2 Big problems with my Ubuntu CCcam Server

There are 20 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,323 times. The last Post () by afoenis.

  • Hello members,

    I posted this in the other help section.

    I have 2 big problems in my Ubuntu CCcam Server.

    1.Well, there are 2 providers i watch a lot me and my family: CSAT end JSC. So i have a some very good peers with never any freezes, with very good ping and high speed internet connection in Europe. I have some family members and i gave them all a cline to watch from my server ( no payserver !!! ). Well, when we watch all different channels on CSAT each 5 min we got a lot of freezes and sometimes each 2 minutes. When we catch other providers like Canal Digital or JSC or *** it we have never freeze, even when we watch all the same channels. The only probleme is CSAT. I have more than 10 very good peers with CSAT. Anyone a solution please ?

    2. So when i check the folder /tmp i have a warning.txt with a lot of IP's like in Bosnia or China and more. When i delete that file i get after 1 min more than 100 IP's. I know that i can block them with iptable but it's too much to block them all one after one. Is there any way that iptable block them automaticly ?

    Thanks in advance

    P.S And to show how much the help would be aprecied i donated to this great forum

  • I don't know about your package, but the lots of IP's, Personally I would change my Dyndns and give out a new one to trusted peers.

    Have you googled your dyndns to see if its available on a free server site?

    Failing the above, If you check your log, are they trying to connect with a certain user name. I would give zero to that user name in F line and allow in.


    I should have gone for stamp collecting, it would have been cheaper....

  • My lo file is like that:

  • type your dyndns into google if theres lots of results its time to contact your peers as well and change only dont be giving out nlines if you did mate

  • Or can it be anything with double login ? Because sometimes i see someting loke that:

    "XXXX" already connected..

    The probleme is i don't know how to install fail2bon properly, i tried different tuts on different forums but no one working for me. Anyone know how to install fail2ban good on Ubunutu 10.04 ?

  • You would be getting that message often I would imagine if your dns is out there. Best start again regardless. As everyone has said, use trusted peers. Get one of your peers to check your ports to see if you have any ports open that shouldn't be, and make sure you only have open what is necessary!

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


    • Official Post

    Before i do that, i would like to try 1 thing, is it possible to block with iptables all IP's in other countries ? Just allowed in Belgium and France, not anywere else ?

    Thanks in advance

    Its is possible although i have never done this myself, a quick google search will give you many how to guides.

  • Sorry if i waste your time with my probleme guys. Thanks a lot for your help. I will search on google how i can do that. If anyone find a easy way how i can do it, please send me a PM and i will post a tut here for the other members.

    Best Regards

  • Hello,

    Sorry if i update this post but i have no suces with my problem. I tried with Debian, i installed everything again with iptables and fail2ban,... but noting. I tried to block user that i found on the internet from my server but i have the same probleme. Please guys, is here anyone that can help me out with any script or something ?


  • Well, i have some very very very good peers and i will not lose them and i don't have their msn or email and they are not anymore on the forum where i found them. If i lose these guys, i will never find anymore suck peers like these. Please is there a way to block IP's from all country's only Belgium and France ?

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