Posts by MegaV0lt

    Found a libcurl timeout in log:

    but 83ms? Very short. What is going wrong here?

    Server has relative strong cpu:

    CPU: Quad Core Intel Core i5-4570 (-MCP-) speed/min/max: 895/800/3600 MHz 
    Kernel: 5.10.0-16-amd64 x86_64 Up: 15d 4h 45m Mem: 2241.4/7840.2 MiB (28.6%) 
    Storage: 2.27 TiB (29.5% used) Procs: 161 Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.01 

    Should be enough. Restart already tested. Only two servers are anabled for testing:



    (config) ncam.fs read lines:

    My log says:
    2022/08/11 16:32:51 00000000 s (config) ncam.fs read lines: C:0 N:0 L:0 R:0
    Why isn't it reading the two lines?

    I have ncam running on my debian server. Self compiled from GIT:

    Runs fine but i do not get the free server in ncam.fs working. When i add clines the readers get created. But when i uncomment server nothing happens. (After reload of readers)

    Any idea what can be the cause?

    When i use pngquant the logos decrese significant in size:

    root@vdr01:/var/lib/vdr/channellogos/.source/Logos# du -h ./
    72M    ./
    root@vdr01:/var/lib/vdr/channellogos/.source/Logos# pngquant -f --ext .png ./*.png
    root@vdr01:/var/lib/vdr/channellogos/.source/Logos# du -h ./
    45M    ./