Posts by ilovebytes

    i got it installed also directly and it runs without a crash fo merlin itself (so maybe its because of barryallen that it crashes for you ) but it also does not work, i can connect and get the channels but if a start a channel i get "unknwon Media type" and then it stops with "Stream ended"

    is there a place i can find a detailed log what goes on with Multi-Stalker when this happens ?

    ah i see, so on dreamos you first have to install wget,curl and tar to use zikos code to install his tools

    thanks to mic71 and hecha71 for the nice howto - gonna give it a try when i am at home tonight and will report back if this also works with merlin image on a dm525 but i am optimistic

    Dreamos исправлены.

    this command does not work with dream images, exactly the same problem as the user indinana in his post #185

    can't you just upload the deb installation package?

    yes it is a pitty that i cannot try your great work so far on my dreambox the wget command seems unknown with the Dreamos Images and the apt-get command seems to struggle with the "-O" Parameter from the code...

    will this great plugin work on a DM525 with Merlin OE 2.5 ?

    because when i try

    wget -q "--no-check-certificate" -O - | /bin/sh
    wget -q -O - | /bin/sh

    i get :

    board.dreambox.toolswget: error getting response: No such file or directory

    and if y try :

    apt-get -O - | /bin/sh 

    i get : E: Command line option 'O' [from -O] is not known.

    i know there is a rar file of the plugin that can be put manually onto a dreambox but this seems not the newest version of this great plugin ?

    so is there any chance to get the newest version of the plugin working on a dreambox with Merlin OE 2.5 or to i have to change the system on the box to openatv for example ?