Posts by LraiZer

    Select Large 1st Bouquet as your Bouquet Channel Sort option. This should move all the red pins out of the category bouquets and into this bouquet. You are then free to delete this large first bouquet along with all its red pins, but removing this bouquet will void correct number zapping.

    which tuner is set up as 28.2e?
    do you have permenant timeshift enabled?

    the image you uploaded in first post shows [AutoBouquetsReader] read Bouquets timeout! this is the second stage when the bat/sdt tables are read, indicating that the first stage of reading the nit tables was successful or your image would have shown [AutoBouquetsReader] read network timeout! as in your last logs. is something on your image taking over demux AB is trying to use?


    I have installed the latest version of AutoBouquets (21092015) and set the permissions for the files and when run get the error in below image. Any help please


    first important thing to note when installing manully is that you MUST intall both autobouquetsreader_sh4 and files that have been created to work together. you cannot use an older .sh script and just drop a newer reader in.

    what does telent command show?

    readlink /bin/sh

    what does telent command show?


    if your shell is somehow none standard and misbehaving by throwing the paramaters out of sync by one on the reader command. the DVB_FRONTEND param -1 may be setting DVB_ADAPTER param incorrectly to -1 as is shown in your screenshot.

    to test this is happening, try commenting out DVB paramaters in the reader command so that reader binary uses its own in-built default settings for the DVB frontend /adapter0/demux0

    hi could anyone tell me if this plugin is available through TS panel, im sure i have added it before this way but cant find it now, dont know if i am missing something or just plain getting old. lol

    i know i can ftp install it but its not for me and i dont want to have to explain to someone else how to install this way

    i think the only version available via tspanel is the very first experimental beta version found on the pli 3rd party feeds. tspanel > addons > dreambox feeds > openpli feeds > 3rd-party > extensions-autobouquets-e2-201208212300. i personally wouldn't recommend installing that one and install latest version instead.

    dvbsnoop is not required for this to work on an E2 receiver, the guide is misleading you can inatall & use this without problems.

    guide is not misleading as dvbsnoop is required for this to work on an E2 reciever. dvbsnoop is automatically installed on your box when the plugin .ipk installer is run if found in your download feeds.