Posts by Tom2334

    Now I have installed the Oscam in a receiver where only the Skylink card is inserted and share it with other receivers!
    This works well, only vixen HD remains dark in the client receiver! In the receiver where the card is inserted it becomes bright and works.

    That's right, I have Austria HD without ORF on the old card caid 0648 irdeto and 2 cards only with ORF without Austria plus subscription. The 2 Orf cards in CW mode make everything bright, but that doesn't work with this Oscam

    Seltsam ist nur im Receiver wo Skylink Karte steckt geht alles aber wenn ich zu anderem Receiver Share gehen nicht alle Sender zb vixen Hd geht nur im Gerät wo Karte steckt.


    It's strange that everything only works in the receiver where the Skylink card is inserted, but when I go to another receiver share, not all channels e.g. vixen HD only work in the device where the card is inserted.

    This works for me via an extra card with CAID 0648 (Austria Plus)

    But the Orf card with caid 0D98.

    Don't understand why the caid 0D98 no longer works with your Oscam?

    Why does this affect this Caid when all the others are running?




    Everyone goes

    In 0D98 ORF laufen doch alle Sender !

    Was soll da nicht laufen?

    Sobald ich eine OSCam mit Lb2 installiere geht die orf Karte nicht mehr ,aber mit normaler oscam gehen in 0D98 orf alle Sender .