Posts by tommyt

    If it's happening in both Spark and E2 it would suggest the problem is a hardware one. If it was me I would back up my image, try flashing both Spark and E2, but using a different E2 image. Obviously install HDD manager. If the problem persists, and you can't find a hardware fix, then use a network mounted drive instead.

    I'm using a My Cloud NAS, which are reckoned to be fast. My Alien has a wired connection to the router. It's a cable modem - around 120mb. Everything should be fast enough.

    I get the impression this isn't the norm.

    Recently I'm finding more and more of the movies I'm downloading won't play on my Alien 2. It's either jerky, or the sound won't work, or it just won't play at all. It's like the codecs are all outdated or something like that. Is it just my box? Is there a work around?


    I recently hooked my A2 up to a WD Nas drive with an ethernet cable. It works perfectly on my Mac, i.e. network is fast, and so is Nas. But I get glitches with a lot of files that I playback. Often 1.5gb Yify files cause problems. Anything I can do about it?


    I upgraded CoolTV because the upgrade message was doing my head in, but now I can't remember how to get it to link to the epg button.

    Must have this sorted before girlfriend comes homes, presses the epg button, and her head explodes.

    Since I mounted my NAS (WD My Cloud) it's taking almost 10 mins for the box to boot. It's my second attempt - I reflashed HDMU - but the problem keeps coming back. I mounted the NAS through the menus, not using telnet, would that make any difference?


    Thanks for setting me straight. You saved me from a disappointing purchase.

    My budget is low 100s, not 1,000s.

    I'm mainly going to use the extra storage to keep kid's movies and TV shows. During the day we tend to watch short but frequent bursts of TV, so ideally I'd like an "always on" solution (like a Nas).

    I already own a Mac mini, and I use it to run plex server to the Alien 2. Mac is now completely full. I was hoping to centralise all the TV content, and some backup stuff too, onto a Nas, and run everything from there.

    What do you think of Nas's that come with HDMI out (ASUSTOR AS-202TE for £200)? They are intended to run XBMC direct to your TV. What are the limitations of XBMC as opposed to the Alien's buit-in media player? It's got to be better, right?

    I think the ASUSTOR AS-202TE supports TS files.

    Regarding transcoding - the movies/TV shows we watch are either downloaded in HD or recorded off the TV, then played on a 1080p TV, so I'm not sure I need a whole lot of transcoding.


    If i hook a nas up to my alien 2, would it have to be capable of running plex server? Or is it possible to acces the nas's file system through the A2's media player (like i access my current hdd)? Presumably the A2 isn't powerful enough to do its own transcoding? Finally can anyone recommend a budget nas that would fit the bill? Thanks.


    I'm thinking of getting a Synology DS213J Nas to replace the external HDD that's currently plugged into my Alien 2.

    Will that Nas be compatible with an Alien 2 running HDMU?

    Will I have to format the drives to EXT3 or EXT4 (my Mac won't like that)?

    Is it ok for streaming and recording to?


    I got that working like you suggested. Thanks for the tip.
    One question - the only way I can quit out of dreamplex is by turning the box off and on with the switch at the back. Is that normal?


    Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide for streaming from a PC (Mac specifically, but I can probably get around that part) to an Alien 2 running HDMU.


    I've had a few problems with my box for a while now. I use it solely for free to air and Saorview (Irish terrestrial).

    (1) Can't load any other images except HDMU (Scooterbuks). All other images say ERR and/or go into boot loops. I've tried several images and backups.
    (2) Often the usb disks don't mount, either in the front or the back. A restart solves it. HDD Manager hasn't solve it.

    Any thoughts?


    Thanks for the replies.

    Cazuela - I amn't using that, but I'll check it out.

    pauldb - that explains it so. I'm using scooterbuk's backup, which is probably a bit old.