Posts by seagen

    You have deleted your default playlist location

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/enigma2/jediplaylists/playlists.txt'

    Easy solution, Unistall Jedi and then re install the Jedi.

    opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream && opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-jedimakerxtream 

    Or you can manual with ftp open the /etc/enigma2/ folder and create the jediplatlists folder if it's missing.

    And upload your playlists.txt to the folder.

    Restart Enigma2 and all should work just fine

    Kiddac Skin slyk & Vskin Series helper plugin for OpenBlackhole and OpenViX

    I first need the approval from KiddaC before I publish this plugin!

    This is a small but usefull little helper plugin if you like to use any of KiddaC skins

    • slyk-onyx-1080
    • slyk-Q-1080
    • slyk-1080r19
    • Vskin-1080
    • Vskin-Bolt-1080
    • Vskin-Red-1080

    At the moment OpenBlackhole is not supported by KiddaC

    so you need to install the extra OBH skincomponents manual.

    They will be attached to this post later

    So what do this plugin provide?

    Since all of the skins from KiddaC comes as OpenATV by default.

    Users of OpenViX and OpenBlackhole need to edit the skin.xml file to activate the extra xml file

    with screens who are only native to those images.

    This has to be done everytime you do a new installation of the skin, Or if the skin is updated.

    Then the skin returns to it's original state.

    This little helper plugin do those changes for you.

    All you have to do is to open Menu >> Setup >> Skin name Settings


    Now from the plugin you can activate and restore your OpenBlackhole or OpenViX Screens


    Sorry but now we have trouble when we have a portnr

    It can be plenty of reason both negative or positive.

    The negative is that DP is totaly gone

    The positive is that they rebuild the update server to make room for the AIO image also.

    Only the future will tell us.

    But tanks to After Earth project at boxpirates Users with the All In One Image

    Can install the backup feeds and the extra AIO feed where fixes are still done.

    Here is more information about the After Earth project.

    AFTER EARTH - Universal und AIO Feed, Bugfixes and Plugins mainly for Dreambox one and two - Boxpirates
    Hi! auf Grund der aktuellen Situation bei Dream, habe ich mich nach reiflicher Überlegung entschlossen das After Earth Projekt anzufangen. Wer den Film von…

    This only effects the factory image. All other Teams have their own feeds and firmware.

    I guess that maybe GP4 can have some issues until they switch to their own feeds.

    But images like Peter pan, Merlin, Newnigma and DreamElite will not have any problem.

    In the dreamOS version could you also add the WQHD skins.

    I have attached them to this post. You also need to make a change to the for the skin_path

    if screenwidth.width() == 1920:
        skin_directory = os.path.join(dir_plugins, "skin/fhd/")
    elif screenwidth.width() == 2560:
        skin_directory = os.path.join(dir_plugins, "skin/uhd/")
        skin_directory = os.path.join(dir_plugins, "skin/hd/")

    Create the source with Jedi. Just open the playlists.txt and remove the :80 Jedi still works

    Then open the source with Notepad ++ or simular.

    Remove the port number and let the source start with http and not https.

    Then Twisted take care of the switch over to https and all should work just fine.

    New update... Just clean up a lot of not needed stuff from the obh4u folder and also fixing the Skin Selection screen for OBH.

    I did not bump the version so for those who have already installed the earlier verson from today can re install from telnet.

    opkg install --force-reinstall /tmp/*.ipk

    New update... Just clean up a lot of not needed stuff from the obh4u folder and also fixing the Skin Selection screen for OBH.

    I did not bump the version so for those who have already installed the earlier verson from today can re install from telnet.

    opkg install --force-reinstall /tmp/*.ipk