OSCam/CCcam Auto Install Scripts Version1 20.01.2012 By Silverfox0786

There are 61 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 21,826 times. The last Post () by silverfox0786.

  • hai
    I successfully installed OSCam/CCcam Auto Install Scripts Version1 20.01.2012 By Silverfox0786
    yesterday 7-pm starting c*am server .then my receiver connect to c*cam server. i checked 1 AM connection is ok then i checked morning 5.55am c*cam server not working. could u pls replay for me

    • Official Post

    I successfully installed OSCam/CCcam Auto Install Scripts Version1 20.01.2012 By Silverfox0786
    yesterday 7-pm starting c*am server .then my receiver connect to c*cam server. i checked 1 AM connection is ok then i checked morning 5.55am c*cam server not working. could u pls replay for me

    How do you expect anyone to able to say what went wrong from that, look at your logs for clues then ask again giving as much information as possible.

  • hai
    I successfully installed OSCam/CCcam Auto Install Scripts Version1 20.01.2012 By Silverfox0786
    yesterday 7-pm starting c*am server .then my receiver connect to c*cam server. i checked 1 AM connection is ok then i checked morning 5.55am c*cam server not working. could u pls replay for me

    I do have exactly the same problem...
    Checking logs i found thst at that time Oscam is not running and script tries to launch it again. Obviously not succesfully since i have to do it manually.
    I cannot understand why always at that time? Is there a script to reboot server?

    this is from oscamcheck.sh
    "Sat Mar 3 06:06:01 UTC 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary" all until 8:00. Thn i dit it manually ..

  • I do have exactly the same problem...
    Checking logs i found thst at that time Oscam is not running and script tries to launch it again. Obviously not succesfully since i have to do it manually.
    I cannot understand why always at that time? Is there a script to reboot server?

    this is from oscamcheck.sh
    "Sat Mar 3 06:06:01 UTC 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary" all until 8:00. Thn i dit it manually ..

    ok i think i found it
    it's the cronjob..
    Something is going wrong and oscam doesn't come up again
    since i do not want to use cronjob as is i tried to alter it...

    Cron for user xxx not found same for root user but when i do a cat /etc/crontab isee it there...
    Any help?

  • ok i think i found it
    it's the cronjob..
    Something is going wrong and oscam doesn't come up again
    since i do not want to use cronjob as is i tried to alter it...

    Cron for user xxx not found same for root user but when i do a cat /etc/crontab isee it there...
    Any help?


    seems like talking to myself here :)

    i found it...
    i edited et/crontab file and deleted some stuff
    let's see if it works
    basically won't reboot at all

  • Madhatter your omnikey will work 100% following that guide.

    protocol                      = pcsc
    device                        = 0

    sorry i bought one omnikey and installed & i follow the steps (how to install omnikey in ubintu ) but reader not reading cards . any set up in cccam cfg file & oscam . i have smargo also that reading card. & anythiing edit oscam server then card details disapear then smargo not working then i format computer again install ubuntu & cccam server. how to edit oscam ? i am using gedit or text editer could u pls replay for me .( 50 times more i format my computer)

    • Official Post

    sorry i bought one omnikey and installed & i follow the steps (how to install omnikey in ubintu ) but reader not reading cards . any set up in cccam cfg file & oscam . i have smargo also that reading card. & anythiing edit oscam server then card details disapear then smargo not working then i format computer again install ubuntu & cccam server. how to edit oscam ? i am using gedit or text editer could u pls replay for me .( 50 times more i format my computer)

    Omnikey readers do not work in CCcam alone so you need to be using oscam to read the card. To find the correct device code use this command.

    opensc-tool -l

    Above shows device = 0
    Edit your oscam reader accordingly.

  • Excellent script. Thank you. Looking forward to installing it.

    Just a quick question, is it possible to remove the part which sets up the static IP? Which part would I delete from the file to prevent it setting a static IP?

  • might sound crazy but that's it just let it run

    Say yes to everything and proftpd as standalone

    Set yr IPs here now carefully

    Hi, thanks for this tutorial, working great...however my internet connection is`nt.
    I have entered the incorrect IPs during the script setup.(see underlined)
    Can you point me too the right config file so i can change accordingly.
    Many thanks

    • Official Post

    In terminal enter

    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

    It will look like this, your ip is in yellow

    # The primary network interface
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    address [COLOR='#FFFF00'][/COLOR]
  • many thanks for the reply, now sorted, im finally getting my head around this....

