Posts by seagen

    They change the name from TextOffset to TextPadding

    Also as you can see they change the name for secondfont

    00:05:32.5725 [Skin] Warning: Attribute 'secondfont' has been deprecated, use 'valueFont' instead!

    00:05:32.5729 [Skin] Warning: Attribute 'textOffset' has been deprecated, use 'textPadding' instead!

    Okey but you have been written that you will no longer do any updates for python 2.7 ??

    And DreamOS is not moving to python 3 anytime soon.

    Yes we have some of the most common python3 modules that can be installed.

    But they ar not going to be upgraded in the same rate as Open* are changing python versions faster then they can keep track of them self ;)

    All effort are at the moment in the implemention of the new All In one base image for all Dreamboxes.

    This will be nice. What works in one image will also work in all the others and not like the chaos you are sufferig from now

    When this is up and running proper the next step will be a full move to python3

    One thing at the time....

    I updated post nr1 with an updated version for DreamOS to support the new wqhd resolution.

    Named the file enigma2-plugin-extensions-jediepgxtream_2.05.20230510_aio.deb

    Only change this in and added uhd skin folder

    if screenwidth.width() == 2560:
        skin_directory = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediEPGXtream/skin/uhd/"
    if screenwidth.width() == 1920:
        skin_directory = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediEPGXtream/skin/fhd/"
    if screenwidth.width() == 1280:
        skin_directory = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediEPGXtream/skin/hd/"

    Plugin works just fine on te AIO image. But this is a simple version that only create bouquets.

    In your DreamOS feeds you also fine the Partnerbox plugin that offer more complex settings.

    But for the most users this just enough.

    When it comes to streaming more then one channel with your Common Interface this is limited both from your provider

    but also the Enigma2. You can stream all channels to more then one device as long as they are on the same transponder.

    Some info for KiddaC about changes to adapt to the AIO DreamOS image

    Jedi is another story... Here I made some code changes to also load the UHD skins.

    And since I already had a personal copy I just uploaded that to the Jedi Thread.

    My Personal copy diff some from the Official. I have also added Enigma2 sources as an option

    I more or less just borrow the code from RemoteChannelStreamConverter.

    So DreamOS users can also build bouqets from their other Enigma2 based boxes.

    This is handy if you want to stream your sat channels or HW paired channels in your home network

    Without the need to setup any tuners.

    There are of cause plugins already for this. But for me it's just comfy to open Jedi and do it from there.

    Since KiddaC has closed the support thread when working on a total new version. I open up this thread for DreamOS users.

    I have added support for the new DreamOS All in One image so you can use the plugin also with the new wqhd skin.

    Update for DreamOS can be found in KiddaC thread post nr 1 as allways.

    Just download the .deb package and upgrade your current version.

    apt-get is for DreamOS OpenPli use older opkg

    so use opkg update && opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-plutotv

    If the plugin in the image feeds.

    I have to but in here. If your version of the Original EPG Importer plugin casues problem when the Original plugin is present ?

    Then you must adapt your Control file so it picks up this conflict. Either prevent the installation. Or with a preinst script

    Remove the conflicting version before installing yours.

    Is not all OE-A based images built with the EPG Import plugin by default abu baniaz

    You must uninstall or else the deb package is still listed in the staus file for dpkg.

    You can open that file found in this location /var/lib/dpkg

    Here you find a file named status and one called status-old

    Delet the old and open the the other with an txt editor.

    Find the broken package in the file and delete that section.

    You have a broken installation. You have try and install some kind of picon package

    If you read the error message.

    You must fix this before you can make any new installations.

    From telnet try this commads.

    apt-get remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-picon-all
    Then run this command
    dpkg --configure -a

    Best is to have 2 tuners konfigured on the Enigma2 device that you are connected to.

    Then both can watch what ever channel they want.

    Decoding is done by the device you are streaming from. So if the card work there then it

    will also decode the stream. CommonInterfaces (CI+ Modules) on the other side.

    Often can only decode multiple channels on the same transponder only.

    But this has nothing to do with RCSC, That is an limitation in Enigma2.