Posts by oottppxx

    is there any way ofset the playback as the programs always start about 4mins in ?

    i can only ofest playback in 30min increments

    Was actually looking at the offsets today, and I honestly didn't recall implementing the "Play offset" but it's in there; I programmed it to be about the same as the "List offset" as providers sometimes mess up the time zones, etc... I can change it to be +1,-1, if required, so you can adjust, it's an easy change (although it will be a bitt of a pain if one needs to use a very large/very small offset - up to 360 each way). I'll take a look and publish a new version soon.

    Heinz 6.2.2e now supports changing the "Play offset" setting in multiples of 1 instead of 30; for your use case you'd want to set it to -4 (or -5, depending :-)

    is there any way ofset the playback as the programs always start about 4mins in ?

    i can only ofest playback in 30min increments

    If you're talking about the "List offset (minutes)" parameter in the settings, that's just to adjust the listing times of the programs, for providers that supply bad EPG data (or working on different time zones Heinz doesn't know about).

    The correct setting is the "Early start (minutes)" one, which should already have a default of 10 minutes; this allows you to start the show, and then rewind back up to 10 minutes (or whatever the setting adjusted to) from the stated start of the show. You do this on the regular timeline bar (the bar itself won't update to the left of zero, but the displayed time offset should update to -1, -2, ... , -10).

    Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

    Here's an example snippet:

    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="US: Viceland HD" tvg-logo="" group-title="Main Channels",Viceland
    #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="US: WE HD" tvg-logo="" group-title="Main Channels",WE

    Somewhat related question - how does your script work under the hood? How does it determine if the stream has catchup content?

    I thought you were talking about Frenchs, regarding the local file. I meant the syntax for the URL.

    Regarding Heinz, it's based on the current stream URL (checking if it's an xtream-codes live stream URL) and information the provider supplies via xtream-codes API (which is accessed via domain:port).

    Thanks man - one more noob question...

    I have a zGemma i55Plus - I have e2m3u script running and it's supposed to update every 6 hours. If I shut the box off (Places it in Standby) I notice the EPG does not update. Is this the expected behavior and just enable EPG refresh upon power-on or do I have something not setup right?

    In theory it should update, if the settings are right, but I don't know if i55+ does something different (I wouldn't expect it to). If you're running the latest version, just run EPG from e2m3u2bouquet.

    I got the Heinz plugin to work, but I cannot figure out how to get the catchup capable channels to be marked in the EPG.

    Is this skin dependent or is there another script for this? Any help would be appreciated - Thank you!

    You need to run the M3U through the Frenchs plugin. In the M3U URL for Suls or Jedi, you provide a localurl that proxies the request via Frenchs, Frenchs downloads the M3U from the real location (which you provide via URL parameter to Frenchs), and marks the catchup enabled channels on the M3U itself.…ee/master/plugins/frenchs

    Am using E2m3u2Bouquets plugin and I was wondering if there is a default location for the config file where the encoded URL can be written to/entered ?

    Would save allot of time trying to get that into the plugin settings using a remote


    Yes, the config file is supposed to be at /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet/config.xml.

    Alternatively, you might want to consider using my MiracleWhip plugin: it's a bit quirky to use, but allows you to rapidly add/delete/modify Suls config from a browser; I believe it still works with the most recent version, too :-)

    You just create the bouquets from E2m3u2bouquet with the new M3U URL; the M3U fetch is then proxied through French's, no need for hotkeys or whatever; catchup channels are marked at this time (during M3U fetch), so they should work transparently with E2m3u2bouquet, Jedi, etc...

    EPG URL doesn't change.

    Thanks for reply. So say you are watching a catchup channel, how do you kick start the catchup screen - I used to create a Hotkey Red button to Heinz but what should we use going forward?

    That doesn't change. Heinz is still the plugin to watch catchup; the French's plugin just replaces the old E2m3u2bouquet mod to mark catchup-enabled channels, in a more generic way.

    You just create the bouquets from E2m3u2bouquet with the new M3U URL; the M3U fetch is then proxied through French's, no need for hotkeys or whatever; catchup channels are marked at this time (during M3U fetch), so they should work transparently with E2m3u2bouquet, Jedi, etc...

    EPG URL doesn't change.