Posts by Sandman

    nice of apple to finally catch up a bit eh!

    iOS5 is the equivalent of a jailbroken iPhone 3....its amazing how far behind jailbreak it still is!

    lets hope the new hardware is more impressive....first time I've watched WWDC and been super underwhelmed!

    This would have been the perfect chance to announce their music streaming service with iCloud....dear knows how that licencing is going!

    Not sure what you mean....what's the '50mg pack'?

    If its a 50Mbit internet connection then its way more than enough!

    What box are you going to be using to receive your satellite signals?

    Your modem won't act as the'll need a Linux server or Linux satellite receiver to send and receive your CS info!

    Check so you don't have loaded picons to the flash memory...

    They're on my USB stick!

    Was reading about a bit last night....this appears to be quite common with Linux creating a cache and it looking like all the memory is used but its just for speed purposes...

    not sure...only reason I'm asking is because I've had a few green screens recently and they've been memory related!


    I have a Vu+ Duo running BH 1.6.2,

    I've uninstalled any plugins I'll never use (ie. anything to do with playing external media, music, photos etc) and only have 3 peers,

    I've a 32MB swap file but still my memory fluctuates between 75 and 99% in use!

    Seems a bit high considering?

    I had motored on in the meantime....Everything restored fine except my extra OSCam & CCcam lines....painless really!

    Will check out Master G's backup in the meatime pem1, cheers!

    Hi guys,

    I am running BH 1.6 Sly UK ready and my OSCam looks like this -




    user = test1
    description = for local mgcamd or DVBAPI
    pwd = test2
    disabled = 0
    uniq = 1
    group = 1
    au = lower card
    caid = 0963:000000

    My Sly card is in the top slot of my Vu+ Duo, my Al Jaz in the slot below...

    I've read Master G's config post here but must admit I'm not sure what to add and what to amend :06:

    Its all dead easy when you know how!

    Any help appreciated!


    Stupid newb Q....

    I initially installed BH 1.6 Sly UK ready and further installed BH PB when it came out as a standalone...

    If I reflash to 1.6.2 and restore PB from USB, what *won't* be restored?

    Are cool TV guide, OSCam, CCcam and all the other 1.6 Sly ready add ons going to be there?

    I probably should manually do everything but am busy learning as I go so this was an easy initial solution!

    v season has 200 clients connected when footie on and they have no issues with the streaming buddie


    I'm talking from a home point of view, not commercially (unless I misunderstand you!)

    If you were streaming to 200 clients from a home connection and your ISP didn't shut you down I'd like their name!

    I'm currently using it via the hdmi cable and the menus don't get cut off but when I plug in a scart socket it gets cut off.
    Is hdmi connection the only way everything will be displayed properly on screen?

    Seems to be....Is this for sending the signal to another TV?

    I guess the problem with that sort of streaming is its very quickly flagged to your ISP!
    Imagine streaming 30Mbit down and 20 up 24/7 lol...We host a large insurance site that would be lucky to do 1/10 that and they've nearly 20 servers!

    Anybody got a slingbox?

    What do you fancy watching on it? If you rip to MKV you're still talking at least 7GB per movie...40 mins of HDTV in MKV format is about 1.1GB...

    Would you be viewing on your laptop or outputting to your TV/projector?

    aye I just use it for BD rips and TV torrents....tried the tuner thing briefly but it was too much hassle in 7MC so I just kept them separate!

    I'm hitting 30TB of data between movies and TV series so it can grow quite quickly! I do take full ISO rips of BD's though so they take up more space than MKV's!

    If you're looking to put 2 tuner cards in you'll likely have to go 4U so WAF might be an issue if you don't hide it away somewhere!