OSCam help on solo 4k

There are 45 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 8,741 times. The last Post () by ComfySofa.

  • Theres a fresh log from the bottom while on a page that uses the card...

    2016/02/26 22:37:50 6A9E8AC3 p (cccam) cccam(r) cccam: login failed, usr/pwd invalid
    2016/02/26 22:37:50 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0963@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1003 ms) by cccam
    2016/02/26 22:37:50 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0963@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1 ms) by cccam
    2016/02/26 22:37:50 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 1 CAID 0961 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 051B ANY CHID PMTPID 0108 VPID 0206
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6A9E8AC3 p (reader) cccam [cccam] connecting to
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (client) encrypted cccam-client rejected (invalid access)
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (cccam) account 'user1' not found!
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (client) anonymous disconnected from
    2016/02/26 22:37:52 6A9E8AC3 p (cccam) cccam(r) cccam: login failed, usr/pwd invalid
    2016/02/26 22:37:52 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0961@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1002 ms) by cccam
    2016/02/26 22:37:52 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0961@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1 ms) by cccam
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 2 CAID 0960 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 051B ANY CHID PMTPID 0108 VPID 0206
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 6A9E8AC3 p (reader) cccam [cccam] connecting to
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 489FFA46 c (client) encrypted cccam-client rejected (invalid access)
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 489FFA46 c (cccam) account 'user1' not found!
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 489FFA46 c (client) anonymous disconnected from
    2016/02/26 22:37:53 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0960@000000/FFFF/1537/63:36BAA0140C573FC256337905AD4C4145): rejected group (1 ms) (no matching reader)
    2016/02/26 22:37:54 6A9E8AC3 p (-) -- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines --
    2016/02/26 22:37:54 6A9E8AC3 p (cccam) cccam(r) cccam: login failed, usr/pwd invalid
    2016/02/26 22:37:54 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0960@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1002 ms) by cccam
    2016/02/26 22:37:54 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 restarting decodingrequests after 1001 ms with 3 enabled and 0 disabled ecmpids!
    2016/02/26 22:37:54 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
    2016/02/26 22:37:55 012AFDA8 c (dvbapi) Demuxer 0 trying to descramble PID 0 CAID 0963 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 051B ANY CHID PMTPID 0108 VPID 0206

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ive gone with the ports and accounts youre using as ive got nothing set up and cccam was using 16555....

    • Official Post

    2016/02/26 22:37:50 012AFDA8 c (ecm) localuser (0963@000000/FFFF/1537/63:8F36C6FFF57C543735B3F7A2D5730622): rejected (1003 ms) by cccam

    localuser doesn`t exist in any of the configs i gave you. You need to check if there are any .bak files in /etc/tuxbox/config, if there are delete them..

    2016/02/26 22:37:50 6A9E8AC3 p (cccam) cccam(r) cccam: login failed, usr/pwd invalid
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6A9E8AC3 p (reader) cccam [cccam] connecting to
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (client) encrypted cccam-client rejected (invalid access)
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (cccam) account 'user1' not found!
    2016/02/26 22:37:51 6522D47F c (client) anonymous disconnected from

    One of your receivers is trying to connect with the details i gave you, but the server (oscam.user) doesn`t have an [account] for user1

  • ok - getting leant on by the other half - she wants to watch something - some people eh - ive just backed up my folders (that ive been adjusting) and restored so she can watch what she wants to....im out all day tomorrow but will be back in in the after noon....ill come back to it then.....thank you very much Master G - ill be back on it tomorrow as i really want to learn the way oscam works. I did see the bak files....ill check tomorrow night - thanks very much for your patience.

  • Sorry - just checking back in to say ive not gotten it yet....ive been working away so when I get a chance (hopefully tonight!) ill return to it to test....just to let you know.

  • Hi Gents. I'm going to resurrect this thread if that's ok with you lot...? essentially last time I was on I was trying to get oscam running as a server and get some client connected to it....I was pretty well failing on all front and MasterG was being ever-so-helpful but I couldn't get it running and for fear of getting on his nerves (in that I just couldn't get it working no matter how much he helped) I decided to leave CCCam running as the server and let my 4k connect to that (which he was very patient with me while i was banging my head against the wall).....well, in the last week or so all the channels have gone off and ive not been able to get cccam working even as a server so I wondered if cccam has now expired and if it has I'm really gonna have to try getting oscam working as a server (ill just apologise now for my ineptness)....

    • Official Post

    Hi Gents. I'm going to resurrect this thread if that's ok with you lot...? essentially last time I was on I was trying to get oscam running as a server and get some client connected to it....I was pretty well failing on all front and MasterG was being ever-so-helpful but I couldn't get it running and for fear of getting on his nerves (in that I just couldn't get it working no matter how much he helped) I decided to leave CCCam running as the server and let my 4k connect to that.....well, in the last week or so all the channels have gone off and ive not been able to get cccam working even as a server so I wondered if cccam has now expired and if it has I'm really gonna have to try getting oscam working as a server (ill just apologise now for my ineptness)....

    Loads of people with sky cards using CCcam as server have lost movies and sports channels this past 2 weeks. Moving to oscam has fixed it for now..

  • Well, thats kind of good i suppose in a bit of a bad way....saying that ive not got the movies or the sport....ive lost all the regular stuff...disney XD, Comedy channel etc etc....anyone find out why...welll, obviously its "them" but anyone found out exactly what theyve done? a. just wondered and b. not that id understand....

    I did find out the latest vix build the cccam stuff isnt working (what im using) but im not sure if they (world of sat forum) realise its not the build and "them".....

