E2m3u2bouquet - discussion & support

There are 1,273 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 93,629 times. The last Post () by jack82.

  • Hello, thank you for the feedback.

    Hope for the soonest update from ATV and from you.

    would be great to receive asap.

    Here a part of the log:

    19:50:29.2117 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eEPGCache15submitEventDataERKSt6vectorI20eServiceReferenceDVBSaIS1_EEllPKcS7_S7_S0_IhSaIhEES0_I19eit_parental_ratingSaISA_EEt) [0xC7F84]

    19:50:29.2118 /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eEPGCache12importEventsE9ePyObjectS0_) [0xC8738]

    19:50:29.2120 /usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x17DD54]

    19:50:29.2120 -------FATAL SIGNAL

    Hope this is okay.

    Thanks again for the help.

    best regards,


  • /usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eEPGCache15submitEventDataERKSt6vectorI20eServiceReferenceDVBSaIS1_EEllPKcS7_S7_S0_IhSaIhEES0_I19eit_parental_ratingSaISA_EEt) [0xC7F84]

    This is a little different in your log, but this problem is also fixed, here I didn’t even write to the OpenATV developers ... I just slightly changed the tuple of data that is transferred to C-code of the OpenATV image... a piece of code for age rating (0+, 7+, 16+... e.t.c), in the case of XMLTV/JTV and IPTV is not relevant at all

  • As asked before, could you please definitely remove from enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2m3u2bouquet.postinst script this line:

    find . -name "enigma2-plugin-extensions-$PluginName_*.*" -type f -delete

    This has no sense and avoid to automatically install the plugin with automatic Backup Restore process.


  • I don't understand why the algorithm has been totally changed. Not only the mask 1010101 mod by dddd0000, but the full serviceref. This broke some functionalities like subservices. Everything has to be rewritten manually.

  • I don't understand why the algorithm has been totally changed. Not only the mask 1010101 mod by dddd0000,

    If you pay attention, now the serviceref for IPTV channels that are created by the plugin exactly repeats the logic for DVB-S/C/T... pay attention to the SID:TSID:ONID of the IPTV provider, regardless of the group (bouquet) of channels

    1010101 - Was not quite my optimal solution for NS (namespace) ... There are certain rules for its formation... certain “reserved” values for the future... For example, you are not confused and the question does not arise why EEEE0000 and FFFF0000 are used for DVB-C/T? Now I decided that why not use the "free" and not used anywhere DDDD0000 namespace value for IPTV

    I had good reasons to change algo... If possible, I want to completely emulate the work of DVB for IPTV

    This broke some functionalities like subservices

    If the selection logic for "subservices" is implemented correctly, then my change in serviceref does NOT affect it in ANY WAY... As an example - HistoryZap Selector written by me :smiling face with halo:

  • I had good reasons to change algo... If possible, I want to completely emulate the work of DVB for IPTV

    Is this algo's version a stable one, a final version or will you do some other mods?

    This broke some functionalities like subservices

    If the selection logic for "subservices" is implemented correctly, then my change in serviceref does NOT affect it in ANY WAY... As an example - HistoryZap Selector written by me :smiling face with halo:

    Your HisoryZap selector has nothing to do with subservices because you base it on a zap history. I don't want to explain once again what is this functionality. You don't want to dev on a oe-a team or oe-a core so how subservices can have a corresponding implementation with yours devs. There is no logic there.....

  • Is this algo's version a stable one

    Yes. It is unlikely that I will change algo in the foreseeable future

    There is no logic there.....

    Ok :upside down face: Everyone will stick to their own logic... By the way, I added interesting “goodies” to HistoryZap today... tomorrow there will be an update... You will like it despite your logic :beer1:

  • How does the program configure the example? I'm probably making a mistake.

    You just need to create a provider “card” in the “Providers” menu. In the “card” you just need to indicate the name of the provider and a link to the playlist or playlist file the rest of the settings in the “card” are at your discretion. The purpose of each field is described in detail in the helper at the bottom of the window

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-09 в 21.24.33.png

    Save the provider’s “card” and select the “Create bouquets” menu item ... You can go to the "Log" menu and watch what is happening... you can just wait until the pop-up message about creating bouquets appears...

    As a result (depending on your playlist) the result will be like this

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-09 в 21.29.23.pngСнимок экрана 2023-10-09 в 21.29.35.png

    If you need EPG to be imported, then in the plugin settings enable "Import EPG after updating bouquets"

    Снимок экрана 2023-10-09 в 21.31.46.png

    The presence of a breakdown into groups, the presence of picons and EPGs depends on the m3u playlist you use

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