Posts by pepsik

    UPDATE 1.0.58

    1) Minor code changes when parsing and "traversing" XMLTV records to save RAM.

    2) Fixed import of events from XMLTV, in Py2-based images, the channel_id of which is not set in Latin1 encoding.

    3) Fixed sorting of channel and group names in natural alphabetical order in Py2 based images

    4) Changes have been added to the code regarding the use of the specified XMLTV in the EPG url field of the provider's settings. This field should be left empty if the playlist you are using contains tvg-url or epg-urg tags with a specified link for XMLTV. If you specify a link to XMLTV in this field, the plugin will automatically match and select events from the XMLTV you specified. The plugin will find the most appropriate "display-name" tag value names with the channel name from the playlist being used. If the XMLTV specified by you contains links to channel picon in the "icon" attribute values, then you can specify their use in the settings by specifying "Yes" in the "Get by links from the specified XMLTV source" submenu. With this submenu, you can choose between using picon from links in a playlist or from links in XMLTV. The best result of auto-selection of EPG events and picon will be achieved when using XMLTV recommended by your IPTV provider. If you do not have the XMLTV recommended by your provider, then I strongly recommend using the multivariant XMLTV of your region. Multivariant XMLTV contains multiple variants of the same channel name in "display-name" tags. The more different channel name options will be contained in XMLTV, the higher the probability of finding matches with channel names in the playlist used.

    Multivariant XMLTV example with picon links:

    This functionality is mainly designed to use playlists found in the public domain in which there is no information to link to the EPG source, except for channel names.

    The most popular multi-variant XMLTV for Slavic countries in order of the largest number of channels and their naming options:


    But in principle, you can use the XMLTV of any IPTV provider containing the channels you need and links to picons


    Added fix for those using ****-override.xml . Who downloaded before 31/01/2022 22:00 GMT ... download again

    gemini experimental oe 2.5 image

    I am aware of this problem. How to solve it is not yet clear. It occurs only when you have a cable connected from the antenna to the tuner. For the sake of the experiment, unplug the cable and try importing the data again. Everything will work as it should. This problem is observed only on DreamOS. The DVB tuner board in my DM800UHD burned out and I can not repeat this problem on my DM800. I, in the near future, will try to buy a new DVB board, repeat this bug and fix it



    1) Fixed font size for 1280x720 resolution in XMLTV source selection window

    2) Fixed event import from XMLTV with non Latin-1 channel_id attribute values and empty attribute values

    3) Slightly added logging when importing events for more information

    4) Added EPG sources for Slavic countries by R.Rusya (openboxfan community) for 4°W, 4.8°E, 9°E, 13°E, 31.5°E, 36°E, 53°E, 55°E, 56°E, 60°E , 75°E, 85.2°E, 90°E

    A mystery! Why is there this log on e2m3u2b log? It's a compilation part log!

    Anything mystical. This error occurs in case you don't have access to the US Library of Congress ( website. This is not a critical error. We get ISO639 3-digit language codes from their website. This is required for DreamOS epg.db. If the site is not available, then by default "ENG" used.

    if you have a channel with multiple languages and want to exclude all except one

    If you read the python code and didn’t fantasize, then in my mod EPGImport in the /EPGImport/ file you could see that events are selected from XMLTV, the language which matches the interface language of your Enigma2. In other words, If the processed XMLTV contains descriptions of programs (titles etc.) in several languages, then when fetching, the priority will be given to the language matching the interface language of your E2

    The "ignore list" - ignore service and has nothing to do with the presence of several languages in the used XMLTV

    In some iptv lists I just want to have epg for few channels but the process is treating the full list.

    Plugin logic does not provide for selective import of EPG events for given channels of a given playlist. Honestly strange logic to import EPG events only on certain channels in the playlist.... this is 100% a special case.

    As an option, write and "run" your m3u through a bash script that will leave tvg-id tags only on the channels you need .... and then it will be as you want ...

    I just want to know if the events are put in the epg.dat after each provider treatment or at the end of the full process.

    at the end of the full process

    What do you think about?

    Try to use swap

    It should be understood that the EPG is stored in eEPGCache (actually in RAM) and is reset/read from the epg.dat(db) file when SATTopBox is turned on/off. Yes, at the end of the full import process, I forcibly reset eEPGCache to a file. But if reset the cache to a file after importing each xmltv, this greatly changes the structure and logic of the code.

    So if you need to clear your epg.db file if it has been corrupted you have to do it manual with this plugin

    Everything is easier. If you need to clear the EPG, then regardless of the "platform" used, it is enough to set "Clear EPG before import" in the EPGImport settings. This setting will clear both the eEPGCache and create a new EPG storage file. Simply deleting the EPG storage file will - delete the file, but not clear the eEPGCache.

    File can be found in /etc/enigma2/

    Yes and no ... The EPG storage file will be located where specified in the EPG settings of the image you are using. The default locations are /etc/enigma2, /hdd ....etc.

    p.s. It should also be understood that the EPG is stored in the eEPGCache "object" and, under certain conditions, is reset/read into the storage file. Take a close look at, for example, the start or shutdown log of any Enigma2 image, regardless of the "platform" used. Therefore, deleting the EPG storage file does not clear the EPG

    epg.dat and epgimport.

    epg.dat - this is the file where the EPG of the image you use is stored. This file is required. It is automatically generated by the system

    epgimport/epgimport.gz/epgimport.xz - this is a temporary file(s) created by the plugin. It is automatically created and deleted by the plugin and is only present when you import EPG data. If for some reason you still have it, for example, a plugin crash, power failure, etc. , then it can be removed

    Too bad you don't download anything. Try multiple versions, including the latest.

    Also tried version 1.8.1, but the result is the same,

    Learn to describe in DETAILS the problem you are having, and not be limited to general phrases about how nothing works. Who and how can guess which image you are using? Who can guess what EPG sources you are using? Who prevents you from using the functionality of obtaining a log in the plugin?

    The plugin modification has been downloaded more than a hundred times, not counting this forum, ANY flaws found related to the plugin code are instantly fixed after receiving the log and a detailed description of the problem. But if the error is in the user's misunderstanding of how it works and how to use it, then what does the plugin code have to do with it?

    You either stop unsubstantiated spam or describe in detail and clearly the essence of your problem!

    p.s. I personally use and test this version on DM900UHD and VU+Ultimo4K on Opendreambox, OpenBH 4.4/5.0, OpenPli 7.3/8.1, OpenATV 6.4/7.0, PKT and Pure2 images - and have no problems



    1) Fixed postrm script in control package causing an error when uninstalling the plugin

    2) Fixed "Nonetype object" error when parsing some channels.xml from rytec group

    3) A set of fresh EPG sources for European countries from the rytec group added

    All discussion should be in the EPG Import mod from Dorik1972 Support Thread