  • ok - well, the 4k was working as a client....ive not been back to it for ages...can you point me in the direction of a tutorial?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok- back in the house now.....copied and pasted the contents of this rar file (from page 1 - "uk-0963-oscam-vix-4k") into the tuxbox config folder....(on the 4k) and its now working - great - good show so far....so, next I need to configure oscam on one of the other boxes (a zero for example) to connect to the oscam server on the 4k....based on what id heard about the current vix image just not working atall with the current cccam I may as well comit (or try to) using oscam on everything in the house....

    Ive read stuff about using converter files for converting cccam lines to oscam but (if I'm right here) I'm not going to need any of that stuff as everything is in oscam...

    And, ive just got to the webpage (port 8888) so that's also working.....im guessing I have to add some stuff in here to allow other receivers to connect....

  • Heh - easier said than done for me....I spent about an hour or so trying to work out how to add it into the webage - of either for that matter....questions:

    1. Can I configure both from the webpage of each....ie can I add the ability for the client box to connect in the 4k (the server)
    2. Can I configure the webpage of the client box (the zero) to talk to the server?
    3. Or, do I have to edit config files on one, the other or both??

    I'm lost as to what the reader and the client have in relation to each other....ive messed around trying to add in what I think would be the right values but no luck so far...

    Thanks for the reply.

    PS. its something that id love to learn how to really customize it but I fear you'd probably top yourself with the amount of questions id ask and probably in turn not understand...I think I'm the worst person in the world to teach...!!

    • Official Post

    1. No, each web interface is separate, you can only control one box from each interface..
    2. I think this is the same question as above.
    3. You have to edit the config files on each separate interface..

    Once you have the card configured on the server, setup an account for each client, this becomes a reader on the client box.
    The client box also needs the basic configs which i linked too..

  • ok - so to start the tuition and my attempt to get it into my head....

    I understand that each web interface is separate but the web interface on the 4k for example you would add in the permission for the zero to connect...? and on the zero's web interface you would add in the ability for it to connect to the 4k (I'm guessing you have to tell the zero the 4k's address somewhere?)....im mirroring the cccam setup ie I have a config file on the zero that has the ip information for the connection to the server (not the 4k obviously) and on the old cccam server (my duo2) it, would have a config file with a list of client that are allowed to connect....so am I wrong or no??

    Just to get some more questions in you've said "setup an account for each client" can I do that in the web interface (create new user) or is that done by editing the config file?

    Is adding a client adding a "user" in the web interface?? - I'm guessing it is so ive added one but theres a myriad of options so ive filled in the ones which look like they have some relevance...

    Edited 5 times, last by ComfySofa ().

  • it is necessary to proceed one step at a time
    1. configure VU4K as server with oscam
    2. configure VUZERO as client with cccam that connects to the reader VU4K

    1. step
    you know how to do it ?

    together we grow - ferdi

  • Ok - well right now i believe thats the way its set....i think. As i say i copied the extracted zip from page 1 and the local card started working on the 4k. At this point i believe it is ready to accept connections...at this point im clueless...i can see the webpage and log into if from my pc. Can i use the webpage to configure the oscam service on the 4k? then can i log into the webpage on the zero to "tell that to look at the 4k"....im really trying to keep it as simple as possible...

    Just to add i dont want to use CCCam as the client as its currently not working on the latest VIX image...im trying to get away from using CCCam altogether....everyone keeps telling me that its old and not supported anymore...

  • Ok - well right now i believe thats the way its set....i think. As i say i copied the extracted zip from page 1 and the local card started working on the 4k. At this point i believe it is ready to accept connections...at this point im clueless...i can see the webpage and log into if from my pc. Can i use the webpage to configure the oscam service on the 4k? then can i log into the webpage on the zero to "tell that to look at the 4k"....im really trying to keep it as simple as possible...

    Just to add i dont want to use CCCam as the client as its currently not working on the latest VIX image...im trying to get away from using CCCam altogether....everyone keeps telling me that its old and not supported anymore...

    well, I realized that you have your VU4k working with oscam, now add





    label     = rem_VU4K
    protocol  = cs378x
    device    = IP_VU4K,xxxxx
    user      = vuzero
    password  = v01
    group     = 1
    emmcache  = 1,1,2,0
    keepalive = 1

    together we grow - ferdi

  • ok - ive opened my oscam.conf file and it looks nothing like that (Mine was on two lines and off the end of the page) I was just about to post it in the reply pane and when I did It changed to the format the same as what you posted.....gonna try it now so ill be back in a bit...thanks very much for the reply! and the help! much appreciated.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Just to add ive got no file called "oscam.reader" do I paste in this into the "oscam.user" file??

    On the 4k ive added what you've put in, in the conf file and checked the webinterface and reloaded the cam - cant see anything though...

    Added what you've put into the oscam.user file with no luck either. Ive noticed that if I go to the remote on the zero and start the cam it goes through the motions but then the option to start is there again (like it never did start) also after adding both the entries to both config files and reloading both web interfaces don't show what ive added in. I was expecting to see the web interfaces reflecting what id added (telling me that somewhere ive done something wrong/not entered it in correctly or in the right place maybe).

    Just gonna keep posting so you can see what I'm up to as I'm experimenting....still nothing working but ive just found the "files" section on the webpage which is much easier than ftp'ing stuff in.....through messing around ive got a user entered in on the client zero which says connected but in the status the ip is so ive no idea what its connecting through plus I cant see a value where I can change that....lost on that one....still nothing on the zero also....oh in the user bit it says "2" in red but I'm not sure what that is either...

    Starting to loose track of what I'm doing (like I knew what I was doing in the first place!!) probably gonna give up for the night now...

    Edited 5 times, last by ComfySofa ().

  • using generic notepad in windows. Although having said that I'm using the "files" area inside the oscam webinterface to adjust config files. The one thing ive not been able to find anywhere from trawling the net is a "lamens" description of how oscam works and the basics to get something clearing....

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