Posts by bartjunited

    Hi All

    I need some help please.

    I have a VU+ Solo which Ive had for about 8 months & running Vix on it with no issues.
    Occasionally I have lost the premium channels for maybe half a day if that but otherwise ok.

    Since Monday evening I have not been able to see any of these channels & even some of the freeview ones were not coming up.

    I have not updated my box since i installed Vix & had it running correctly on it.

    I tried to restart the Softcam but that didnt do anything. I rescanned the channels thinking that it might have just lost the channels but that didnt do anything either.

    I tried up upload a newer IPK file so i tried this one enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.3.0_1.0_mipsel but that didnt do anything either.

    So i thought the image on the box must be corrupt. Today i have installed the latest vix image openvix-3.0.632 & then installed the ipk file (1st tried my old one & then the new one) and inputted my cccam.cfg file details.

    Still no channels.

    I have been assured that the channels are all up. Ive checked my internet connection as well & this is fine too.

    Any ideas please? What am i missing?

    Many thanks


    Hi all

    I have a bit of an odd request.

    my 6 month old baby likes theme tunes from some of the kids programmes that i record for him

    i want to edit the recordings that i have made so that i just keep the videos of the theme tunes & then play them back on my media player. therefore ill have several of them as one long video file.

    any suggestions how i can do this please & what format i would end up with?

    thanks & merry xmas to you all


    I use an external HDD for recording and everything else.

    I've read that it's best practice not to use the same HDD for permanent timeshift.

    Therefore I'm looking at using a USB pen drive for this. What is the recommended size to use for this.

    Additionally should I put anything else on here.

    Cheers Bart

    I think ten below had said that the device manager in bh can be a bit suspect at times, I'd suggest using vix, I had all the issues you've described and constant crashing when trying to get into device manager. I've had no such issues with vix

    I had this same problem and using blackhole just could not get it to work properly. One of the things is when mounting the HDD as it's an external you need to mount it as USB and not HDD.

    I switched to vix in the end and I've had no issues since.

    Also make sure when you set up the HDD you create a swap file. In vix there is a swap manager. Have a look at other posts that I've made and you'll see I've had the same issues. Hope this helps.

    Ok more issues
    Changed my settings to the same as master g.
    Today box attempted to download epg at 1300 and at 1400 box was still on blue vix screen.
    Wife had to switch off the box and turn it back on. To get a picture.
    At about 1700 I checked epg and it had not updated. I ran it manually and after a few mins it sat at the blue vix screen. I managed to navigate away and change to a channel. I checked epg and it was showing until next Friday so it had updated. However I checked the epg database in the cross epg settings and it said the database was last updated on 17/10.

    I'm wondering could my plug in be faulty and can I remove and re install or could it be my HDD which is very old and only 80gig . I have a newer 250gig that I can try.

    Help pls

    Im running the latest Vix image on my solo

    My Cross EPG does not seem to be updating automatically

    Ive set it to update at 13.00 I see the box updating & downloading the updates but then when i go into the EPG itself it hasnt updated.

    If i manually update it by pressing Blue Button & then CrossEPG Downloader it then downloads the update & when checking it it is correct.

    The EPG is set to download to media/usb.

    Could the epg.dat file be corrupt? Should i delete it? and if so will it recreate a new one?

