Posts by ZYGA

    Giant Addons Pack for PrismCube Ruby ver. 0.8 to webkurier

    DVB :

    XBMC :

    Giant Addons Pack ( GAP ) is a collection of the most popular unofficial additions to PrismCube Ruby

    What's New?

    - Fixed the EPG. It displays all Polish characters
    - Fixed displaying subtitles downloaded from websites opensubtitle , napisy24 and napiprojekt . It displays all Polish characters - the default
    font : Roboto
    - Corrected cards for software ver. 1.1.12
    - Added support for all Polish card reader : Menu , Favorites , Softcam , Select cardserver , UK Market : The number , TNK- 0B1 , Polsat (only for
    testing )
    - Added support for Smargo
    - Added rss reader , along with the Polish channel list menu , favorites,
    RSS Client
    - Added unofficial repositories additives
    - Added Polish and foreign popular plug-ins for photo, music , video and

    Known bugs :

    - Incorrect coding of Polish characters in EPG on BBC channels and TV Polonia
    - The lack of Polish characters in Teletext
    - Lack of access to the section dvb , you can not add pikony

    ATTENTION! Gap not contain keys or emulators !
    You can install it only in Prismcube with a mounted drive


    1 Copy the file gap_prismcube_xx.tar.gz a stick , formatted FAT32
    2 Insert USB flash drive into the USB port , connect the power supply and wait until a full restart of the receiver
    3 Open the PuTTY console [URL = ' ~ sgtatham/putty/0.63/x86/ "] [ COLOR = 'Lime '] >> here [/ COLOR ] [ / URL ] type connection : SSH host name - IP address Prismcube , harbor - 22 and hit enter

    4 After logging - user : root , password 0000 , enter the following command (copy - paste) and hit enter :

    cd / media/sdb1
    tar- xzvf / media/sdb1 / *. tar.gz -C /

    After the transfer is complete , briefly remove and replace the power plug [COLOR='Deep***Blue'] gap_prismcube_0.8.tar.gz (167.6 MB)[/COLOR] >> Download <<Caution! Gap does not emulators. You have to install them yourself

    You need to copy the binary files such as the plug plugin.program.softcam_0.1.17 (archive, which can be found in tethered >> tutaj

    Mgcamd oscam files and copy to the location of / usr / local / bin and give them attributes 777

    Thanks mate @ Sp @ Yek, who agreed to become a beta tester

    List of connected channels are created on the basis of the official under my package nc +. If there are problems with the installation, you must first download a list from the manufacturer of the feed, and then upload my list of the usb. Full version of the list of channels to giant will be in a few weeks, when there will be something better to do ...

    VU+ Plugin ***Recorder (*** Anytime) v1.3.4 (15.09.2013)

    [COLOR='DarkOrange']Gibt ein paar kleinere Änderungen:
    ### Version: ***Recorder (ehemals *** Anytime) v1.3.4
    Neu: Option um nur aktivierte Genre in der Hauptliste anzuzeigen hinzugefügt.
    Neu: Mit der Taste "Rot" im Archiv können nun Einträge gelöscht werden.
    Das mit den Serieninfos kommt doch erst später, muss das lokal noch mehr testen und Skins und Screens dafür bauen.[/COLOR]

    Thx grey***

    enigma2-plugin-extensions-*** (150.4 KB, 9 >> Download <

    Sly Recorder (Sly Anytime) v1.3.3 (12.09.2013)

    VU + SOLO2 drive VERY IMPORTANT! Ensure sufficient thickness chosen because disk drives are available with a thickness of 7-9-12mm and then it can be a problem with assembly (drive will be touched with damper) the someone here on the forum but I bought the disc 2.5cala despite proper installation flap touched the disk. I personally have a disk with a thickness of 7mm so no problem there bylo.Proszę look for when buying a 2.5'' drives with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 TB
    because they have a height of 13 - 15mm (depending on the model and the company) drives larger than 1TB capacity are "high" and can have up to 15 mm high and then the problem is guaranteed. Anyway, who wants to observe each purchase a new drive to SOLO 2 to carefully measured the gap to the extent possible to attach your cover to avoid rework this mocowania.DYSKI THAT WORK WELL, this 3TB as well 4TB.Do SOLO2 this drive Samsung HN-M101MBB 1TB 5400rpm SATA 2.5 inch Internal Hard drive: Computers & Accessories Natomniast you do not see the drive as a whole only a part of it can not be initiated from the remote control, as one 3TB partition

    But there are some ways that was seen as one partition as a whole

    The first way is to connect the 3TB hard drive to a PC with win7 convert it to GPT and formatted as a single partition
    such a disk mounted in the VU + and will be seen as 3TB
    This is a good way, because you can drive at any time remove from the tuner and hook it to the PC.
    PC will see all of its contents, and any time you can rip the contents to the PC at least 10x faster than the lost tuner

    The second is to hook your Dreambox (in my case it was DM800se) with an installed image and it Newnigma2 v4.0.2
    initiate the remote disk without any problem in formats and is seen as a whole, as 3TB
    This disk has przepinamy ready to VU + and it is seen as 3TB

    VolPlusFS- Change the volume of the box via Plugin

    Thx shadowrider

    VU+Plugin XBMCAddons - for running xbmc addons with enigma2 OE 1.6!

    From the attached please ftp :- -> plugin folder /XBMCAddons -> /usr/lib/enigma2/python

    and install the ipks.

    Many addons will work. If something does not work telnet :-

    init 4
    killall -9 enigma2
    enigma2>/tmp/e.log 2>&1 &

    then run the plugin. Look at the end of /tmp/e.log if any item is missing. Try to find it and install.

    Good night, pcd.

    Thx pcd. >> Download <

    HOW-VU + Plugin flashexpander great plugin called flashexpander which allows you to assign hard disk or USB memory to be used as a flash - I use the 80GB hard disk drive and flash memory of my current never exceeded 50% utilization. Also, the use of file sharing blackhole use a hard disk or USB memory as RAM. It can be used to increase the stability of the Duo?
    That is, together with cacheflush and MEM swap.

    Download FlashExpander