Posts by cossie96

    The other day a couple of channels wernt working so I check oscam on the web and a couple of the entitlements hadnt updated and ran out.

    I put the card back in the original sly box (a Thompson) and called sly to get them updated.

    Tried 3 times and they couldnt update them and I was told they will need to swap the old Thompson box for a new one.

    I have seen a couple of threads on here that seem to say once I get the new box I wont be able to get some of the channels in the Vu +?

    Whats the story with that? What options do I have if I get a new box?

    Bit confused as to what to do now?

    Anyone got any advise?



    Hi, this probably is more of a network issue rather than anything to do with the Vu + Duo but i'll ask anyway :)

    My Duos hard drive is connected to the pc via the router as a network drive so I can move programs to my pc.

    When I try and move a file off the Duo and onto the pc I lose my internet! Once the file has moved I can connect to the net again!

    Anyone any ideas?



    Hi, I recently updated to bh1.7.6vuduo_linuxsat-support-backup_by_musogeek and with some help got sly working by installing oscam-8639-cccam-2.1.3_blackhole_mipsel.ipk (thanks to Ten Below)

    Now the entitlements are due to run out on 31/8. They last updated before I changed to BH1.7.6

    I havnt changed anything in oscam configs, do I need to add the boxid or anything else?



    I was using SLY & Tring Ready BlackHole 1.7.1 Vu+ DUO image for ages but screwed something up with the software so thought i'd upgrade to a newer image.

    I upgraded to bh1.7.6vuduo_linuxsat-support-backup_by_musogeek as that looked easiest one for sly as it says you can just put the card in the slot!
    Now none of the sly channels are working.

    All channels were working before. Webinterface says that the entitlements are ok, heres the log:

    Anyone any ideas what I can do to get sly channels back?



    I installed the ipk file ok restared the box started oscsm/cccam from the blue button and the sly channels dont work, heres the log:

    Tried card in original sly box, it still works.