the bootloader might be good and it's just a different component that's broken (e.g., bad RAM) and causing it to get stuck.

    You probably already tried flashing the recovery stuff you can find at… or… (gleaned from your github repository), right? At least the bootargs_h9.txt file gives an idea of the flash map, devices, the presumed presence of a serial console, etc... And the fastboot_h9.bin gives an idea of the bootloader, although I didn't try to decompress it...

    P.S. - They seem to be using U-boot, see the repo README at…/s40/compressed/startup.c

    I've had that issue many times, so I decided to finally investigate a bit, and wrote (and keep updating) on how to make sure we can recover from it without flashing everything else.

    @jeneverest might be on to something regarding flashing a single slot, but I've never seen it explained anywhere, although I'm planning some tests on the weekend as this seems to be possible from what I gleaned from the bootloader strings.

    Everything would be much simpler if they'd let you flash the emmcflash0.boot partition separately: I'll also test that this weekend, but I'm less sure it will work (again, from what I've gleaned from the strings).

    How do you know the box can still ping the router when it's frozen? Do you see the traffic?

    What seems to happen on these boxes, si that they run out of memory, and then you can't even exec() anything, so your script probably wouldn't be able to run anyway.

    To try and avoid freezes due to running out of memory, I've an hourly crontab entry that calls the following:

    sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches i get the 6.21 run on my vti image... the important thing is, epg must be default single epg. but when i choose a catchup file there is no player and it crash... so i thing my nex prob is the know why no player and why crash

    Ok, I've uploaded a version that should work on VTi (or some flavour of it); couldn't test much, and I know it has at least 1 bug (probably several), but try it out and see how it goes for you. I didn't understand what you meant regarding the EPG setting: I installed VTi 14.0.5 from scratch, accepting the default EPG setting, and the Single EPG screen seems to work fine for me.

    Do provide feedback, please. i get the 6.21 run on my vti image... the important thing is, epg must be default single epg. but when i choose a catchup file there is no player and it crash... so i thing my nex prob is the know why no player and why crash

    Got a box running a VTi image (v.14.0.5), unfortunately I also lost access to the single provider I had with catchup, so I can't really test much for now. i get the 6.21 run on my vti image... the important thing is, epg must be default single epg. but when i choose a catchup file there is no player and it crash... so i thing my nex prob is the know why no player and why crash

    Feel free to capture a crash log and DM it to me, I can take a look (again, no promises as I won't have any access to a VTI image).

    oottppxx thank you but the plugin crash instandly i start the plugin… i got no crash log - it was toooo late yesterday

    ...there is a info below the link.. that the dev is testing it only on atv and opli - i thing thats why

    Yes, I've only tested on those (and some versions on OpenVIX as well)... like I said, I can't test VTI right now, it will be a while (a month or so) before I can, sorry.

    i have install heinz from post1... when go to extensions there is a error popup that some plugins cant run - heinz miss to importl single epg..? what i have to do..? my provider support catchup,

    and i use epg import to get epg for my iptv - but not in every categorie

    I'm guessing you're not running OpenATV? What system are you running, and which version?

    vti 14.05 is my system. i dont like atv… is there any way can you help me

    Can you confirm which version of Heinz you installed?

    I'll do my best, but unfortunately at the moment (and during the next few weeks) I won't have access to install/test VTI.

    i have install heinz from post1... when go to extensions there is a error popup that some plugins cant run - heinz miss to importl single epg..? what i have to do..? my provider support catchup,

    and i use epg import to get epg for my iptv - but not in every categorie

    I'm guessing you're not running OpenATV? What system are you running, and which version?

    It is but it’s all blurred you can’t make out what your actually pressing. There must be another way to setup the keys

    Not sure I understand what you mean by "blurred", can you post a screenshot?

    You can setup hotkeys via editing the settings file directly, but I don't recommend it. Here are my current ones:

    # grep -i button /etc/enigma2/settings





    The settings file should only be edited while enigma2 is stopped, you can achieve this by running "telinit 5" (and "telinit 3" when done to resume).

    Hi just wondering if anyone can help I’ve just installed ketchup and it seems to have installed fine, however when I choose a program from the catchup list it doesn’t play and also I can’t seem to exit ketchup


    To exit catchup, use the "Stop" key on your remote control (the one with the square, on the group of the play/pause/forward/rewind keys).

    If catchup doesn't play, make sure you have the correct settings for service and stream type (I generally use extplayer and m3u8, but this would only work if you have serviceapp installed, otherwise try IPTV and m3u8). It could also be that your provider shows didn't record properly or are broken somehow (it does happen from time to time - check different channels/programs).