Posts by newtolinux

    What are you signal levels on the HD channels . I have found before that if a strong enough signal is not there for hd channels then part of the electronic control message (ecm) is missed causing freezing and glitching and higher ecm times. This is documented in other forums. I had badly aligned 28.2 and on espn hd i would get glitching/freezing and high ecm times. When i got a sat company to align dish correctly the problem went away . Just a thought . report back your signal levels



    Cazuela , There are already companies who are reselling iplayer concepts into the middle east . All they are doing is setting up VPN farms in the UK . They are charging monthly subs for what one could easily do themselves with a bit of knowledge. I subscribe myself to fox sport usa over IPTV. Can say one thing the quality of streams are awesome and i get a heap load of sport for very little. Within the EU subject to a ongoing court case all territories for broadcast maybe a thing of the past within eu memeber states. So watching this closely.



    same hostname can be used as mentioned before but ensure you run debian on different ports within cccam . the phoenix will run great in cccam on the debian but dont forget in the cccam.cfg instead of SERIAL READER : /dev/sci...... you would need something like SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 .

    The ttyUSB0 corresponds to usb port/position 0 in your debian setup depending on what other usb devices are connected.

    An easy way to find which port the reader is assigned to is to issue this command in root "lsusb" This will then tell you all you need and amend accordingly.



    Have you tried putting your c line in one box that you have been given by whoever and then creating in the 2nd box another c line pointing to the first box and adding the corresponding f line in the main box. You may have been given reshare on the original line you have been provided. If that doesnt work and your paying some crook for the privelage of the c line then install oscam and put his c line there as a cccam reader. Then reshare is bypassed :)



    hi depending on your reader and card server under linux for example newcs , oscam etc will determine which cards can be read succesfully. I would recommend oscam as your card server as lots of support on and around this forum if you are set on having a debian setup. Its not so much a case of installing any drivers as a linux distro comes with all the main drivers included. You may need to add drivers depending on your card reader though if it was debian pc that you were planning to read card in. Oscam guides on this forum are very handy and make for good reading



    If you have cccam in your init.d then it will be automatically rebooted as pc reboots. By rebooting the pc you are clearing caches , freeing memory , restarting all programs such as apache etc. I guess its down to personal preference at the end of the day. If i leave my PC running for say 2/3 days i notice apache hogs about 700mb ram. This will slow down cccam and push up your peak load request.



    It does sound very much like the new firmware has knocked out your box. This may or may not help you but its worth a try. Found this on another forum which may help you

    If your box does not respond, or just displays ?On?, there is a good chance the current firmware on the box is somehow corrupt.
    This could be from a number of things.

    To solve it, you will need to flash it with the firmware again, but as you can not access it, you may think the box is stuck.

    You will need to use this tool, connect a serial lead to the box and follow the instructions.
    Hopefully it will bring your box back to life.

    please use this tool to upgrade your Openbox S9 HD if the box appears to be dead.…



    Far easier with a 8 way than messing around with committed and uncommitted switch setup across to devices. Not to mention the headache !!!! If you were a sat installer maybe possible but don't know what image u would use on a receiver to setup successfully and without problems. Will try at weekend and let you guys know if possible and how long it takes.

    Without a doubt one of the images from nabilo are by far in my opinion best for keeping your epg up to date and descriptors of channel events full. I set it to update through the iepg data stream as I find this populates the epg better



    That is the only downfall of oscam unfortunately . You can not police the reshare properly yet. There has been a bug fix in latest build to address the control of reshare but i have not yet had chance to test fully. Another bug in oscam is the dvbapi where it is run direct in a dream for instance. I have tested myself and for some reason a local box with oscam as client only ; takes 3x more ecm's than a client locally connecting under cccam. Hopefully this will be ironed out soon if everyone appears to be jumping onto this protocol.



    OK. My setup for web tv .

    Nabilo image on dm800
    Latest VLC ( 1.1.8 ) ensure you did a full install on laptop or pc and not minimal - very important
    Also ensure when installing all browser plugin boxes are ticked.

    Go to ip address of box on your network and click on link in top right on my image which says webtv. Then automatically mozilla opens a new window and plays whatever is currently on dm800.



    As more and more peeps are required to take the plunge with oscam here is a simple script which will check to see if oscam is running. If oscam has stopped running it will restart it automatically.


    process=`ps auxwww | grep oscam | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -z '$process' ]; then
    echo "Couldn't find oscam running. Restarting server-binary" >> /var/log/oscam.check
    nohup /usr/local/bin/oscam >> /var/log/oscam.log &
    echo "oscam is still OK!" >> /var/log/oscam.check

    I have succesfully tested this under a linux environment and can confirm it works 100%.You must however ensure that your oscam binary is indeed located in /usr/local/bin. If it isnt amend the script accordingly. Just configure cron to run the script say every 5 minutes & voila



    as hambo said . plenty of these boxes appearing as clones so identify if you have fake or not before flashing . You have still not fully explained your original post of BLOCKED. Blocked how ?? server connections blocked , box access blocked , box wont boot , blah blah blah

    Can confirm all been glitch free with oscam kept up to date with latest builds. I dont have many peers who take sly from me and i dont give any reshare on card due to the recent bout of cards being turned off. They are definately testing something new as pick tv no longer opens with cccam. Also the PPV wrestling the other night would not open under cccam however opened fine with oscam. This card is still in its infancy and has had little changes made since its introduction. It was only going to be a matter of time until something changed. Good news we have oscam constantly developed in one hand but with oscam being open source it means ruppies gang can counter measure very easily. The reason i believe is that because there are still so many generation 1 sly boxes in subscribers homes little change has been made to the encryption as these old boxes would not handle change. This then leads onto current marketing campaigns giving away free HD boxes. With more and more subscribers on new boxes more changes can be made without detrimentally affecting the subscriber base. Changes were possible on sky italia as this was a new network really with new set top boxes. I think plenty of changes in coming year against c/s. However the only encrpytion currently suceesfully tackling c/s seems to be the new irdeto system. This game has always been cat and mouse and always will. Roll on iptv i say . More choice of viewing across countries and plenty of oppurtunity for a p2p iptv platform being developed

