Cannot open Demuxer AutoBouquetsReader timeout

There are 13 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,546 times. The last Post () by abu baniaz.

    • Official Post

    We need to debug the issue with the sh4 reader.

    Can you do the following please.

    Transfer the reader file to /tmp/directory. Ensure it has 755 properties.
    Then telnet these commands one at a time.
    cd /tmp

    1. Do you have any extra files created in the /tmp directory?
    2. Please upload console output here if there are any errors

    • Official Post

    Thanks, that proves the reader is working. If you were to stop enigma from running with an "init 4" command and transfer all the files ending in .tv and .radio files to /etc/enigma2/, then restart receiver "init 3", you will have a set of working bouquets. Only problem is that the lamedb file is not there. I attach one here for you so that you can be up and running.

    Can you do the following please:
    Make a backup of the ""

    Using a linux comaptrible editor, (not windows notepad), edit the following section so that they read as follows:

    #!/bin/sh -xv

    DVB_FRONTEND="0"  #
    DVB_ADAPTER="1"   #
    DVB_DEMUX="0"     #

    Then telnet the following command please

    cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AutoBouquets/ &&/bin/busybox ash ./ 4097 01 4101 N Y 1 N Y Y Y Y N 2 Y 0 1 3 0 autobouquetsreader_sh4

    Please paste output into a file and attach to post instead of just posting a screenshot.

    Thanks in advance

    - - - Updated - - -


    Can you also navigate to /dev/dvb/
    If you can please psot a screenshot showing the number of the adapter, demux and frontend.

  • Hi

    I have installed the latest version of AutoBouquets (21092015) and set the permissions for the files and when run get the error in below image. Any help please


    first important thing to note when installing manully is that you MUST intall both autobouquetsreader_sh4 and files that have been created to work together. you cannot use an older .sh script and just drop a newer reader in.

    what does telent command show?

    readlink /bin/sh

    what does telent command show?


    if your shell is somehow none standard and misbehaving by throwing the paramaters out of sync by one on the reader command. the DVB_FRONTEND param -1 may be setting DVB_ADAPTER param incorrectly to -1 as is shown in your screenshot.

    to test this is happening, try commenting out DVB paramaters in the reader command so that reader binary uses its own in-built default settings for the DVB frontend /adapter0/demux0

    Edited once, last by LraiZer: typo ().

  • Hi Abu

    Same thing on ITV

    spark7162:~# cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AutoBouquets/ &&/bin/
    busybox ash ./ 4097 01 4101 N Y 1 N Y Y Y Y N 2 Y 0 1 3 0 auto
    script version: 21st Sep 2015
    Wed Sep 30 23:49:34 IST 2015
    debug clean temp
    debug wake from Standby?
    50646 lines found in /etc/enigma2/lamedb
    debug valid_chk
    debug valid_chk
    locked onto 28.2E and all systems are GO, Houston!
    Downloading 28.2E Bouquets, please wait...

    [AutoBouquetsReader] read network timeout! 120 seconds
    debug clean temp
    This channel has no valid data! Aborting...
    debug fwget
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <e2statetext>Active service is now '1:0:1:2814:806:2:11A0000:0:0:0:'</e2statetext>


  • which tuner is set up as 28.2e?
    do you have permenant timeshift enabled?

    the image you uploaded in first post shows [AutoBouquetsReader] read Bouquets timeout! this is the second stage when the bat/sdt tables are read, indicating that the first stage of reading the nit tables was successful or your image would have shown [AutoBouquetsReader] read network timeout! as in your last logs. is something on your image taking over demux AB is trying to use?

    • Official Post

    Lraizer has discovered the fault. Could someone please try this reader file for SH4 receivers. It is the correct one from 20131114 with the edits for the BT Sports Interactive edits. Was my mistake, sorry.

  • Lraizer has discovered the fault. Could someone please try this reader file for SH4 receivers. It is the correct one from 20131114 with the edits for the BT Sports Interactive edits. Was my mistake, sorry.

    Just tested that now on an Alien 1 with Autobouquets July 21st 2015 build and it works perfectly .

    Also tested the September 21st build ,that works perfectly too.
    Well done

    Edited once, last by Fano ().

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