    Next question. I have the auto script installed, static IP address fixed, connection to dyndns.org working and resolving, ssh connection working...
    i`ll be adding the oscam config files soon, however i`m unsure of port forwarding. I think i need to close all ports to the server apart from
    1. for dyndns to communicate on both protocols ( my router vmdg280 doesnt have specific dyndns settings)
    2. for oscam to run on both protocols

    So my thinking is close all ports apart from 2 !!!

    I this right ?, any help greatly appreciated

  • hi there,
    thank you very much for the auto script youve made but i have a little bit of problem in the oscam(cccam config).It kept showing me:
    2012/04/17 02:40:12 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 4 seconds
    2012/04/17 02:40:13 0 share-update [1] 2954544936 0
    2012/04/17 02:40:13 0 reported/updated +0/-0/dup 0 of 0 cards to sharelist
    2012/04/17 02:40:13 0 share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=30
    2012/04/17 02:40:13 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 3 seconds
    2012/04/17 02:40:14 0 share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=29
    2012/04/17 02:40:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 2 seconds
    2012/04/17 02:40:15 0 share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=28
    2012/04/17 02:40:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 1 seconds
    2012/04/17 02:40:16 0 share-updater mode=initfast t=1s i=27
    2012/04/17 02:40:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, giving up

    i have netstat my server but i noticed that no program is using the port.below are the configs:

    serverip =
    usrfile = /var/camlogs/oscam/oscamuser.log
    logfile = /var/camlogs/oscam/oscam.log
    cwlogdir = /var/camlogs/oscam/cw.log
    emmlogdir = /var/camlogs/oscam/emm.log
    disableuserfile = 0
    loghistorysize = 2048
    usrfileflag = 1
    bindwait = 5
    nice = 0
    maxlogsize = 2048
    saveinithistory = 1
    dropdups = 1
    lb_savepath = /var/camlogs/oscam

    serverip =
    aulow = 120
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 4
    appendchaninfo = 0

    port = 31337
    serverip =

    port = 31337
    serverip =

    port = 5338
    serverip =
    reshare = 2
    forward_origin_card = 1
    version = 2.0.11
    stealth = 1
    nodeid = D9046220102513C8

    i have ps- auxwww and this are the results

    root 28745 0.0 0.0 5324 220 ? Ss 02:49 0:00 ./oscam.x86 -b -c /var/etc/config -r 1 -d 1
    root 28746 0.0 0.2 24760 2824 ? Sl 02:49 0:00 ./oscam.x86 -b -c /var/etc/config -r 1 -d 1

    whenever i restart the oscam,still there are 2 running even after ive killall the oscam.

    Appreciate you guys could help me out.Thank you

  • When I try to copy ubuntu_cccam_package folder and the UbuntuInstall.sh into root/tmp/, I get erroe that I do not have permission as I did not create folder, Plz help... And one other thing, where we see "OWNER=card" and change card to the username of your system install. Is this the username or login name? My Login name was chris, but my username was slyfox??

    Please advise as this is my 4th attempt and im cracking up..


    All your problems have been solved countless times before so try the search box before you post!!
    Please do not Request help by PM, use the main forum so Everyone can benefit from the answers.

    • Official Post

    When I try to copy ubuntu_cccam_package folder and the UbuntuInstall.sh into root/tmp/, I get erroe that I do not have permission as I did not create folder, Plz help... And one other thing, where we see "OWNER=card" and change card to the username of your system install. Is this the username or login name? My Login name was chris, but my username was slyfox??

    Please advise as this is my 4th attempt and im cracking up..


    Log in to the root account and you will be able to transfer the file, OWNER=card is the username of the account you created during ubuntu install.

  • not working nline in cccam 213
    i have installed but not working nlines
    clines working good and my local working
    plz send me sollution

  • has anyone else encountered problem with oscam on this script, this is message from log

    Sat Nov 17 14:06:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:18:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:24:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:30:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:36:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:42:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:48:02 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 14:54:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary
    Sat Nov 17 15:00:01 GMT 2012: Couldn't find oscam.x86 running. Restarting server-binary

    any ideas?

    ***FIX**** run this

    apt-get install libssl0.9.8

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