Posts by elbandito

    Hello, thank you for the feedback.

    Hope for the soonest update from ATV and from you.

    would be great to receive asap.

    Here a part of the log:

    19:50:29.2117 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eEPGCache15submitEventDataERKSt6vectorI20eServiceReferenceDVBSaIS1_EEllPKcS7_S7_S0_IhSaIhEES0_I19eit_parental_ratingSaISA_EEt) [0xC7F84]

    19:50:29.2118 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eEPGCache12importEventsE9ePyObjectS0_) [0xC8738]

    19:50:29.2120 /usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x17DD54]

    19:50:29.2120 -------FATAL SIGNAL

    Hope this is okay.

    Thanks again for the help.

    best regards,


    Hello, i have follow problem.

    My receiver is sf4008 with image open ATV 7.3.

    Now since few days is follow problem. Once e2m3u2bouquet start update and downloading the epg

    system crash and receiver restart.

    version of e2m3u2bouquet is

    same problem with sf8008 with image open ATV7.2.

    Have somebody the same problem? and maybe a suggestion?

    Thank you in advance
