Posts by ezferret

    I am trying to to get the status of which is the client current channel shown in the oscam status page. ATM its blank.
    I used to use a CCcam server and could get the info using cccaminfo but I cant find how to do this in oscam
    All I can see is the srvid which I can then sort out manually

    I agree with this...
    but I also think a main part of the forum is to educate so members can improve and pass on their knowledge to newer members.
    If this is not done then the scene will not survive .
    I posted a very specific problem concerningan oscam server which I cant sort out and is "in process" ATM but dosent it seem to raise any response in the way of soiving it so I or any other member could
    I feel that if more was done to direct or show members how things worked then all would benefit
    BTW at the same time I must say that this forum is one of the best and is mostly responsible for me getting my server up and running (Thanx Ten Below)

    Hi Ok
    Time zone is set to GMT which does not have a daylight saving time option
    No option to adjust transponder time just receiver time
    An there is no internet time
    With receiver time set correctly transponder time is 1 hour behind and bouquet times are also showing 1 hour behind although programs run OK
    Bouquet is enigma 1 DL from SgtFlipFlop

    Im using a gemini 470 image
    The bouquet times are 1 hour out
    I can set timezone and have adjusted the receiver time which is different to transponder time but although information gives correct time, the bouquet times are 1 hour out
    Is there any way to sort this out?

    yes thats right ten below its omnikey reader
    Been running a few hours now but mgamd seems to turn itself off
    It works OK but when I change channels it stops (blanks screen on new channel) The only way to get it working is
    I have to keep restarting it so there must be some setting wrong
    Is it the reader or mgcamd setting
    In mg_cfg Ive got
    B: 00
    P: 00

    Hi thanks again Ten Below
    I used the oscam and mgcamd configs for updating entitlements info (thanks to MasterG)
    I have got the mgcamd running OK now but have not set it to update yet
    I didnt change any settings in mg_cfg file and dont know what half the settings do

    I want to be sure I dont trash the card (Like CCcam did)
    Does this setting for my reader look OK

    label = labelname
    Protocol = pcsc
    detect = CD
    device = 0
    EMMCache = 1,3,2
    CAID = 0963
    ecmwhitelist = 0963:3E,42,44,45,47,4E,53,54,61,62,68,69,6A,6B,6D, 6F,71,72,73,77,78,79,7A,7C,7D,7E,80,8B
    ident = 0963:000000
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-s = 1
    blockemm-g = 1
    lb_weight = 101

    This is oscam.user for updating client

    user = linuxsat
    pass = support
    group = 1
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    au = labelname

    I tried to dl from TSpanel but get server error
    Is there another server to use to get files from

    Hi Ten Below thanks for reply
    ATM Im using a vu duo with vix 2.4 and cccam 221 connected to an oscam server running debian linux
    I want to change the cccam to mgcam cos I read this is best if you want to do card updates (currently updates are turned off with cccam)
    Do I need mgcamd to do updates and cccam as it is now and or can it replace cccam
    Also not sure on what ecm settings to use, such as whether I need ecm whitelist and which to block

    from what ive read mgcamd is recommended for card updating so trying to change my box over to mgcamd from cccam to update my oscam server.
    I dled mgcam and it installed OK now I need to change the newcamd.list and mg_cfg files and a bit stuck
    They are supposed to be in /var/keys but I cant seeem to get into that folder using flashxp (keeps redirecting to /usr/keys and the folder is blank)

    Do I just make new mgcamd files in /usr/keys ?

    Also Im a bit confused about port settings

    in this example for newcamd.list


    CWS = 34001 linuxsat support 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan newcs

    What is 34001 for and what is newcs for
    I think the 34001 port is for newcamd in oscam.conf but completely lost about what the lan and newcs are for
    also what is CWS and is the incoming port needed for a mgcamd client?

    Next command to restart pcsc:
    /etc/init.d/pcscd restart[/QUOTE]

    My problem happens about 1ce a week so I thought I would try
    just changed to --error option and tried to run pcscd again using pcscd restart but got unknown option: restart

    I have a similar problem
    Omnikey stops reading the card oscam is OK
    I pull it out of the USB and put it back and its OK again
    The PCSCD has

    # if you need to pass arguments to pcscd you should edit the file
    # /etc/default/pcscd and add a line

    Is this the same as "-DAEMON_ARGS="--error"

    just got a new dm500 mobo and the serial port connector has 8 pins but my old mobo had 3 pins
    Tried as many different combinations as poss but dreamup doesnt see box
    (Box starts up OK with some chinese software on it)
    Anybody know how to connect the mobo to the serial port?
    BTW the new mobo also has a switch terminal on it, and the old one doesnt