Posts by TC308

    I ended up just using the "secret menu" in this cheapo satfinder (like $38 on aliexpress, sometimes cheaper) to open and export the softcam.key from it, and those "auto ecm keys" are all it has from the factory, and they're just PV keys from what I can tell, I think EMM but if not, I guess it just tries all of those in sequence?

    It has the ability to accept more keys, but just this setup is somehow enough for it to autoroll, so I suspect that list may be known "common" and default keys pehaps, considering they're using 0000 for all of them, with a slot 0 and slot 1? Format is weird:

    Those are ecm keys. If the handheld has emm keys they may be built in the emu and hidden but I am not sure.

    #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Auto ECM Key #*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#

    P 0000 00 9D64DB7E2D4E90;2330:04120:30000:V - ecm key0 for 123w transponder 4120 v 30000

    P 0000 01 A35D6C7CC2FBE1;2330:04120:30000:V - ecm key1 for 123w transponder 4120 v 30000

    P 0000 00 009077F728E1EF;2270:04180:30000:V

    P 0000 01 009077F728E1EF;2270:04180:30000:V

    P 0000 00 FD8A1A343A1BD0;2330:04080:29269:V - ecm key0 for 127w transponder 4080 v 29270

    P 0000 01 25281B3C220451;2330:04080:29269:V - ecm key1 for 127w transponder 4080 v 29270

    P 0000 00 2107DE0F85DD84;2330:04015:04444:V

    P 0000 01 986D39E3CB3424;2330:04015:04444:V

    P 0000 00 0F1BD579C4312E;2370:04053:17499:H

    P 0000 01 12179D780F8856;2370:04053:17499:H

    P 0000 00 178B5301892F90;0019:11730:30000:H

    P 0000 01 C40DCB63AABAE9;0019:11730:30000:H

    P 0000 00 5EA93E50196F49;2350:04160:30000:H

    P 0000 01 51BB1D53EF14A8;2350:04160:30000:H

    P 0000 00 AF38CBD5C28B14;2350:04159:30000:H

    P 0000 01 9F8299CE223620;2350:04159:30000:H

    P 0010 00 B0B8E34956A2D5;1830:03717:07500:H ;

    P 0010 01 248C2848BDCE79;1830:03717:07500:H ;

    I'm sure the emu in the GT Media works the same or similar as ncam or oscam. There is some EMM keys in the GT that grabs the auto ECM keys just a different format than enigma2. Never had The GT media myself so I don't know anything about it.

    PowerVU config
    Open Source Cam Emulator. Contribute to oscam-emu/oscam-patched development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Looking at the softcam key from this thread it only has ecm keys for the service Revolt HD so no auto roll but it should open the service. If using the softcam key posted in post 132 on this thread it has the wrong channel hash in your log. So fix the channel hash and if not opening you may need an updated emu or better configs.

    Running into weird issues on 127W where some channels like Revolt HD give me audio but no video, or sometimes neither, with messages like the snippet below. My v8 finder from gtmedia somehow autorolls these without trouble so I don't know if it is an issue with my h7s, openatv, or ncamd:

    You don't have your softcam key file setup properly for this service looking at the log.

    Should see your group id something like 1272FFFF .

    emu seems to be working properly but we wont know if it opens channels until you get softcam key fixed.

    Try this older version.

    hello. I had it working on UA: 005C379D flawlessly for the past 3-4 months, every day oscam would find the keys automatically. but since saturday that i updated oscam to r11718-798 it stopped doing it. I tried tweaking the settings to no avail. anyone having the same problem? should i rolld back to older oscam version? thanks

    Just checked and no problem here with UA: 005C379D and oscam-emu r11718-798. If the older version did what you needed then use that.

    I was doing some testing and I have a ? for you. Do you have the file oscam.fakecws , if so remove it. When I had this file installed my AU was takeing over 40mins for some channels. With it removed its back to 7mins give or take. Food for thought :thinking face:

    Some channels it depends on how many emm keys you have for that service and the emm cycle being used. You need the emm UA numbers to be spred out from low to high like UA 00400000- UA 006FFFFF if you have them or it will take longer to AU. Take AFN it cycles every 30 something minutes so even with a
    bunch of emm keys all the UA number are so close together they all AU within a ten minutes window so if you just miss the cycle you got to wait another 30 minutes before they cycle again. Other channels cycle every 2 to 5 minutes so only one emm is needed for those services. I don't see where the fake cw file would make a difference in the speed of the AU.

    Im not sure why either, I know I never had to wait 40mins for au until I added the fake cw. I removed it and two different channels au in under 7 mins :dizzy face:

    I don't use any fake cw file myself but I can see it taking 40 mins if you have only a few emm keys on a long cycle service. Those viacom transponders on 101w and 105w have a one and a half hour cycle. I got a bunch of emm keys for those ranging from 0051xxxx-006E3XXX. That helps. luckily the keys don't change often.

    I was doing some testing and I have a ? for you. Do you have the file oscam.fakecws , if so remove it. When I had this file installed my AU was takeing over 40mins for some channels. With it removed its back to 7mins give or take. Food for thought :thinking face:

    Some channels it depends on how many emm keys you have for that service and the emm cycle being used. You need the emm UA numbers to be spred out from low to high like UA 00400000- UA 006FFFFF if you have them or it will take longer to AU. Take AFN it cycles every 30 something minutes so even with a
    bunch of emm keys all the UA number are so close together they all AU within a ten minutes window so if you just miss the cycle you got to wait another 30 minutes before they cycle again. Other channels cycle every 2 to 5 minutes so only one emm is needed for those services. I don't see where the fake cw file would make a difference in the speed of the AU.

    103.1West 4140v 30000

    Law & Crime - Cine Latino US

    00 191F1B713B6777 ; added by Emu Sun Feb 5 21:24:09 2023 UA: 00596942

    01 1D1BE37186BEA0 ; added by Emu Sun Feb 5 21:24:09 2023 UA: 00596942

    00596942 86B814BCC47C73 ; EMM Key

    Thanks all. Have been set identical to 3840 forever and working fine until today. 3840 good! Tried delete and reenter. Still nothing. Waiting it out.

    Did you get the channels 0n 3880 back? Seems to be back to normal the log file is moving now and keys do roll with EMM.

    I also tested this transponders EMM on 105w 4020 and it rolled. I now put both transponders in the same group as they use the same.

    reason why the emm only is now using verimatrix encryption while ecm using powervu...also it might due switching to verimatrix for all AFN channels while powervu still active but not processing keys anymore, unless you have verimatrix keys

    How/where are the verimatrix keys stored, pray tell?

    Looking at log on AFN it shows VM caid disabled so it is not active and no VM key is needed for that caid. PV is active. Do you have an active EMM?

    kind of weird to have such a top of the line box and not to use wifi !!

    I assume that you update the images by usb only, witch is a big time consuming.

    i use my wifi on my osmio 4k+. But that is me.

    I do keep my internet on when I use slot 1. No oscam on that slot just FTA and legal iptv. Just don't like the idea of oscam and the internet thats just me.

    What satellite are you receiving? I see you are rolling with UA: 005CDAEF . I am receiving 99w and only see UA: 005C379D roll here.

    No emulator folder my network adapters are off. Using the Mio 4k +. You don't have to believe me and I'm not one make stuff up.

    I built my softcam key so I know what EMM I use. Also can use dream explorer to look at it and see the new keys that roll. When it rolls it says added by Emu <date and time> UA 005C379D