Posts by bartjunited

    Thanks couple of things can I use something like partition magic to do this as well.

    When you say switch off do you mean shutdown box or just standby.

    Lastly silly question but why do we need to partition the drive

    Not sure what's happened but my HDD that I use for recording could not be seen by the solo.

    Tried to initialize again and said no partition.

    Used USB format wizard and when trying to create the partitions it says permission denied. Them goes onto format the drive yet after reboot I go to initialize the drive but says error no partitions created.

    I've tried 2 HDD now and tried reboots and shutdown with no luck.

    Help pls

    thanks for the quick update

    you mentioned that only UK IP is enabled for iplayer - however I am in the UK?

    does the VU have a web browser that we can use to locate the bbc site & play it that way?

    not sure what you mean by changing the audio???

    re USB - if i insert a USB in the front to play movies off it should as a matter of best practice
    1 - turn off the box (standby or full shutdown) before inserting the USB
    2 - after inserting the USB do i need to reboot for the box to recognise it?

    Had an odd thing happen rebootted box plugged in usb and could see in media player and able to play files no problem. Using the stock media player with bh would you recommend anything else. Could not find how to search in the file e..g wanna move to 50mins into the film

    What skin are you using ? If you disconnect the HDD from the box and go to device manager it still crashes ?

    sorry not sure what skin i am using how can i check

    i am using blackhole 1.7.6.

    if i remove the usb i can go into device manager - i tried it with a pen drive & an ext hdd & it did the same thing

    for my recording HDD - after i formatted it using the usb format wizard i was able to go into device manager & see it which would suggest that device manager does work.

    when trying to go into device manager it crashes with a green screen & reboots.

    this also happened when I 1st used my HDD to try & record if i would go to device manager it would crash

    i then used the usb format wizard to format the HDD for recording & could then see it in device manager.

    however if i format the usb that i want to use for playing videos on the vu it then means that when i plug that usb into my pc , the pc doesnt recognise the format of the USB & wants me to format it on the pc

    does that make sense

    thanks mate

    i made a post in the intros

    i tried changing a channel & it didnt work so had to unplug the hdmi & replug

    have you had to do this too?

    is this just a known bug?

    this morning when I turned on the box it had gone into a deep standby overnight so took a while to laod up but when it did i had no sound??

    Ok done some searching but couldn't find the answer so hope you can help.

    Trying to play video files off the USB, I have a solo and using rear USB port for HDD recording and wanna use front USB to play media files.
    I have only tried using the Media Player from the BH menu. DO I need to use a plug in??
    What formats does the solo play, does it play mkvs

    I tried to put in USB HDD into the front USB ,port which had media files to see if they would play.

    Then went to media player from menu and could not see the new front USB I can only see the rear USB being used for recording.

    Tried to go to device manager to see if I could see the new USB in there but it crashes and reboots

    As a rule when connecting and disconnecting a USB do you need to shutdown the box too.

    Black hole 1.7.6

    Total noob my 1st Linux box